
Marvel's Earth 200,000

*MALE TO FEMALE* *Please see tags before reading* *There will be romance and it'll be a slow burn F-F* *If you decide to continue reading thank you for spending your time reading my story* Immerse yourself in the multifaceted realm of Marvel's "Earth 200,000", a novel universe birthed by an omnipotent entity. Within the limitless dimensions of Marvel's cosmos, countless versions of Earth have bloomed and perished, each unique in its trajectory. Now, an extraordinary force has conceived an unprecedented experiment - a world born from the amalgamation of all its predecessors, a crucible of diverse realities. Our protagonist, a young man confined to the deathbed by an unrelenting illness, teeters on the brink of oblivion. His world dims and the inevitable darkness encroaches. Just as he prepares to surrender to the void, he awakens in an ethereal expanse of white - an interlude between his mortal life and something far beyond human comprehension. As Marvel's "Earth 200,000" materializes from the celestial chaos, our young hero embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Navigating this remarkable world, he becomes an integral part of a realm where conventional reality bends and transcendent marvels abound. Join this exciting journey into the heart of the new Earth - an odyssey filled with wondrous explorations, daunting challenges, and unforgettable encounters. Witness as this brave new world evolves, and as our hero grapples with the incredible and the impossible

Tomlish · Movies
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147 Chs

Chapter 65

Gladiator was now but a battered shadow of his former glory, beaten and broken, the indomitable power that once flowed within him now ebbing away. The once fiery light in his eyes dimmed to a painful flicker as his body bore the brutal evidence of Lydia's relentless assault. His arm, once an instrument of devastating power, hung limply by his side, snapped like a twig by Lydia's brutal counter. The world around them reverberated with the raw intensity of the fight, each subsequent shockwave a testament to the awesome power being unleashed.

The lush alien vegetation that had once spread across the land, now lay wilted and lifeless under the devastation of their celestial dance. The atmosphere that once enveloped this planet in a protective blue-green embrace now trembled at the brink of annihilation, struggling to contain the calamitous power of the combatants. The smaller, more fragile lifeforms that inhabited the planet had taken refuge, burying themselves deep within the ravaged landscape, desperately trying to escape the apocalyptic clash.

The final punch Lydia threw at Gladiator sent him skidding across the surface of the planet, his body carving a wide trench through mountains, forests, and lakes, turning a once vibrant landscape into a desolate wasteland. His semi-conscious form finally came to a stop in a desolate area, a dusty, wind-swept plain devoid of life. His chest heaved with labored breaths as he forced himself to rise, a figure of defiance against the odds.

In a flash, Lydia was before him, an imposing figure of resilience and might. Her eyes, glowing with the radiant energy of the Infinity Stones, bore into the weakened Gladiator. Her figure, backlit by the dying light of a star, radiated an aura of sheer unyielding power, casting an imposing shadow across the shattered landscape.

The universe held its breath, waiting for the final act of this epic confrontation to unfold on the beleaguered planet. The stakes had never been higher, the consequences never so profound. As Gladiator squared up against Lydia for what could be the final time, the desolate plain bore silent witness to a battle that would leave a lasting mark on the cosmos.

The silence that descended upon the planet was almost deafening. Each uttered word hung heavy in the air, echoing across the scarred landscape. Gladiator, once the symbol of unwavering strength and resilience, had finally succumbed to the relentless assault of Lydia's power. His armored form collapsed to the ground, knees digging into the broken terrain, his limp arms hanging by his side, his once fierce eyes now downcast in resignation. A ragged whisper escaped his lips, the two words he had never imagined himself uttering, "I yield."

As the proclamation slipped out into the universe, it was met with a gasp of collective shock that rippled across space. The spectacle they had witnessed was almost unbelievable, an event so unprecedented that it shook the very core of their understanding. The Shi'ar Empire's greatest warrior had been bested, defeated by an adversary who stood over him, completely undamaged and unscathed. The battle had not just left a lasting impression on the cosmos, but had also rewritten the very notions of power and strength.

