
Marvel's Death Merchant (CN)

Looting Terminators, Mechanical Octopuses, Mechanical Arch-Enemies, Galactic Fleet, Pacific Rim, Transformers' advanced technology establishes a Mechanical Empire. Devouring and assimilating, Super Bodies, New Ironblood Warriors, Endless Infinity, Superpower Outburst, Legend of the Dark Night, Naruto, Edge of Tomorrow... With the power, genes, and technology from these, they establish a Steel Empire belonging to the Techno-Cult, becoming the most powerful arms dealer in Marvel history. PS: The real world is centered around Marvel movies, with comics as a supplement. The protagonist focuses on technology, with magic as a support. NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THIS, I ONLY TRANSLATED THE NOVEL FROM CHINESE TO ENGLISH. If you want to support me and help me keep doing this then click here : paypal.me/CerAomine

RosewoodFist · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 15

After Captain America cleared most of Hydra's bases, Tang Tian also obtained a large number of energy battery cells. Recently, he had been absorbing energy from Hydra's battery cells to restore his own power. Now Tang Tian's gravity manipulation ability had been restored. Magic had also fused with his energy abilities, becoming a source of power. After everything was almost complete, Tang Tian planned to inject various viruses into his body and enter a state of suspended animation, achieving an ageless and immortal physique. As for the possibility of failure, there was no need to worry because Tang Tian's unique constitution made it impossible for him to fail. Otherwise, he would have turned to dust long ago when he came into contact with the energy of the Tesseract.

Of course, Tang Tian also obtained most of the Hydra weapons confiscated by Captain America, including heavy energy tanks and powered armors capable of deploying small energy cannons (similar to those seen in the movies). Once Dr. Zola was in place, they could manufacture new energy weapons. Over time, Umbrella Corporation's arms sales increased, and the transformation of pharmaceutical companies into arms companies became more apparent.

"The energy of the Tesseract is indeed impressive. I can already feel my power gradually returning," Tang Tian said as he left the meeting room and entered a nearby room to rest. He took out an energy battery cell from his storage space and quickly absorbed its energy. The black glow covering Tang Tian's hand devoured the blue energy of the Tesseract.

"Commander, the operation has already begun," a member of the serum team reported. "Oh, how long has it been?" Tang Tian asked casually, his aura growing stronger after absorbing the energy.

"It has been one hour," the serum team member replied expressionlessly. "Good, once they complete their mission, release the trackers." "Understood." With that, the operation officially began.

Just like in the Captain America storyline, Rogers, Steve, and Alfred stood at the edge of a mountain peak, looking down at the train below through ropes. However, similar to the movie, James, also known as Bucky, the future Winter Soldier, fell and disappeared. But during Captain America's mission, Umbrella Corporation was also in action. Dr. Zola was secretly taken away by Steve and Alfred, who had been enhanced with the super soldier serum. The duo killed the black man who had found Dr. Zola and all the people controlling the train for Hydra. They then found a stable place to jump off, completing the mission.

The success of this mission was also due to Captain America; otherwise, it would have been difficult to accomplish. Dr. Zola's disappearance didn't cause any issues. Unlike in the original movie, the military already knew about Hydra's final base and decided to locate Dr. Zola first before launching an attack on the base.

"Commander, the mission is complete. Should we release the trackers?" the intelligence officer calmly said after receiving a message through the communicator. Tang Tian rubbed his chin, pondered for a moment, and then turned to the intelligence officer behind him, saying, "We can start the deployment and test the operational data." "Where should we deploy them?" the intelligence officer asked with a hint of doubt in his voice. "Deploy them at Hydra's base in the Alps," Tang Tian said, his sunglasses emitting a cold gleam. The Hydra base had previously collaborated with Umbrella Corporation for some time since the super soldier serum was derived from the Sun ladder. However, after Schmidt injected an incomplete version of the serum, he betrayed Umbrella Corporation, and now the two organizations were at odds.

