
Marvel: A King Among Heroes

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 《 Marvel Fanfic 》 English is not my first language, so be kind when pointing out any grammar mistakes I may make along the way! ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Did you ever imagine what would happen if a normal person from our world got transmigrated into the universe of Marvel? What if that said person had gotten the luckiest transmigration ever? Well, this person certainly did. If you wish to, follow our protagonist in the body of Gilgamesh The King Of Heroes, as he paves his way through Marvel, all by himself. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ No mongrels were harmed in the making of this fanfic. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Gilgamesh_Official · Anime & Comics
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| Chapter 04: Games Played - Part II |

| Author's Note: Today we get a smaller chapter, because I wish to release one chapter of my Fate fanfic later on today as well, and as to not burn myself out, I decided to play it safe and go this route. Also, this chapter serves as a way to make small progress on the romance and character development fronts. Hope you don't dislike it, have a great read. |

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| Gilgamesh 1st Person Pov / Unknown |

As I felt myself falling asleep, my body becoming unresponsive already, something out of the norm happened to me.

My mind, which usually would rest and let me forget any perils that I would have to bear in the real world, turned into a dark and unsettling path. And as I felt myself entering some kind of dream, I who now goes by the name of Gilgamesh, found myself standing in an empty void, surrounded by a thick fog that obscured my vision from every side my eyes moved onto.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?" A subtle panic gripped my heart as I called out for anyone who may have been there, but as expected, no response came back.

My blonde hair was now undoubtedly darkening, and I felt the surrounding mist enveloping my whole body, as I tried to move my body forward, to no avail.

I realized that I was stuck in the same place, and I didn't even know where I even was, or what was happening around me. It seemed as if I was dreaming, at least I thought so, and yet this did not feel like a normal dream.

No, this was stranger and much more worrying than a simple dream would ever be.

Especially considering my circumstances, as a transmigrator. My mind was already in chaos as I tried hard at every moment possible to make sense of my situation, but no matter how hard I tried to make sense of it, — it simply didn't.


What felt like hours passing, turned into desperate attempts at the regaining of my movement, and much to my surprise, after all this time, I made it. I took a step forward, after what was endless hours of trying to move anything I could of my body, I had finally done it.

And now, with movement once again possible, I began frantically searching for something that wasn't darkness amidst the strange and ominous mist that surrounded me.

It was then, that I stumbled upon a shadowy figure that seemed to bring me forward, closer to itself.

It was a peculiar, yet welcomed change to my chaotic mind. No matter what kind of figure this would reveal itself to be, anything other than the dark mist would be 'welcomed', in a figurative sense.

And as I drew closer, the dark and unknown figure changed from a formless human figure, into the haunting form of my mother. I could also observe closely as her face twisted in anguish and sorrow, right in front of me.

"M-Mother?" Tears took up space in my eyes, as I tried to reach out with a stretched arm to touch my beloved and dearly missed mother, but the latter took a step back when I tried to reach further.

"You abandoned us all," she managed to speak out a lament, her eyes glassy with tears as well, her expression one of pain and sadness. ",– you abandoned me." She said, and those words seemed to break my heart as glass would shatter when in contact with the ground.

At that, my tears flowed freely out of my eyes with hastened speed. "N-no..." I tried hard to form words, to deny that accusation, but I strangely couldn't. In some kind of twisted way, I did blame myself for all of this. I have been doing it, ever since I came into the universe of Marvel. Even if I wasn't to be blamed for it, as I didn't ask to change the worlds where I lived, to change the lives I led.

And yet, that ate my heart away. I didn't want any of this, so why... — why did I have to listen to my mother crying in pain because of me?...

But reality was often disappointing, and soon I found myself on my knees, trying to reach my mother's embrace for one last time. Alas, it wasn't something that was supposed to happen. And as fast as it would take for me to blink, my mother faded away like wisps of smoke right in front of me, leaving me there, all alone in the cold emptiness of what I suppose are my dreams.

The realization dawned on my mind that I was once again trapped in a world where I would never see my parents again, a world devoid of their love and guidance. A world without their unshakable bonds to keep me afloat in the chaotic ocean of emotions that I tried hard to swim away from.


"No!!" Suddenly, I woke up with a whispered shout, my very own heart pounding heavily inside my chest, as I tried hard to gasp for breath.

"... a nightmare?" I mumbled to myself, my tone of voice full of doubt, as I turned my eyes to the left.

The morning sun filtered through the large window of the room, and I took a moment to calm myself down by looking outside of the window, into the vast sight of New York's beauty.

That seemed to calm my aching heart for a while, with my breathing now steady, and my mind less pained. The nightmare had shaken my resolve to its core, leaving me with a profound sense of loss and longing for the comforting presence of my so dearly loved mother.

