
Marvel's Earth 200,000

*MALE TO FEMALE* *Please see tags before reading* *There will be romance and it'll be a slow burn F-F* *If you decide to continue reading thank you for spending your time reading my story* Immerse yourself in the multifaceted realm of Marvel's "Earth 200,000", a novel universe birthed by an omnipotent entity. Within the limitless dimensions of Marvel's cosmos, countless versions of Earth have bloomed and perished, each unique in its trajectory. Now, an extraordinary force has conceived an unprecedented experiment - a world born from the amalgamation of all its predecessors, a crucible of diverse realities. Our protagonist, a young man confined to the deathbed by an unrelenting illness, teeters on the brink of oblivion. His world dims and the inevitable darkness encroaches. Just as he prepares to surrender to the void, he awakens in an ethereal expanse of white - an interlude between his mortal life and something far beyond human comprehension. As Marvel's "Earth 200,000" materializes from the celestial chaos, our young hero embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Navigating this remarkable world, he becomes an integral part of a realm where conventional reality bends and transcendent marvels abound. Join this exciting journey into the heart of the new Earth - an odyssey filled with wondrous explorations, daunting challenges, and unforgettable encounters. Witness as this brave new world evolves, and as our hero grapples with the incredible and the impossible

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Chapter 100

Kneeling beside Victor, Lydia's body trembled with despair. Her pleas echoed hollowly off the stone walls, reverberating around the tomb. "Take me instead!" she cried, her voice breaking with the weight of her sorrow. "I'll do anything! Please!"

But Death, silent and impassive, remained unmoved. The spectral figure slowly raised her right hand, her fingers spreading wide as if ready to pluck a soul from the living. The air seemed to grow colder, a palpable chill descending on the tomb as Lydia watched in helpless horror.

In that moment, as Death's fingers flexed, the light in Victor's eyes began to dim. His chest rose and fell with shallow, labored breaths, each one more strained than the last. His gaze locked with Lydia's, his eyes carrying a world of pain, but also an understanding. Acceptance.

"It's okay, Lyd..." His voice was barely a whisper, a ghost of his former self. Each word was punctuated by a hiss of pain, his lips drawn into a grimace. And then, there was silence. His body went limp, the light in his eyes extinguished. His gaze, once full of life and fire, was now empty. His final breath left his body in a soft sigh, echoing in the cold, cruel silence of the tomb.

Despair washed over Lydia, consuming her in its icy grasp. She could only stare at her brother's lifeless body, her heart pounding a relentless, echoing drumbeat in her chest. Her pleas had fallen on deaf ears, her tears wasted. Death had claimed Victor, taken him from her. A wave of crushing helplessness washed over her, pulling her down into its icy depths.

As Victor's body fell limp, the reality of the situation slammed into Lydia with the force of a tidal wave. This was the price of her hubris, her arrogance in believing she could manipulate the natural order. Death had come to collect, and it had taken Victor as payment.

A raw, primal scream tore itself from Lydia's throat, ripping through the silence of the tomb. It echoed off the walls, filling the space with her despair. She was a tempest of grief and guilt, her world collapsing around her. The once mighty wielder of cosmic powers, brought to her knees by her own actions.

In the end, it wasn't Shaw's grand plan, or the genetically enhanced wolves, or even the relentless onslaught of cosmic energies that defeated Lydia. It was guilt, the gnawing, insidious sense of remorse for her choices, for the consequences of her actions. And as she sat there, beside the lifeless body of her brother, she couldn't help but wonder if her audacious gambles with the cosmos were worth the price she was now paying.

At first, there was only the surreal denial, a rejection of reality so profound that it threatened to shatter Lydia's sanity. This couldn't be happening. It was a nightmare, a horrific illusion her mind had conjured in the depths of her subconscious.

But as the seconds ticked by, each one a merciless echo of the truth, Lydia realized there was no escaping this harrowing reality. It was not a nightmare she could wake from; it was the stark, cold truth. Her brother was gone. The desolation that thought brought was so overwhelming it nearly drowned her. It bubbled up from the depths of her soul, consuming her. It was a new sensation, this despair, raw and untamed.

A primal scream rent the air, echoing around the cavernous tomb. It was a guttural, heart-wrenching sound that spoke volumes of the agony ripping her apart. A pulse of raw energy erupted from Lydia, a blinding flare of cosmic power that consumed everything in its path.

The cave shuddered under the force of Lydia's cosmic explosion, the ground trembling as though caught in the throes of an earthquake. Rocks disintegrated into dust, swallowed up by the incandescent flare of Lydia's power. James, clad in his protective suit, was thrown from the cave like a ragdoll. His body sailed through the air, arcing high into the night sky before gravity took hold, yanking him back down to earth. His suit absorbed the brunt of the impact, saving him from certain death.

Shaw, the orchestrator of this horrific tragedy, was less fortunate. He stood at ground zero of the cosmic maelstrom, caught in the full wrath of Lydia's unleashed fury. There was no time to react, no time to summon his powers. One moment he was there, and the next he was simply...gone. His body disintegrated into a cloud of atoms, blasted away by the unfathomable power of Lydia's grief.

