
Marvel's Ten Shadows

Into the World of Marvel with the Ten Shadows Technique, and a System. --- (Long Synopsis) Kaiji Tenshiko gets inserted into the world of Marvel by a strange Shadow that reveals to him he has the powers of the Ten Shadows, and can manipulate Cursed Energy. From a Sorcerer Grade 4, he knows that he has to use his Interface to make it to higher Sorcerer Grades like 1, and Special Grade. But things are not that easy, as he has to navigate the day-to-day Marvel activities like Villain agendas and Alien Invasions. For the welcome, he finds himself in the middle of a saga with Marvel's best villain, and his Venom Verse chaos.

TheCursedMillenial · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4. Of the Multiverse

(A/N: Fact Check.)

- Eddie Brock: Former journalist who harbors resentment towards Spider-Man due to perceived injustices, driving his hatred.

- Venom Symbiote: Feels betrayed and rejected by Spider-Man but still desires to merge with him, fueled by complex emotions.

- We Are Venom: Fusion of Eddie and the Symbiote driven by their shared animosity towards Spider-Man. Despite their antagonism, Venom strives to avoid harming innocents due to Eddie's moral compass, sometimes even acting as a hero.

- Timeline: This fanfic diverges from the main continuity, occurring before the events of Secret Wars when Earth-616 Spider-Man first encounters Venom. Consequently, Spider-Man is unaware of Venom's existence in this storyline. Awesome.

- Spoiler alert: The Symbiote harbors ambitions to ascend to the status of the King in Black, the God of Symbiotes, as it seeks to evade threats like Carnage and assert its dominance.


(General POV)

Spider-Man's brain edged on losing control to absolute rage as he stared back at the glaring Venom, now fully transformed. But his sanity kept him seeing the rational side of things.

Before him was someone he knew as a former reporter for the Daily Globe. But something alien was happening to Eddie, and Spider-Man couldn't shake the taste of the familiar feeling lingering in the air.

Though he couldn't describe what it was, he could feel that somehow, he was connected to all of this.

Adding to Eddie's human power and complexity, the Symbiote gave him all of Spider-Man's abilities that made him a match for the web-slinger.

And the Symbiote knew something more. This Peter Parker didn't know about the Symbiotes! He wasn't aware of their power, nor their two greatest weaknesses: fire and sound.

Moreover, the Symbiote believed that this Peter Parker would be easy to control and fully takeover. With it's own abilities and Spider-Man' already well established attributes, the Symbiote believed that they would be the Ultimate combination, and the perfect choice for The Light.

"Who... what are you?" Spider-Man demanded, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he prepared to defend himself. He had fought against his fair share of costumed individuals, but this one didn't feel alright.

"We are Venom," the creature hissed, its voice a chilling echo of two distinct tones merging into one. "And we have come for you, Spider-Man."

Before his mind could give in to his bad side, his thoughts raced, summing up everything he knew about the current assailant. This creature knew his name, knew his identity, yet he had never encountered it before. It must have revealed his identity to Eddie. How was that possible?

Before he could ponder further, Venom lunged forward with a ferociousness that caught Spider-Man off guard. Dodging and weaving, Spider-Man fought back with all the skill and agility at his disposal.

(Kaiji's POV)

As I ascended the building, my mind was racing with thoughts of the identity of the potential villain Spider-Man was up against.

Most tended to be chaotic, however, but this one was... responsible? Considerable? Why wasn't he messy?

There were no fires nor civilians in harms way. Yet, the hooded figure had proved to have power beyond that of a normal human - by leaping to the top of a towering building in the Financial District.

To ascend to the top, my analytical mind had to work overtime, mapping out the most efficient route to the rooftop where Spider-Man and the hooded figure clashed. I carefully assessed each potential handhold and foothold, calculating the optimal trajectory for my ascent.

Drawing on my cursed energy to enhance my physical abilities, I supplemented my climb with bursts of strength and agility. However, I often mistimed my leaps and grabs, leading to countless embarrassing could-have-terribly-fallen months moments. But in the light of things, I was executing my day's training mission, though, not as planned before.

It was my intellect, however, that truly drove my progress, allowing me to anticipate falling debris and plan my movements with precision. Improved brain activity was an added configuration to becoming a Jujutsu sorcerer, and that proved to be helpful.

With each step, I analyzed the structural integrity of the building, identifying weak points and exploiting them to gain leverage. It took sometime to get the hang of it, and get over the temporary fear of heights.

I used my in-the-moment knowledge of physics and engineering to leverage my body weight and momentum, working extra-hard on maximizing my efficiency as he ascended.

Using instincts garnered from the Ten Shadows to inform my own actions, I adjusted my climb accordingly, avoiding areas of heightened danger and positioning myself strategically to intervene if necessary.

As I reached the rooftop where Spider-Man and the hooded figure clashed, my breath came in ragged gasps, my muscles burning with exertion. But despite the physical strain, I pressed on, knowing that I had to endeavor to matching the powers of the two supernaturals, and then go beyond that.

And for that, I needed to put myself in such dangerous situations and gain the expertise required, among other attributes.

