
Marvel's Interstellar Hamster

With Orokin's super technology, Andy said that as long as the resources are in place, the eight-polarized Paris bow can be used to rip the purple card, let alone shoot an arrow. The spaceship, even if Thanos came, he couldn't stop it.

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15 Chs

Chapter 14 Communication

The Science Summit was bustling in Los Angeles. Andy mingled with numerous esteemed scientific researchers and marveled at their discoveries. Yet, amidst the brilliance, he encountered some self-promoting individuals whose claims fell short upon scrutiny. Initially, Andy mistook them for struggling scholars like Reed Richards, but their lackluster performance disappointed him. Claims of antimatter engines and dark matter spacecraft appeared grandiose but lacked substance. When pressed for details, they stumbled and resorted to vague references to quantum mechanics and parallel worlds.

Dismayed by these encounters, Andy sought solace in a stroll. On the hotel rooftop, he spotted Tony Stark, accompanied by a striking woman named Maria. Tony held a wine glass, the golden liquid swirling within, as Andy approached.

"Mind if I join?" Andy inquired, raising his own glass.

Tony, with a hint of sarcasm, responded, "What does the boss of Orokin Technology want from me? Looking to invest in scientific projects?"

Andy, undeterred, clinked glasses with Tony before addressing his energy research dilemma. Tony's demeanor shifted as he considered Andy's request, his genius mind already devising solutions.

Though Tony's abrasive nature grated on Andy, he respected the inventor's intellect. Despite Tony's initial skepticism, he couldn't deny Andy's brilliance. As they delved into the intricacies of the energy device, Tony's focus intensified, momentarily forgetting his earlier date with Maria.

Meanwhile, Andy's encounter with Maria didn't go unnoticed. He casually joined her at a cocktail party, offering Orokin's exclusive beauty products as a gesture of goodwill. Maria, visibly thrilled, was amazed by Andy's generosity, elevating his status among the attendees.

As Andy navigated the party, exchanging pleasantries and basking in the relaxed atmosphere, Tony's earlier brashness faded from memory. In this moment, surrounded by peers and admirers, Andy found peace, leaving behind the trivialities of the summit's challenges.