
Marvel: 2.4 Billion Hours a Day

Ye Qing traveled to the Marvel world, and the time increased by 100 million times, with 2.4 billion hours a day. 2.4 billion hours a day, how does this work? Translated from Chinese website. Original title:漫威:每天24亿小时

Manoloderp · Anime & Comics
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164 Chs

Jean Grey vs Deadpool

Han Qing thought he was here to settle accounts.

Actually he got it wrong.

Quite the contrary, Deadpool is here to say a few words of gratitude.

For him, the killing of the person with the X weapon was a great joy, and he would applaud.

Someone helped him kill these nasty guys with X weapons, and he was very grateful.

As for letting him take the blame, he doesn't care at all.

It doesn't matter if there is more debt on him, he can't die anyway.

Make him happy, make him happy, this is the most important thing, the rest are irrelevant.

Seeing that both of them were staring at him vigilantly, Deadpool smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, two darlings, I'm here to thank you!"

"Definitely I'm very poor now, so I can only give thanks verbally, but I can't do it materially now, please forgive me!"

"When I have money, and then I happen to think of this again, I will give you some material thanks!"

"I'm sorry if I can't remember!"

"Don't worry, I basically can't remember, hehehe!"

Han Qing looked at him strangely.

"It seems that this guy is really sick in his brain! And he is very sick!"

Chingley looked at him and said, "We have received your thanks, you can go now!"

Deadpool sat still and said, "I have one more thing!"

"whats the matter?"

Chingley asked indifferently.

"I want to cooperate with you X-Men, how about destroying the X weapon together?"

Deadpool suggested.

Qin Gei didn't want to think about it and shook his head directly: "I'm sorry, our X-Men is a law-abiding organization, and we don't cooperate with random thugs!"

Deadpool sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "You abide by the law? You killed 14 soldiers a few days ago, should it be a heinous crime?"

"That's what you killed, not us!"

Chingley smiled slightly.

Deadpool's face suddenly became cold, and he said coldly: "I know who the 14 special forces killed, you and the X-Men killed people, don't be lazy on my head! I can allow you to let me I'm the culprit, but don't play me as a fool!"

Qin Ge's face also turned cold, and he said word by word: "I'll tell you again, we didn't kill those 14 special forces!"

Deadpool suddenly said angrily: "You didn't kill it, who killed it?"

"We don't know about this. If you are interested, you can check it yourself!"

Chingley said coldly.

Deadpool gritted his teeth, suddenly pulled out a Katana from his back, and cut the dining table in half with one knife.

All of a sudden, the plates and chopsticks on the table fell to the ground.

"I rely on you, you have to accompany me!"

Han Qing shouted angrily.

Deadpool laughed and said, "Don't worry, baby, I will accompany you, if I can remember!"

His memory is not very good, he always forgets some things, and it is estimated that he will not be able to remember this thing in the future.

Seeing that he was angry, Chingley quickly pulled Han Qing behind him and protected him.

"Deadpool, are you going to do the right thing with our X-Men? You think about the consequences of offending our X-Men?"

Jean Grey looked at Deadpool with cold eyes.

"A woman who wants boobs and butts, are you threatening me? Do you think I'll be afraid of you in Deadpool?"

"I didn't bother you before, that's because I used to have some friendship with your X-Men seniors, and I don't care about you because of their face!"

"You think I'm really afraid of you?"

Deadpool's eyes were like knives, but his tone of voice was full of ruffians.

"If you want to fight me, I'll accompany you to the end, but this is the child's home, and I don't want to ruin it!"

"Let's go outside and fight!"

Chingley said coldly.

"That's good! I also want to see how capable you are, a beautiful woman with a chest and a butt!"

Deadpool whistled lightly, then turned and walked out of the villa.

Han Qing gritted his teeth in anger.

"Dare to be so light on my Chingre, I'll make you look good later!"

Chingley said to Han Qing, "Stay in the room and don't go out!"


Han Qing nodded slightly.

Chingre also walked out of the villa.

However, the two did not start near the villa, but came to a remote place.

Few people pass by here.

This is naturally Chingre's request.

She was afraid of being seen fighting against others, which would affect the reputation of the X-Men.

If it was Deadpool, he wouldn't care.

He has always been blatant in killing people and setting fires, so he doesn't care what others say, how he looks at it, and he doesn't care about being wanted by the government.

As soon as the two came here, they fought each other. .

Han Qing secretly followed, seeing that the two were about to start, just when they were about to help.

Suddenly Deadpool held two Katanas in his hands and kept slashing against the wall.

Shocking traces soon appeared on the wall.

Looking at his fierce wolf appearance, it seems that this wall is his enemy.

Chingray stood not far away, staring at him without making a move.

How is this going?

Han Qing was stunned.

Suddenly, Deadpool slashed his left arm with a knife, and his left arm fell directly to the ground, spurting blood.


Deadpool screamed. Wake up from confusion.

He gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Damn it, you woman with boobs and buttocks is so abominable, you actually use the Mind Control Ability, you are a serious foul... a serious foul!"

Only then did Han Qing remember Qin Ge's Ability.

Mind Control!

Chingray not only has the ability to read minds, but also mind control.

That is to control a person's thinking, create all kinds of fantasies in his mind, or directly control the other person's thinking, speak or act according to her wishes.

This Ability is definitely very powerful, and most people are not immune to her mind control.