With a final burst of strained speed and agility, I reached the rooftop where Spider-Man and the unveiled figure had first clashed, my mind sharp and focused as I prepared to join the fray, if the moment called for it.

But there was nothing on that particular rooftop. Other than the distraction that had occured, leaving the building distraught, and in pain, neither Spiderman, nor the hooded figure were in sight!

But that didn't mean that they had vanished into thin air. I knew that much as my eyesight stretched throughout the Financial District I now had a bird's eye view of.

I first noticed the revelation of the hooded figure to be none other than Venom, as Venom and Spider-Man clashed midair, Venom mimicking all of the Web-slinger's unique fighting styles, and more.

It was awesome to see Spider-Man fighting against one of his infamous villains, but that excitement didn't last long.

Analyzing the fight that was escalating across the building sides and tops, I saw something that washed away the excitement and made my heart sink. Spider-Man was losing to Venom, and by a landslide.

"Is Earth-616 Peter that weak, or is he the imposter?" I wondered to myself, disappointed all over my face. "That can't be right. Spider-Man does not get dominated by Venom like a kitten cornered by a lion."

I couldn't help but feel as though my decision on becoming an ally to Spider-Man was beginning to waver. No one wants to be a friend to the weak, especially if you knew they were once strong.

What if they turned out to be more pathetic?

(General POV: Spider-Man & Venom)

As Venom's relentless assault continued, Spider-Man found himself locked in a harrowing battle against his most determined and strongest foe yet. With every move he made, Venom countered with alarming speed and precision, as if he could anticipate Spider-Man's every action.

As he dodged a ferocious punch from Venom, Spider-Man's mind raced with a mix of frustration and heroic determination. How could Venom know his every move? It was as if he had studied Spider-Man's fighting style down to the smallest detail.

Spider-Man's thoughts turned to his past encounters with other villains. While he had faced exceptionally strong foes before, none had ever matched Venom's uncanny ability to predict his every move.

Was it possible that Venom had somehow gained access to his memories or observed him from afar? The thought sent a chill down Spider-Man's spine, raising unsettling questions about the true extent of Venom's power.

But there was no time to dwell on speculation. As Venom lunged forward with renewed aggression, Spider-Man leaped into action, narrowly avoiding the crushing blow.

Despite his best efforts to maintain his composure, Spider-Man could feel the weight of Venom's relentless assault taking its toll. With each passing moment, Venom seemed to grow stronger, feeding off Spider-Man's frustration and exhaustion.

But Spider-Man refused to give in to despair. Drawing on his few years of experience as a crime-fighter, he pushed himself to the limit, searching for any weakness in Venom's formidable defense.

As he ducked and weaved through Venom's attacks, Spider-Man's mind raced with a flurry of thoughts and strategies. He could tell that defeating Venom would require more than just physical strength - it would require cunning and strategy.

Their intensive battle took a toll on the initial building their were on top of, making Spider-Man resolve to swing away to avoid further damage. That act also gave him the space he needed to figure out what Venom's weakness was, and how he would use it to defeat him.

The sounds of their battle had echoed through the Financial District, drawing more attention from the civilians down below, and the increased attempts of law Enforcers to evacuate them.

Seeing Spider-Man swing from the first building onto another only gave reporters more ideas for their articles, and photographers amazing angles to capture the Amazing Spider-Man.

Characteristic, there existed panicked screams of bystanders below, the screeching of car alarms, and the distant wail of fire-fighter sirens as the structural integrity of building was put to the test.

Debris was sent flying in all directions. Glass shattered, concrete cracked, and steal groaned under the strain of the superhuman combat.

Venom pushed Spider-Man to the edge as he followed him to the next building, and the one after that. This forced Spider-Man to rely on his agility and wit, but the former worked for Venom only better, allowing him to stay on pur with the evading Spider-Man.

Venom stayed one step ahead, always, his movements fluid and calculated as he sought to put an end to Spider-Man, and pave way for the Absolute Venom.

(Kaiji's POV)

Observing from the increasing distance, my disappointed look never left my face as I watched the events unfold.

How could this be? How could Spider-Man be weak against Venom?

Why wasn't he using the Sonic blast?!

Didn't he know about fire?

Then why was he running instead of disabling the Symbiote? Why was he letting the city fall to destruction?

Wasn't he a hero? Wasn't that what he always did?

I couldn't watch any longer. I had to do something, even if it meant daring my low-grade abilities to do the impossible.

"Next on training, superhuman parkour." I resolved as I studied the building tops to plot my path and establish a trajectory to intercept the swinging city crawlers.

"Perfect!" I said as I plotted the perfect path to the perfect destination.

Taking my first steps along the rooftop, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, propelling me forward despite the daunting task that lay ahead.

As I surveyed the labyrinth of building tops stretching out before me, my mind raced with calculations and strategies. I knew that navigating the city skyline would require precise timing, agility, and quick thinking, in conjunction with my well established attributes.

"I only loose a lot of Cursed Energy if I strain myself." I observed my Cursed Reserves (83/100). I still had quite a lot to spare.

"Nothing impossible about this." I closed my eyes for motivation as I steadied my breath and increased the pace. "This should be fun!"

