
Marvel's Interstellar Hamster

With Orokin's super technology, Andy said that as long as the resources are in place, the eight-polarized Paris bow can be used to rip the purple card, let alone shoot an arrow. The spaceship, even if Thanos came, he couldn't stop it.

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Chapter 15 Fuel Cell

After Andy left, Tony Stark sat quietly on the sofa, looking at the energy device concept left by Andy on the computer. It must be said that Tony Stark can be called a world-class scientist for a reason. Without the assistance of virtual projection, he relied on the energy device concept left by Andy to establish a data model in his own mind, step by step calculating the feasibility of the energy device. From the initial electrolysis of substances, Tony inputted each chemical element prone to reaction, simulating experiments in his mind.

However, these reactions either had low efficiency or were too explosive, making them unsuitable as energy sources.

Thinking about the cold fusion reactor he built under Stark Industries, Tony Stark combined it with the small-sized energy device. In Tony Stark's simulation, the energy device unexpectedly amplified the energy conversion of the cold fusion reactor, which greatly surprised him. He quickly called for the AI assistant. "J.A.R.V.I.S., integrate the energy device concept model in the computer with the cold fusion reactor under Stark Industries for simulation."

As soon as he finished speaking, the computer in front of Tony Stark automatically switched to a special interface, and the energy device and the cold fusion reactor began to combine and simulate. In the simulation animation, the energy generated by the cold fusion reactor, after passing through the energy device, was amplified to twice its original amount.

Tony Stark's simulated experiments in his mind were confirmed. This made him feel bitter in his heart. Where was this seeking advice on energy issues? This was clearly showing off his research achievements in energy. Struck by Andy's energy device, Tony Stark was not discouraged; instead, he became more spirited.

He was the world's top scientist, different from Andy, who was only known for his expertise in biotechnology. Tony stood at the pinnacle of many fields. He had dabbled in many areas of research and development. With his personality, he either didn't do it or did it best. Therefore, many of Stark Industries' products were led by him.

Andy's energy device, in his eyes, was a kind of signal, a challenge to him. Tony Stark did not resent this challenge; on the contrary, he enjoyed the feeling of competition. Standing at the pinnacle of the scientific world for years made him feel lonely. Previously, Andy had been focusing on biotechnology.

Regarding this aspect, Tony had only a superficial understanding and paid little attention. In Tony Stark's view, Andy's research in biotechnology had reached the world's top level, truly standing at the peak of biotechnology. But now, Andy was challenging him with an energy device. He would never back down. He enjoyed competition; only in fierce competition could his mind keep flashing, and inspiration could burst forth like springs.

He instructed J.A.R.V.I.S. to back up the energy device, and Tony Stark began to rethink Andy's energy problem. Since existing electrolytic substances did not meet the standards, the only option left was to let the energy burn. Only through sufficient combustion could the energy be converted into adequate power through the energy device. Tony Stark decided to compare aerospace fuel as the target. With J.A.R.V.I.S.'s assistance, In just a few days, he constructed a new molecular structure model.

This was an improvement on the original aerospace fuel, converting it from liquid to solid form. In its new molecular state, the combustion efficiency of the aerospace fuel was three times that of its original state. Moreover, in terms of the same mass, the energy provided by the new molecular solid fuel was ten times that of liquid fuel.

Originally, hundreds of liters of aerospace fuel, after being converted into new molecular solid fuel, weighed only a few kilograms. After constructing the new molecular model, Tony Stark relaxed and fell asleep deeply on the bed. He hadn't stayed up all night researching something like this for a long time. Normally, he researched missile weaponry, and most of the time, he could solve them with his reserve technology. Even if the military had special requirements, it would only take him a few hours to solve them.

Tony Stark left Los Angeles, flying back to New York on his private plane, returning to Stark Industries. Before leaving, He sent the fuel cell model made from the new molecular solid fuel to Andy. Although the discovery of the new molecular solid fuel was a major breakthrough, just like the energy device model Andy gave him, he didn't care at all.

The new molecular solid fuel was not created out of thin air but was condensed from the original aerospace fuel. Although the solid fuel improved the combustion efficiency significantly, the cost skyrocketed due to the need for a large amount of equipment and aerospace fuel. Therefore, this technology could only serve as a technical reserve and could not be put into use. Only super-rich people like him could afford to play with it as a toy.

As for others, they simply couldn't afford it. Looking at the fuel cell model on the computer, Andy was somewhat surprised. Tony Stark had actually completed it in just a few days. This was not the cold fusion reactor under Stark Industries; besides the energy device, Andy had not given him any energy source. But in just a few days, he had researched a portable power source, and this fuel cell could burn for a thousand hours.

Combining it with the energy device, under the amplification of the energy device, it could provide sufficient power. However, After seeing the new molecular solid fuel used in the fuel cell, Andy couldn't help but smile wryly. Tony Stark had actually condensed aerospace fuel into concentrated solid fuel. Although the new molecular structure made the fuel burn more efficiently, the amount of aerospace fuel required for one fuel cell was enough to allow a small aircraft to fly for tens of kilometers.

After the computer simulation was completed, the Orikon system responded. The new molecular fuel was detected by the system, allowing Andy to successfully unlock two chemical technologies: Explosive Dissection and Explosive Emitter.

Although they were termed as two different technologies, the Explosive Emitter was essentially the weaponized form of the Explosive Dissection. But what made Andy feel regretful was that the system did not unlock the technology for electromagnetic force field devices. Electromagnetic force field devices were excellent. They could use energy to envelop positions, control high-temperature substances for weaponization, and were used for a series of defensive devices such as energy shields.

Whether for offense or defense, the applications and scope of electromagnetic force field devices were much wider than those of explosive jetters. However, the explosive jetter fell short. Apart from being used for jetting or being used in explosive weapons, it was practically useless. Because the direction of use for explosive jetters was only in two categories, either for jetting or for explosive weapons, both of which were inseparable from military weaponry.

, the weapons made using explosive jetters also required specialized ammunition. For equipment with such skyrocketing costs, the military would never purchase it. Of course, Andy was still willing to accept this unexpectedly obtained technological knowledge. Although it couldn't be transformed into economically marketable products, it could still serve as a technical reserve. It might come in handy if there was ever a need for jetters or explosive weapons, right?