From the outside, the world seemed to convulse. The ground buckled and heaved as though trying to swallow itself, dust and rock hurled into the sky in an ear-splitting blast. A brilliant beacon of cosmic energy erupted from the earth, a raging tempest of light and power that painted the night sky in an array of dazzling colors. It was a spectacle of destruction, a testament to the magnitude of Lydia's anguish.

And at the heart of it all was Lydia, a figure of raw cosmic power and devastating grief, the epicenter of an emotional earthquake that had torn her world asunder.

The cosmic shockwave reverberated through the Earth, an invisible force that carried the weight of Lydia's despair, grief, and rage. As the wave passed over cities and oceans, forests and mountains, it seeped into the hearts of every living creature. Humans, animals, even the flora seemed to bow under the burden of sudden sadness that shrouded the planet. People stopped in their tracks, looks of confusion and concern etched on their faces as they grappled with the inexplicable surge of despair. Animals hunched in their habitats, whimpering or falling silent. Even the trees seemed to droop, as if mourning under the weight of shared grief. Lydia's emotional turmoil, amplified by her cosmic power, had become a shared experience for all life on Earth.

Within the remnants of the collapsed cavern, the dust began to clear, revealing a heart-wrenching scene. Lydia knelt next to Victor's body, her figure hunched in an attitude of desolation. Her once vibrant eyes were now hollow, the spark of life extinguished by loss and pain. Her hands, still glowing faintly with the remnants of the cosmic explosion, rested gently on Victor's body.

Even amidst the tumult of her emotions, the chaos of her unleashed powers, Lydia's subconscious had managed to protect what was precious to her. Victor lay beside her, his body perfectly intact, untouched by the destructive force of the cosmic explosion. His face was peaceful, a stark contrast to the raw desolation etched into Lydia's features.

It was a scene that radiated both the vulnerability and the formidable power of Lydia. Even in her grief, even when she was unanchored and lost in her despair, her power had responded to her deepest desire: to protect Victor, to preserve the physical evidence of his existence in this world.

With her fingers trembling, Lydia stroked Victor's cheek, the touch delicate as if she feared even the slightest pressure might shatter the cruel reality before her. Her sobs echoed in the desolate landscape, a lullaby of grief and regret that punctuated the stillness left in the wake of the explosion.


With Lydia's cosmic energy echoing around the globe, it wasn't long before the sensors of New Genosha picked up the anomaly. Inside the control center of the planetary government, the ethereal form of Astrid hovered above a multitude of holographic screens. One, in particular, displayed a rapidly oscillating graph representing the anomalous energy spike that had originated from Earth.

"For a moment, I thought the sensors were malfunctioning," Astrid confessed, her voice echoing through the control room with an unusual trace of worry. Even for a sophisticated AI, the readings were unprecedented and alarming.

Upon registering James' suit as online, Astrid's interest spiked. The suit, linked to her through a secure network, provided invaluable insights into the situation on Earth. She tapped into the suit's feed, the holographic screens in the control room filling with rapidly scrolling data before the footage appeared.

The fight against Shaw and the genetically modified wolves played out in front of her, and despite her artificial nature, Astrid couldn't help but react with shock. The raw brutality of the battle, the valiant effort of Victor and James, and finally, the tragic end of Victor. The AI was momentarily taken aback, her usually fluid form flickering in response to the emotional turmoil she sensed.

"Emergency protocol: Omega," Astrid announced, her voice taking on a graver tone as she viewed Victor's lifeless form. The Omega protocol - a directive set by Lydia for grave situations - mobilized the resources of New Genosha into swift action.

Just as Astrid was preparing to initiate the next phase of the protocol, the control room doors slid open with a soft hiss. Emma Frost, a notable member of the council and an associate of Lydia, strode in. Her usually stoic features softened when she saw the scene replayed on the screens.

Upon receiving Astrid's swift briefing, Emma's icy blue eyes widened, a rare display of shock rippling through her otherwise composed demeanor. "Dispatch all available vessels," Astrid commanded, her voice strained with urgency. "Leave for Earth immediately."

As Emma began to comply with Astrid's command, the AI's form flickered, reflecting the sudden upheaval and urgency. In this moment, Astrid was more than an AI following a protocol. She was a product of Lydia's genius, grieving for her creator's loss, and standing firm in a crisis that threatened everything Lydia held dear.

Inside the control room, Astrid processed the implications of what she had just witnessed. The devastation wrought by Lydia's cosmic outburst was monumental, but more concerning was the emotional turmoil that was surely wracking her creator. Lydia had lost her brother, and in her despair, she had seemingly lost control of her immense powers.

Astrid knew the situation called for immediate intervention, and one person immediately came to mind. "Alerting Carol Danvers," Astrid commanded, her voice resolute.

The communication protocols whirred into action, reaching out across the cosmic void to Captain Marvel, Grand Admiral of the Genoshian Empire. Carol Danvers was in the midst of a patrol in the outer reaches of the Genoshian space when she received the priority call from Astrid.