Just as the Red Skull announced the operation, a transport plane flew over the sky and landed above the Hydra base. Instead of using bombs, the cargo bay of the plane released thirty-two-meter-tall iron crates with the skull logo on them. However, the defense capabilities of Hydra's final base were extremely strong, and as soon as the crates were deployed, they were instantly destroyed by massive energy tanks.

When Red Skull, Schmidt, came out and saw the Umbrella Corporation logo, his heart sank. It reminded him of the agile reptilian creatures that attacked many of Hydra's bases. He wondered what kind of monsters Umbrella Corporation would deploy this time.

"Pop pop pop..." As Schmidt contemplated, the iron crates opened, revealing thirty first-generation trackers equipped with 20mm electromagnetic acceleration devices and multiple-barrel machine guns. The tongues of fire unleashed by these weapons carried countless superheated metal bullets rotating at high speeds. As the sound echoed, numerous bullets pierced through the soldiers of Hydra, tearing apart any Hydra members hit by the 20mm bullets.

Rogers also seized the opportunity to enter the Hydra base. The invasion of the bio-weapon trackers caused devastating losses to Hydra, and the addition of Captain America led to the complete collapse of Hydra. The trackers, with their electromagnetic accelerated multiple-barrel machine guns, had a firing rate of 10,000 rounds per minute, allowing them to unleash hundreds of rounds per second. With their large ammunition capacity, they resembled mobile turrets, filled with destructive power.

"Bang bang bang."

The continuous sound of gunfire echoed throughout the Hydra base as a large number of bullets hit the surrounding two-meter-tall trackers. However, the high-density muscles of the bio-weapons repelled the bullets, and the T-virus endowed them with regenerative power and formidable defense. The bio-weapons produced by Umbrella Corporation possessed the characteristics of being cheap yet powerful. For Tang Tian, who had just started his development, they were just right. After plundering a large amount of mechanical technology in the movie world, Tang Tian would restore the Iron Empire. His true strength would be demonstrated after the events of Captain America were over, as he temporarily left the Marvel universe and developed in the colonies for several hundred years. This way, he would have a better future in the upcoming reality.

However, although it was different from the movie, in Captain America's operation, he still boarded the bomber and followed a similar path as depicted in the film. The trackers suffered significant losses in their assault on Hydra, almost wiping out the entire group. After the battle, all the tracker corpses were collected, and the electromagnetic weapons shone brightly in this conflict.

"I am Captain Rogers, can you hear me?" After the Red Skull's death, Rogers approached the communicator and opened the frequency to headquarters.

"Steve, is that you? It's Carter. Are you okay?" Initially, a man's voice came through the communicator, but when Carter heard Rogers' voice, she came closer to the device. "I'm fine, Schmidt is dead," Rogers replied simply.

Looking at the heavy bombs on the bomber, their automatic program already activated, Rogers said, "Where is the plane now? We'll find you a safe landing spot." Carter's voice was filled with concern.

"I may not have the time to worry about safety. I have to attempt an emergency landing right away." Rogers checked all the instrument panels and said nervously. "No, I'll find Howard immediately. He knows what to do." Carter obviously knew that Howard had the capability to help Rogers.

"There's no time. This plane is too fast, heading straight for New York." Rogers, with no other options, said, "I have to make it crash into the sea." "Steve, don't. There's still time. We can figure out another way." Carter understood that Rogers was prepared to sacrifice himself.

"There's no other way. I'm in an uninhabited area. If I don't act immediately, many people will die." Rogers watched as the bomber slowly descended, his voice filled with tension. "Peggy, this is my choice."

Rogers opened his pocket watch, which contained a photo of Peggy Carter. As he finished his final conversation with her, he descended into the Atlantic Ocean, temporarily removing Captain America, the superhero, from the stage of history.

"It's time to take action. I've spent too long being a bystander in the real world. It's time to fully embark on the plan to plunder the movie dimensions." After Captain America crashed in the Atlantic, Tang Tian muttered to himself. All preparations before leaving had been made. First, he would create clones of himself. Then, he would cease investing in Germany's military industry and instead sell arms to Germany in large quantities. After all, the progress of the Marvel world had officially begun.


PS: Various sci-fi movies will start crossing over soon. Your support is greatly appreciated.