Lydia stood tall against the backdrop of the now quiet planet, her figure a beacon of indomitable strength. Her eyes, aglow with the pulsating energies of the Infinity Stones, softened slightly as she regarded the defeated Gladiator. The fierce radiance that once surrounded her seemed to ebb away, leaving behind a quiet sense of command and authority.

The battered planet seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as the intensity of the battle subsided. The atmosphere, though still trembling from the residual energies, started to gradually recompose itself. The desolate plain bore the scars of their confrontation, a testament to the power struggle that had played out on its surface. And yet, there was a strange tranquility to the devastation, a calmness that came with the resolution of a long-drawn struggle.

In this moment, as the universe watched in stunned silence, Lydia stood victorious, an emblem of unyielding resolve and power. The landscape around them resonated with the echoes of their fierce battle, and yet, in its aftermath, there was a sense of profound quiet, a moment of stillness before the cosmos started to react to the aftermath of this pivotal clash.


The council room of the Shi'ar Empire was awash in a hue of bewilderment and fear. Majestrix Lilandra, a figure known for her composure and resolve, was visibly shaken. Her once stern eyes widened with disbelief as she sank into her ornate chair, her gaze fixed on the holoscreen displaying Lydia's victorious figure.

"Gladiator," she murmured under her breath, her tone laced with a hint of despair. Her champion, her finest warrior, was vanquished. She closed her eyes briefly, almost hoping that when she opened them, this would all have been a terrible nightmare. Yet reality was far more ruthless. As her eyes reopened, Lydia's undamaged figure stood in stark contrast to the broken Gladiator. It was a sight that defied all logic, all expectations.

Whispers of concern and shock rippled through the council members. The palpable tension hung heavily in the room, like a dark cloud threatening to burst any moment. One council member, a middle-aged Shi'ar with a fiercely lined face, suddenly spoke out, his voice a mix of frustration and fear, "We should retaliate... Send the entire fleet!"

The room fell silent. All eyes turned to Lilandra, awaiting her response. Her eyes flashed with anger, "Silence, K'tor! Have you lost your senses?" Her voice echoed around the room, a clear assertion of her authority.

"Do you not see what she has done? Do you not see what she is capable of?" she continued, her tone cold. Her eyes then flicked back to the holoscreen, looking at Lydia standing tall amidst the wreckage of the battle.

"Send the fleet, and what? Risk the lives of our soldiers for a battle we cannot win? We may dent the Genoshian fleet, yes, but survive...?" Her voice trailed off, a dreadful realization dawning upon her, "That's an impossibility. Lydia would annihilate us."

Her grim words settled over the council like a blanket of despair. The reality of the situation was chillingly clear. The Shi'ar Empire was not prepared for a force like Lydia. The universe had just witnessed a shift in the balance of power, a shift that left the Shi'ar Empire on the precipice of uncertainty.

The council room was bathed in a chilling silence, broken only by the intermittent whirring of the holoscreen displaying the aftermath of the battle. Lilandra's command to retreat echoed ominously in the grand chamber, each syllable heavy with dread and resignation. It was a command that went against the Shi'ar Empire's proud heritage of courage and resilience, but it was a decision taken out of necessity, not cowardice.

Lilandra's clenched fist lay on the console before her, her knuckles white from the strain. Her facial muscles were taut, her eyes betraying the internal battle she was fighting. The decision to retreat was not taken lightly. It was a bitter pill to swallow for the prideful Majestrix, but she knew she had no choice.

One of the council members attempted to challenge the order, a defiant spark in his eyes. But the words he planned to utter died on his lips under Lilandra's fierce glare. Her icy stare silenced any protest, reminding everyone in the room who was in command.

"Order a retreat now!" Lilandra's command reverberated across the council chamber, the finality in her voice sealing the fate of their course of action. Her tone left no room for debate. She was ready to face the consequences, for she knew the cost of pride. Her heart clenched at the thought of the implications. Their empire, once a symbol of might and grandeur, was now retreating. The universe would see it as a sign of weakness, but Lilandra understood the need for survival over ego.

