
Marvel's Sun Wukong

A Self insert as a Goku in the marvel universe, Thor and Loki's Older brother Asgardian name Sun Wukong. Mc X 4 women

Zack_Smith_9438 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Jane and Darcy

Sun teleported next to Thor who was in the middle of a crises, he had just been hit by a car as a mortal human, it was by sheer luck that he was even alive right now

"Father!" Thor screamed, "You senile old Man Send me Back right now!"

"Calm down Thor," Sun replied as he teleported next to him. He was screaming at the sky like a crazy person.

"Brother, you are here!?" Thor shouted, Thor thought that he was the only person alone in this matter, but it seems that his brother is with him,.

Sun nodded causing him to grin, "Then you must send me back." Sun shook his head. "I can't, it is not time to get back yet."

Thor opened his mouth to speak when a loud noise interrupted what he was about to say. Sun glanced at the two that were getting out and saw that it was two beautiful ladies, he recognized them as Jane and Darcy.

"Oh my god are you alright!" Jane screamed.

Thor's lips twisted into a snarl, "So it was you who attacked me!"

Sun fought the urge to sigh as the two beautiful women looked on, very confused.

"I am Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard, God of Thunder, you Dare to attacK-DFFDSSSNXZZ!" Thor was immediately hit with bolts of electricity coming from Darcy's tazer. Thor started to spasm on the ground.

Sun snorted at the Irony of the situation, Thor the god of thunder, being knocked unconscious by electricity using his own power that he was so proud of against him, Jane looked at her with a shocked look, "What he was freaking me out me!" Darcy defended herself

"Maybe so, but you'll still have to take responsibility." Sun said crossing his arms causing them to glanced at him, their eyes widened in shock as their eyes lit up in recognition. "Your the guy that took on that monster back in Harlem!" Darcy exclaimed.

"Yes." Sun nodded his head. "and you are the woman who took on my little brother with your car."

"He's your little bother?" Jane asked as she glanced between the two of them, trying to force herself not to stare at those bulging muscles.


"You look nothing alike." Sun raised an eyebrow at her, "I sure hope not, because that would be weird, I am adopted."

Jane's mouth opened into a O shaped before she clamped it shut, "Sorry."

Sun shrugged his shoulders, "Don't worry about it." he said before he turned to Darcy, "You are going to have to take responsibility."

Darcy smiled nervously, "it actually wasn't me that was driving," she said. "it was the girl next to me, Jane."

"Hey!" Jane shouted at her with an indignant expression. Yeah it might be her fault, but she could at least take some of the credit, none of this, would have happened if it wasn't for Darcy's insistence in the first place.

Darcy stuck her tongue out at her.

Sun glanced at Thor, who had although stopped spasming, but was still very much unconscious. Sun shook his head

"By taking responsibility, what do you mean by that exactly?" Jane asked nervously.

"You'll have to take him to the hospital." Sun replied. "you did hit my little brother with your car."

"Oh..." she opened her mouth before she closed it and sighed in relief.

"Ha.. you actually thought-" Darcy was cut off when Jane elbowed her really harshly, her face was as red as a tomato.

"Hospital?" Sun asked, "jane nodded not saying a word.

"My Name is Sun, by the way." Sun raised his hand out to her who shook it, "Sun Wukong Odin son,"

"Like the God from the Norse legend?" Jane asked curiously.

Sun smiled, "Exactly ."