
marvel's reincarnated king

not sure if I will even upload this, but if u read this then know I don't know how to write and I'm not creative

batman_3_3_ · Anime & Comics
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shit hits the fan

after walking around trying to come up with plans for the future and coming up with the brilliant idea of "go with the flow". I made my way to the stark tower to relieve my boredom and as I stand in front of it I here some grown man scream like a little girl.

looking up I see the earth getting invaded by Loki and his squad coming down to say hi, I proceeded to wish for a lawn chair and a slice of pizza. I start munching on the heavenly pizza and waiting for the avengers to assemble.

taking in the scenery of chaos and explosions the avengers finally show up so I immediately screamed "super heros!!" getting very questionable looks from most of them probably because I'm chilling in a lawn chair like a champ. I get up and run over to them looking at all of them processing how some random citizen gives no fuckes about an alien invasion until I laid eyes on the only one that truly matters, black widow.

the second I saw her I sprinted faster then any human should, dust shot up around me blocking everyone's view. when the cloud of dust disappeared all avengers were ready to defend and attack until they saw me on my knee with Natasha's hand in my hand somehow with me screaming "MARRY ME!!" shock was evident in all of them and I'm pretty sure I saw hawkeye cough blood for some reason. "no" and with that simple word I said something that would make them question their existence.

"I could stop this invasion with no casualties, will you accept it then" she had a conflicted expression for a few seconds then It changed to a determined face "yes, I will accept if you can make it so there are no injuried or casualties" I was ecstatic. the rest of the avengers had some panicked and worried expressions, I stood up and thought 'i wish this invasion on earth stops and all injured and dead become alive, normal, and healthy, while the invaders other then Loki are sent to a collapsing star ' and snapped my fingers to have them see I did something.

the earth started shaking and a single portal the size of New York opened up above pulling all of the aliens through it. "done now I would like to introduce myself, I am Adam king"