The dawning realization of the position they were in was both humbling and terrifying. The Shi'ar Empire had taken the first strike, and now they had to deal with the repercussions. It was not a fight they had won, but a battle they had lost, and it was time to own up to their actions. Lilandra knew they had to make amends with the Genoshian Empire, and more importantly, with Empress Lydia. It was a daunting task, but one she was prepared to undertake for the survival of her people.


Nova Corps' command center on Xandar buzzed with stunned silence. The place that was usually filled with a harmonious chaos of conversation and humming machines fell quiet. All eyes were glued to the mammoth screen showcasing the culmination of a battle that had shaken the very foundation of their understanding of power dynamics in the universe.

The scene on the screen was played on a loop: the broken form of Gladiator yielding to Lydia's indomitable strength. Disbelief hung heavy in the air as the warriors of Nova Corps struggled to process the magnitude of the spectacle they had just witnessed.

At the heart of the command center stood Richard Rider, the newly appointed Nova Prime. He was a towering figure, strong and confident, yet in that moment, his eyes mirrored the disbelief shared by everyone else. Richard had fought alongside Gladiator before and knew of the Shi'ar warrior's immense strength. Yet here he was, bested by Lydia, the Empress of the Genoshian Empire.

In the reflective surface of a console, Richard's troubled gaze met his own reflection. His thoughts spun around the shift in power dynamics that this event signified. The Genoshian Empire was now at the top of the ladder. He swallowed hard, the gravity of the situation sinking in. His heart pounded in his chest as he understood the full extent of Lydia's power.

He turned to Irani Rael, his predecessor, and he felt a glimmer of gratitude. Irani had fostered a good relationship with the Genoshian Empire, a decision that seemed even wiser now. Richard considered the prospect of going against Lydia. It was a task that seemed far beyond daunting. It felt impossible.

The room echoed with the hum of machinery and quiet murmurs, but Richard barely noticed. His gaze was still fixated on the screen, replaying the scene of Gladiator's defeat. The universe had just witnessed a significant turning point, and it was a sight none of them would forget. The implications were vast, and Richard knew the Nova Corps had to tread carefully from now on.


The interior of Thanos' ship, the Sanctuary II, felt as cold and intimidating as the exterior suggested. Bathed in dim, ambient lighting, the vast command room was eerily quiet despite being filled with bustling members of the Black Order. Every being on board held their breath as they watched the spectacle unfold on the holographic display at the heart of the room.

The central figure, Thanos, sat imposingly on his throne-like chair, his enormous frame encased in battle-worn armor. He was the embodiment of power and dread, a titan to be feared and respected. But now, his usual air of composed confidence was tainted with disbelief. His piercing gaze was fixed on the hologram of Lydia, victorious and untouched after an epic confrontation with Gladiator. His eyes were not merely watching the scene unfold; they were studying, calculating, piecing together the puzzle of Lydia's newfound power.

His faithful lieutenants, the members of the Black Order, shared his shock. The battle they had just witnessed was beyond their comprehension, a display of raw power that dwarfed their own. The shockwave of this event was already resonating across the universe. They knew they were not equipped to survive such a brutal confrontation.

Standing at a console, Ebony Maw's slender fingers danced over the interface, his expression mirroring Thanos'. He was the Order's thinker, the mastermind behind their strategies, and right now his mind was abuzz with theories and questions. A junior scientist approached him hesitantly with data, only to be flung aside by Ebony's telekinetic power, his impatience visible.

A new screen popped up, filled with complex algorithms and readings. With a quick glance, Ebony Maw began to read the text, his voice echoing throughout the silent command room. He reported that the energy emitted by Lydia was indeed identical to the Infinity Stones. What was more puzzling, however, was that she seemed to generate three of these energies herself, with the red energy of the Reality Stone being the only one channeled from an external source.

The revelation hung in the air like a specter, casting a foreboding shadow over Thanos and his followers. The implications were massive, and the silence that followed was testament to the shock this discovery caused. Thanos' eyes narrowed, his mind racing. Lydia had not only the Reality Stone but also the essence of three others. The balance of power had shifted dramatically, and his plan to collect all the Infinity Stones had become significantly more challenging.

This was not just a battle, but a revelation, a stern warning to Thanos that he must tread carefully. His next move must be swift and strategic. The road to ultimate power had become significantly more treacherous, and the universe was watching.


