
marvel's reincarnated king

not sure if I will even upload this, but if u read this then know I don't know how to write and I'm not creative

batman_3_3_ · Anime & Comics
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truth and wishes

Life was a boring thing nothing interesting happened to make me enjoy it enough to stick around and see all there is.

so I decided to Isekai myself because no higher being was going to do it for me. I chose the most efficient way I could think of, 40 foot rope, tall bridge, and a gun.

after blowing my brains out with a 9mm and falling to get decapitated I woke up in the "void" as I called it with someone standing in front of me that looks like the truth from FMA.

with a creepy ass smile the truth said "for some reason your karma reached higher then some heros do when you killed yourself. so you can choose a world to transport to and you have 3 wishes" without thinking i asked "any rules?"

"yes their are 3, no wiping out all of existence, no wishing for more wishes, and no going back to your old planet." and with those simple words I decided on my first wish "I wish that there are no rules" and with that said his smile dropped "people like you make me hate doing this."

"it's not my fault the rules aren't full proof now on to my next wish I wish for infinite wishes" and with a swish and flick of his wrist a screen popped up in front of me and he was gone

[hello host this is your system, do you wish to choose a world to go to?]

yes i wish to go to the marvel universe. and with that being said a huge portal opened up and sucked me through it to appear in what I would guess is new york.

I go and try to ask a person where I am located and get told to fuck off, 'definitely new York' I sighed I asked the system if I had a starter pack

[yes, do you wish to open it?]

I said yes and a few notifications popped up

[host has obtained bans immortality from (7DS)]

[host has obtained ryujin jakka from (bleach)]

[host has obtained crash magic from (fairy tail)]

[host hast obtained Natasha Romanoffs panties]

the system knows me well I say in a sage like voice....

this is the start of Adam kings adventure