It took me a moment more, to gather my unruly thoughts and reassure myself that it had been just a bad dream, but the fear and sadness lingered inside my mind for a few moments more, haunting me even long after I escaled that hateful nightmare.

Suddenly, something seemed amiss, like something was missing right in front of me, and yet I knew not what it was. And that's when I turned to the other side of my bed, expecting to be greeted by the sight of a very alluring and naked Felicia.

To my surprise, besides me, my bed was utterly empty. Sure, the fragrance and smell of the gorgeous woman I brought home last night, was still present in the bedsheets, but aside from that... — she was gone.

My eyes narrowed ever so slightly in annoyance, but truly, why did I ever think otherwise?

I knew what type of woman Felicia Hardy was, so the current scene was nothing short of... normal.

"Damn it." My heavy and worried head took rest in both of my hands, as I closed my eyes softly. I wanted to be angry at her, but I honestly knew better than that.

It was my weakness that led me to seek solace in someone who doesn't even seek 'love'. And I am the only one to blame for that.

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| Felicia Hardy 1st Person Pov / A Few Hours Earlier |

My mind was gradually gaining clarity, as I felt myself waking up from a fully rested night of sleep. However, something unusual was happening to me.

"Hmm..." What's all of this heat? I wondered with a small groan. Did I ever get a heated pillow? These were the types of questions that raced inside my mind, and that was when the unknown smell reached me. The smell of a masculine fragrance that I seemed to remember more, and more, as the seconds ticked by.

Shit. Don't tell me...

I opened my eyes in haste, taking a second to adjust them to the growing light of morning, and lo and behold, what greeted me was not my room.

No, — it was a very luxurious and pleasantly to observe, spacious room, like no other that I had ever laid my eyes upon.

A high ceiling, monstrous windows in size, and a sight of Central Park that I don't think I would ever be able to forget. All of this was strange, but moment by moment, clarity reigned inside my mind once more, and the happenings of last night flooded my head like a crazy dam opening.

That was when I turned my eyes to the other side of the comfortable bed that I was sleeping on, and with blonde hair and a toned body, there lay Gilgamesh.

The man I had slept with after a long night out.

"Damn it, Felicia..." Mutturing lowly enough, to not disturb the guy's sleep, I got out of bed in a swift and soundless motion.

My head throbbed in pain as I clenched my jaw in a vain effort to make the pain go away, but then my mind took my focus back onto the guy's sleeping figure.

Curiosity filled my green eyes as I watched him groan, turn and mumble something as if he was in pain, and my heart filled with pity as chose to close the distance between us, nearing his body.

The truth is, as more and more memories kept rushing inside my mind, the more I liked the guy and the less I found the situation un-enjoyable. But I wouldn't stay to see him wake up, and perhaps give him a good-morning kiss, no matter how much the thought brought a serene smile onto my face.

I simply couldn't wait too long in his home, or I could lock him as a target for my enemies to trace and hurt. And so I did what felt right to me at that very moment, I approached his side of the bed, and bent down near his face.

My eyes wandered, tracing every line of his face as a way to not forget him any time soon, as both of our breaths 'collided' in front of our faces. "Relax," I hushed him in a loving tone of voice, joining my forehead with his for a brief moment, ",– everything will be alright, baby~." To seal my goodbye, I planted a small kiss on his lips, which seemed to make his mind rest easy, judging by the serene look that his expression turned to.

His figure returned to 'normal', as he seemed to have subdued the nightmare he was having, and a content smile made its way onto my expression, as I turned around to dress.

My body ached softly, my legs and arms trembling in tiredness, although my mind felt fresh. The happenings of last night kept passing by inside my mind, and I couldn't help the cheeky grin that adorned my face at that very moment.

Unfortunately, every good thing in this life must have an ending, and with a subtle turn of my head, I allowed my eyes to fall on Gilgamesh's figure one last time, giving myself a steel resolve to never again meet the awesome guy.

I wouldn't want anyone like Kingpin trying to use him as leverage against me, in case our little 'escapade' turned into something more intimate and closer.

"I hope you won't be too mad about this when you wake up, love." I mumbled silently as I made my way towards the apartment's door, deciding to not steal anything of value from him, as if it would make him forgive me any easier...

I hope to see you in another life, Gilgamesh.

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| Author's Ending Note: So, I finished the possible romance introduction AND gave the main character a bit of character development for starters. Now, this chapter was smaller because I wanted to finish this small topic before dwelling on the more interesting and serious stuff. The next chapter is coming out tomorrow, or sooner, and we shall see some action, I hope. |

~ If you enjoy my work, feel welcomed to donate powerstones for more chapters to be released ~

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