"Carol," Astrid's holographic form flickered into existence in the control center of Carol's ship. "It's Lydia. She... she's in trouble."

Carol's heart dropped. Astrid's words, delivered with the stark emotional undertone uncharacteristic of an AI, had a chilling effect. She didn't need to ask for specifics; her intuition told her that something had gone horribly wrong.

"Lydia..." Carol breathed, her mind rushing to the woman who meant so much to her. Her connection with Lydia went beyond friendship and partnership. It was a bond of love, of shared experiences, and of a mutual commitment to protect and uphold justice. And now, Lydia needed her.

"I'm on my way," Carol stated, her voice hardening with resolve. But even as she engaged her ship's hyperdrive, Carol found herself wrestling with a gnawing fear. Lydia was one of the strongest beings she knew - if she was in trouble, the situation must be dire.

Astrid's hologram solidified once more in front of Carol, the ethereal figure's shimmering eyes filled with an uncharacteristic urgency. "Victor is dead," Astrid said in an unsteady voice. The AI might not completely experience emotions fully, but Carol could sense the gravity of the situation in her voice, the sheer weight of the news she was relaying.

Carol's heart clenched at the words. Victor, Lydia's brother, was gone. She could hardly process it. Victor's gruff demeanor, his dry sense of humor, the way he cared so deeply for Lydia—it was a part of their shared life she couldn't imagine losing.

"Lydia is in distress," Astrid continued, breaking Carol from her daze. "Her emotional state combined with her vast power is a volatile mix. We...I fear that she may lose control."

Carol's mind was spinning. Lydia was not just powerful, she was extraordinary. If she lost control, the potential for disaster was unimaginable. But even as fear curled in her stomach, Carol pushed it aside. Now was not the time for fear. Now was the time for action. For Lydia.

"I understand, Astrid," Carol responded, her voice steady. She gazed out at the expanse of space unfolding before her, the stars whizzing by as her ship sped towards Earth. She felt the gnawing fear, the looming dread of what she might find when she arrived. But she also felt resolve. She would be there for Lydia, just as Lydia had always been there for her.

As she hurtled through space, Carol couldn't help but recall the love and shared experiences between her and Lydia. Their bond was unique, forged in the fires of battle and tempered by shared hopes and dreams. Lydia had stood by her side, fought beside her, loved her. And now, Lydia was in pain.

Carol felt a tight knot of determination form in her chest. She knew Lydia's strength, her resilience. She knew the woman she loved would never willingly succumb to her pain, would fight to regain control. But she also knew that Lydia was in a place of intense emotional turmoil, a place where even the strongest could falter.

And so, Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, steeled herself. She would be there to hold Lydia, to soothe her, to offer her love and support. She would stand by Lydia as she had stood by her, offering the strength of her love to help Lydia regain control. Because love, Carol knew, was the most potent force of all.

And she would not fail her.


The sound of debris and rocks crunching under the force of his suit echoed in James' ears as he pushed his way out of the debris. He grunted as he moved a particularly heavy stone, his suit whining under the strain. Dust and small particles floated in the air around him, lending the scene a surreal, ghostly quality. Activating his suit's jet, he shot up into the air, the pale moonlight illuminating the devastation below. His eyes were drawn to one spot in particular, a sight that stopped his heart.

Lydia was kneeling in the dust, her body wracked with sobs, cradling Victor's motionless form in her arms. Her usually vibrant eyes were hollow, filled with an anguish so profound James felt it in his own soul. He descended slowly, his feet hitting the ground with a soft thud. The world around him seemed to slow, every sound, every sensation fading away until all that was left was Lydia's sobbing and the sight of Victor's lifeless body.

Guilt swept over James in a nauseating wave. The memory of Victor shoving the wolf aside, taking the full brunt of the attack intended for him, was branded into his mind. The image of his brother's pained grimace, the determination in his eyes, seemed to taunt him. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut - Victor had sacrificed himself to save him.

"No..." he breathed, his voice barely a whisper. His legs gave way, and he crumpled to the ground next to Lydia, his suit echoing his despair with a mournful whine. His eyes never left Victor, drinking in the sight of his brother, the man who'd always been there, who'd just given his life to save his.

He should have been the one to die, not Victor. The thought was like a knife to his heart. His brother was gone, and he was alive. The injustice of it was a bitter taste in his mouth. His mind raced, thoughts jumbling and crashing against each other. If he'd been quicker, smarter, stronger... maybe Victor would still be alive.

"Victor..." he choked out, reaching a trembling hand to touch his brother's cold face. His vision blurred, and he realized he was crying, the tears carving hot tracks down his cheeks. He turned to Lydia, his heart aching for her loss. Victor was his brother, but to Lydia, Victor was her everything.

As the reality of his brother's death settled over him, James felt something change within him. He felt a resolve solidify, a commitment to honor his brother, to ensure his death was not in vain. He would stand by Lydia, as Victor would have wanted him to, and together, they would find a way to face this unimaginable pain.