
Marvel's Superman [Completed]

While playing an online game, after Luke bought an SSS rank gift card of Superman, he found himself in an unknown yes very familiar Marvel Universe. And with a twist of fate, the SSS rank gift pack has also come with him. After he started to do workout and exercise, he found that the loading screen to unlock the gift card was slowly increasing. However, after reaching 99%, it has stopped moving forward. And when he found the chance to get his hands on the Super Soldier Serum, will he take it? And will it be enough to push the bar till 100%? If no, then how will he survive in one of the most dangerous worlds? If yes, then will he be the Marvel's Superman?

BingeFics · Anime & Comics
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540 Chs

Chapter 525 | Prove Yourself, Press Conference.

It wasn't easy to prove that he was himself.

The Skrulls not only could change their appearance at will but their disguises couldn't be distinguished from the real thing.

Moreover, some of their elites could also copy the memories of their chosen target to achieve a flawless identity.

But, at the moment the Skrulls died, their identities would be revealed.

Otherwise, with modern means such as fingerprints, irises and DNA, it was difficult to verify their identities.

In the Secret Invasion in the comic book event, everyone suffered a big loss, getting caught up in an endless chain of suspicions.

There was no guarantee that the friend and partner standing in front of them was really the original person.

Distrust and suspicion could destroy the sense of trust built up by fighting side by side, completely dismantling the possibility of teamwork.

What if the battle was at a critical moment, and someone backstabbed them?

This idea deepened the rift between The Avengers and superheroes.

It turned what should have been a concerted effort to fight a foreign enemy into pandemonium.

"Peggy ..."

Luke wanted to say something private that only the two of them knew, but before he could speak, the Commander of S.H.I.E.L.D stepped on her high heels and sprinted at him.

The automatic pistol with the empty clip slammed over and snapped against his chest like a toy without the slightest hint of lethality.

It's just that when Luke glanced at the spike on the high heels, he had to evade. A chill ran down his spine.

It wasn't for fear of injury but an instinctive fear of men.

A woman's nails and high heels were known as the two main killing devices.

Luke stepped back and leaned over to avoid the murderous Peggy.

His right hand reached out and tightened around a slender waist full of explosive strength.

The latter kept struggling, but any degree of resistance was meaningless against Superman's steel-like body.

Even if she was injected with the strengthening agent formulated by the Infinity Formula, and her body quality and cellular ageing rate were different from normal...

"I don't know how to explain it. Because the Skrulls could change their appearance, copy memories and even mimic abilities ..."

Luke paused and seriously said, "But I think that's a question that can be left to your judgement. Follow your heart and trust your feelings."

The man and woman, who were close to each other, looked at each other and subtle emotions were conveyed to each other through the windows of their hearts.

Peggy's eyes drifted off, and her heart pounded hard as if something had struck.

"Can you fly?"


"What about Heat Vision?"

"That too."

"Then our first time ..."

"My office, when you were lying on that table ..."

"I'm asking about the scene where we first met!"

"Uh, Brooklyn, the door of my house. Brown military uniform with large breasts ..."

Loosening his grip on a skeptical Peggy, Luke answered questions and demonstrated various abilities.

The corners of the former's eyes twitched; his way of speaking was very much like that bastard of a man who left his job to go out on a trip.

"And where did you go during the time you were away?"

The Commander of S.H.I.E.L.D crossed her arms around her chest and asked in a cold voice.

"I told you before I left that I had to go away on a trip."

Luke smiled; he didn't deliberately hide anything. He told Peggy about the concepts of the single universe box and the multiverse world.

As for the five creator gods of the universe, and the games of higher beings, the various stories that took place in the studio next door, were simply brushed aside.

Somewhat beyond comprehension and perception, and the fact that not everyone could accept the fact that they were cartoon characters or movie characters as calmly as Deadpool...

In a certain time and space, Professor Charles used his psychic ability to read Deadpool's mind, and then ... the bald head shattered like an exploding watermelon.

"Is it really you?"

Peggy dropped her guard. As a good female agent, her sensibilities prevailed.

"Of course. I said I wouldn't take too long -- although on a human time scale, it does seem like a long time has passed. But anyway, I'm back."

Luke was also helpless. Had Dr Manhattan not interfered and banished himself to the Watchmen World, how could he have been delayed for so long?

"Have the Skrulls launched an offensive, making you this nervous?"

Peggy was already 80% convinced. Her tone was slightly more intimate, and she softly said, "There's a Skrull who's pretending to be Howard and has infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D."

"We didn't notice it until some time ago ..."

The Commander of S.H.I.E.L.D explained the recent events. As she was in the middle of her story, the office door was violently thrown open.

Two young girls dressed as secretaries barged in, guns in both hands.

Previously, she thought Luke was a Skrull pretending to be him, so Peggy quickly alerted the Sparrows under her command.

On the surface, they were the clerical staff and civilians, but they were actually from the Red Room, the Leviathan's spy agency.

Those qualified and excellent girls would be assigned to various departments of S.H.I.E.L.D as spies and moles.

"It's okay ..."

Seeing the Sparrows coming in, Peggy waved her hand and subconsciously stood in front of Luke.

But the latter's eyes slightly narrowed, and the blazing light showed no mercy, piercing through those two charming and lovely girls.

The high temperature penetrated their chests and evaporated their blood, leaving a hideous hole.


Peggy was shocked and turned to look at Luke.


Superman pointed to the two bodies that had fallen to the ground. Their bodies and faces had changed.

Their skins turned pale green, and their ears turned pointy. Revealing the fact that they were aliens, not humans.

"They have most likely infiltrated every department of S.H.I.E.L.D. and are ready to launch a shift, like a complete overthrow of the original management with the help of the White House, or other external forces, for the last comprehensive overthrow."

Luke guessed.

The words made Peggy's heart clench. It's just that a moment later, she took one look at Superman and dismissed that extra worry.

"Now that you're back, the job of eradicating the Skrull will naturally be left to you, Mr Director."

The female Commander of S.H.I.E.L.D said so with a chuckle.

For no apparent reason, she felt a wave of relief that she hadn't felt in a long time.

There were responsibilities that once weighed on her shoulders and all sorts of burdensome things to do.

With Luke's appearance, it all seemed to dissipate into thin air.

"Let me think about it."

Luke pondered for a moment. It would be too much trouble to find the group of Skrull Empire's advance troops hidden inside S.H.I.E.L.D. and human society, one by one.

He liked to do things efficiently, preferably in one go.

"Let's have a press conference."

A moment later, Luke said so.

He was confident that when the Skrulls heard of Superman's return, they would surrender without a fight.

In the galaxy, there were very few secrets to be kept.

The conflict in Knowhere had already spread.

Even if this group of Skrulls were behind on the news, they wouldn't be able to turn a blind eye to Superman's presence.

"A press conference ... okay, I'll take care of it."

Peggy nodded, then casually asked,

"Where were we? By the way, did you bring another woman back again?"

The smile on Luke's lips slightly faltered, indicating his grief.

'What do you mean by again?'

He had always kept to himself and wasn't close to women.

The few occasional breaches of principle were unavoidable.