On the surface of a now desolate planet, its life force drained, stood Galactus, the World Devourer. An intimidating, god-like figure, he towered over the barren terrain, a stark contrast to the black void of space behind him. His cosmic armor glowed faintly, reflecting the light of distant stars as he finished absorbing the energy remnants of the dead world.

Beside him, gleaming in a silvery radiance, was his loyal herald, the Silver Surfer. The Surfer, riding his shimmering board, watched the visual replay of Lydia's battle alongside his master. The cosmic energy of the universe was his to command, yet the display of power from Lydia left him awestruck.

Galactus' glowing eyes narrowed as he watched Lydia. He was a being of cosmic energy and immeasurable power, yet the magnitude of Lydia's abilities intrigued him. He recalled his encounter with the Shi'ar Empire, how the Imperial Guard had managed to hold him off. If Lydia had held her own against Gladiator, it was highly possible she could do the same against the Guard, a notion that caused the World Eater to be uneasy.

Suddenly, Galactus' enormous hand rose, fingers stretching out to the void of space. He drew in cosmic energies, his mind reaching out across the vastness of the universe, searching for more information about this Lydia. When he found that she originated from Earth, a wave of realization washed over him. He had been considering the consumption of Earth but it wasn't of immediate concern. However, Lydia's connection to the planet gave it a new importance.

In the silence of the dead world, Galactus' voice resonated, commanding his herald to prepare for their next destination, Earth. The Silver Surfer nodded, turning his gaze from the holographic image of Lydia. A new sense of determination filled him, sparking a faint glimmer in his otherwise expressionless face. As he mounted his board, the cosmic surfboard responded, lighting up with energy as it prepared to launch into the cosmos.

The Silver Surfer's mind was filled with thoughts of Lydia. If she had defeated Gladiator, then she was surely capable of standing up to Galactus. The very thought filled him with a sense of hope. For far too long he had been shackled as the herald of the World Eater. If anyone had the power to liberate him from this grim task, it was Lydia.

As he darted off into the cosmos, a streak of silver light against the eternal night of space, his mind started to work on a plan. He had to contact Lydia, warn her of the coming danger. His only problem was figuring out how... But he knew he would find a way. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he dared to hope.


In New Genosha, the city was alive with energy and anticipation as its citizens gathered around the public screens showcasing the epic battle. From the high towers of the Genoshan elite to the bustling streets filled with everyday people, everyone watched Lydia, their Empress, take on Gladiator, a titan known for his strength. They watched as she not only held her own but began to dominate the fight. Their Empress, their protector, was winning.

The mood in the city was one of collective awe and shock. This was their first glimpse of the raw power Lydia wielded, a spectacle they had heard of but never seen. Every brutal punch, every radiant burst of energy, it was almost too much to comprehend. Then, something remarkable happened. A lone voice, filled with pride and adrenaline, broke through the collective silence - a thunderous cheer, followed by a chant that began to swell and grow.

"Long live the Empress!"

The chant started as a whisper, a murmur, and soon began to spread like a wildfire. From the human neighborhoods to the mutant districts, from Inhuman to Skrull areas, even to the Dwarfs – everyone was echoing the chant, united in their admiration for Lydia. The streets of New Genosha were filled with the sound, growing louder and louder until it felt as if the very ground was shaking.

In the Council Chamber, a lavish room with views overlooking the city, the key figures of the Genoshan administration watched the battle unfold. Erik and Magda Lehnsherr, Emma Frost, Tessa, Eitri, Black Bolt, Medusa, and Astrid all stood in silence. They had always known Lydia was powerful, but this...this was a revelation. They watched the solar system virtually collapse under the might of their Empress. Yet, she stood, unscathed.

Astonishment filled the room, rendering them speechless. The power, the raw, destructive energy Lydia wielded was beyond anything they had imagined. A sense of respect, an awe-inspiring recognition of her strength filled them. Each one, in their own way, was coming to grips with the reality of their Empress's true capabilities.

She was more than their leader. More than an Empress. Lydia was a force of nature, and she was theirs.