With a deep breath to calm my nerves, I launched into action (into the air), my movements fueled by determination and a burning desire to prove myself.

My leap ended as I fell hard on the closest, lower building top. Ahead was a towering top, and to my far left were the City Crawlers crushing through buildings, locked in their intensive battle.

Spider-Man looked as though he was fleeing as he tried his hardest to dodge buildings and cut critical corners, but Venom wouldn't let him.

"It looks as though they are heading right ahead." I calculated as I stared at the windowed building before me. "I can make it, if I somehow cut across this building.

"If only I had all the Shikigamis!" I cursed under my breath. "Nothing about this would be hard."

But I refused to let despair dictate my actions. With resolve I jumped, my body projecting straight for approximately two floors lower the glass building.

Strengthening my body with cursed energy, I smashed through a window to one of the floors and rolled on the tiled floor in a heavy fall that made me feel the weight of my inexperience bearing down on me.

Screams of terror from several corporate personnel that had decided to house themselves within the building instead of evacuating added to my already banging head as I struggled to stand up.

With a subtle limp and a strained back, I endeavored to walk forward while shaking my head gently to sober up and minimize the "diiiiiii" sound ringing in his ears.

Groaning, I tried to look at the bigger picture, ignoring the fact that I had seriously injured myself.

"I'll stop the healing process after a healing factor of 30." I decided after observing my Cursed Reserves (70/100).

"It might be possible that I am the only one who knows how to stop Venom." Ignoring the bruises and cuts, I picked up the pace again as my mind flashed back to the goal, only to be interrupted a most terrifying growl that made everyone, even himself think that the symbiote was in the building.

"Grooooooowwwwwwllll!!" That was the deep sound of my stomach telling me that it was empty and unwilling to move on with the quest.

"Grumble! grumble! grumble!" my stomach complained further as I tried to move forward, but I chose to completely ignore it as Spider-Man and Venom smashed and swung through, too.

"Like I thought," I managed a weak smile of victory "He's redirecting Venom the north. He isn't that bad after all. Nothing can dictate his chances of at least dominating the battle more than fighting in an area he knows like the back of his hand.

"Now's my chance to intercept." I resolved.

"Pe-..." I almost revealed Spiderman's real identity, but I realized in the nick of time and switched while dashing closer to the City Crawlers. "Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man!"

I kept on calling and calling, to the extent that I stopped hearing the strange sounds my stomach was making.

But Spider-Man was too preoccupied with trying to understand Venom to hear the calling sound amidst the constant Pows!, Bangs! And Kraaaaboooms!

I had to think out of the box to make Spider-Man hear my plan out.

"Venom." My mind ransacked through all the information I could gather. "Spider-Man."

"They are both heroes." I said as I made a gamble. A literal leap of faith. One that I knew surviving from meant really hurting myself, or getting lucky.

"Somebody!" I shouted as I jumped from the rooftop and started to descend at a fast speed, putting my life on the line just so I could share a tip. "Spider-Man...! Heeelllp mee... I'm. I'm... falling?!"

"Crap!" A fear of heights kicked. "What was I think. Really. You've got to do something. You've got to help me!"

I started screaming as the reality of what I had done started sinking in.

I had jumped from a building, not so far away from where the confrontation had started. However, It would take Spider-Man a great deal of energy to turn back without Venom reaping him apart, if he meant to save me.

But there was no way, Spider-Man was going to let an innocent civilian die on his watch. Saving was his mission.

(General POV)

"With great power, comes..." Spider-Man reminded himself as he let go of his web lines and started ascending too, giving himself the room to flip and turn as Venom followed suit, already turned around!!

However, with another propelling swing, he soared to the sky to the source of the scream and grabbed the falling civilian (Kaiji) by the leg.

To Spider-Man's surprise, Kaiji used his core strength to lift himself up to blabber out something before Spider-Man's already too drained energy gave in and he was forced to toss Kaiji to a nearby spot.

Venom took that relapse moment to strike, and with one heavy kick, he hit Spider-Man hard, nearly causing him to lose consciousness. Venom then tied him with his morphing body by the neck.

With a powerful heave, Venom raised Spider-Man's body and roughly skidded it across building sides and corners, causing the web slinger more physical harm. Then, with a last tow before approaching to finish his current agenda, Venom leapt higher, throwing Spider-Man up and kicking him down like a soccer ball.

But even amidst the constant pain and bubbling rage from the barrage of attacks, Spider-Man had finally learnt something useful from the stranger he had just saved.

He didn't know why he believed him, but he intuitively knew about Venom's weakness, and felt it's authenticity.

His mind no longer filled with questions of trying to understand things, Spider-Man minds cleared, and his seething rage finally took control, even causing his eyes to glow with an unnatural glare of crimson.

"Venoooom!!!" He shouted as he literally kicked the air with his will power, but used his webs to support himself. "It's over for you!"

"Nhahahaa!" Venom let out a symbiotic laugh and a sinister grin. "I was beginning to get hopeless. The prize is finally here."


A Symbol to remind you there's more to see.


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Pfff ..Canon? What you talking about? I can do whatever I want. Thanks for reading.

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