
Marvel's Death Merchant (CN)

Looting Terminators, Mechanical Octopuses, Mechanical Arch-Enemies, Galactic Fleet, Pacific Rim, Transformers' advanced technology establishes a Mechanical Empire. Devouring and assimilating, Super Bodies, New Ironblood Warriors, Endless Infinity, Superpower Outburst, Legend of the Dark Night, Naruto, Edge of Tomorrow... With the power, genes, and technology from these, they establish a Steel Empire belonging to the Techno-Cult, becoming the most powerful arms dealer in Marvel history. PS: The real world is centered around Marvel movies, with comics as a supplement. The protagonist focuses on technology, with magic as a support. NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THIS, I ONLY TRANSLATED THE NOVEL FROM CHINESE TO ENGLISH. If you want to support me and help me keep doing this then click here : paypal.me/CerAomine

RosewoodFist · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 12

"Wesker? The blood you're thinking of isn't so easy to obtain because it would lead to your death," Sebastian Shaw said with a smile.

Sebastian Shaw possessed the ability to absorb and rebound fused energy, whether it was solar energy, kinetic energy, or even the energy from nuclear explosions. His ability was undoubtedly top-tier among mutants, with the only exception being the Phoenix, Jean Grey, a Class 5 mutant capable of easily destroying the Earth.

"Sebastian Shaw has slightly higher physical strength than an ordinary person. His mutant ability is energy absorption, passively absorbing and rebounding all forms of energy without any special means of attack," Wesker narrowed his blood-red eyes, contemplating Shaw's strengths and weaknesses before the battle.

Overall, this was a very challenging situation. Shaw, with his ability to absorb energy, including kinetic energy, was practically indestructible because all attacks would be rendered ineffective. However, after absorbing energy, Sebastian Shaw would rebound it back onto himself, putting him in a disadvantageous position. But when Wesker was ordered to act by Terra Donnas, he was informed of Shaw's weakness, which was that as long as he was struck gently and slowly, his energy absorption wouldn't activate. In the movie, Magneto used a coin to slowly penetrate Shaw's head. However, Terra Donnas intended for the battle to stimulate the evolution of the progenitor virus within Wesker, with the final blow being delivered later.

"Well then, I want to give it a try. Let the retrieval begin," Wesker said coldly as he retrieved a syringe from his right hand, covered by a black combat glove. A sinister and dark aura emanated from it.

"Heh, sometimes I really want to say that we are all mutants. Although you may have been artificially created by Umbrella Corporation, we all possess extraordinary power. Why can't we cooperate? It's possible for mutants to unite and dominate the world," Shaw removed his glasses, looking at Wesker, whose aura had drastically changed, and he calmly made his persuasive statement.

"Hmph, you'll never know the true horror of Umbrella Corporation. Furthermore, with my progenitor virus-modified body, I've always been looking forward to a powerful opponent to help me evolve," Wesker said with a cold smirk, followed by a trace of mockery on his lips. He then swiftly discarded his sunglasses, and the reflection caused Shaw to instinctively close his eyes. Although Shaw didn't know the extent of Wesker's attacking power, he wasn't afraid of any form of attack.

Wesker seized the opportunity and delivered a left hook to Sebastian Shaw's body. Due to the modification of Wesker's physical qualities by the Progenitor Virus, his overall strength was immensely powerful. A single punch could even shatter alloy. His instantaneous speed could reach 50 meters per second, and his strength could reach 1 ton. Eric, who was unconscious, had already been taken away from the office by Nazi soldiers, and his mother was also brought onto a helicopter. The Nazi soldiers dared not intervene as anyone affiliated with Umbrella Corporation enjoyed immunity from prosecution, which was a law established by representatives of Umbrella in various governments.

Wesker did manage to land his left hook on Sebastian Shaw, but surprisingly, despite Wesker's formidable appearance, he was sent flying and crashed heavily into the office wall. Wesker turned into an afterimage in mid-air, instantly distancing himself from Sebastian Shaw.

"Indeed, quite troublesome." Wesker looked at Shaw, who was unharmed, with a serious expression. The deep fist imprint on his shoulder instantly disappeared.

"Oh, such formidable attacking power and regenerative ability. Is this your strength? Now you have one more chance to join me." Sebastian Shaw smiled, sensing that with such a powerful ally, his plan might succeed even faster.

"No, now is just the beginning." Wesker said with a cold smirk. He then unleashed a storm of attacks with lightning-fast speed towards Sebastian Shaw. No matter how many times Wesker was sent flying, he could instantly recover and fully adapt to the force of Shaw's counterattacks.

After about an hour, neither Sebastian Shaw nor Wesker suffered any injuries. Through the simulation of every cell unit by the Progenitor Virus, Wesker adapted to the force generated by his own counterattacks against Shaw. Any similar attacks in the future would be ineffective, including rifles of the same caliber, which he could completely withstand. This evolution driven by the Progenitor Virus showcased its terrifying power.

"The depth of this evolution is unfathomable, the perfect power." Sebastian Shaw looked at Wesker with obsession. He had come to understand Wesker's current abilities very well—powerful attack strength, super-fast recovery speed, and perfect adaptability. These were all firsthand experiences of the limitless evolutionary power of the Progenitor Virus.

"Not bad. I feel my body has evolved once again. Your abilities help me become even stronger." Wesker, still wearing his sunglasses, laughed coldly, feeling that his physical qualities and strength had surpassed their previous limits by tenfold. He sarcastically remarked.

"You actually... I understand now." Sebastian Shaw's expression changed as he listened to Wesker's words. Shaw knew that Wesker had discovered his ability to absorb and reflect any form of energy. However, these powers were passive, and if Wesker didn't attack but used something toxic or gaseous, then it would be game over for Shaw, considering he had an ordinary human body.

"Now you know, but it's too late." Wesker said disdainfully.

Shaw watched as Wesker slowly approached without launching an attack, but Shaw was frightened. He picked up a handgun from the desk and aimed it at Wesker. "Bang, bang, bang..." The office was filled with a dozen gunshots, but to Shaw's surprise, Wesker moved like an agent in The Matrix, evading all the bullets with slight movements.

"Hmph." Wesker let out a cold snort and, turning into a blur, grabbed the gun that Shaw was holding. With a light squeeze, the handgun instantly turned into pieces.

"What do you want from me?" Sebastian Shaw said helplessly. It was apparent that Wesker didn't attack him to allow him to gain energy. All the bullets from the handgun had been fired, and it was impossible to generate any more energy. Shaw, without the energy from a nuclear reactor, was undoubtedly weak, just an ordinary person. Although his passive ability to absorb any form of energy made Shaw powerful, he lacked formidable means of attack.

"I've already told you, it's your blood," Wesker said calmly. He then took out a syringe and slowly injected it into Shaw's neck. Wesker proceeded to extract 500 milliliters of blood from Shaw and carefully took a sample of muscle tissue. Satisfied with his collection, Wesker placed the well-preserved samples in a thermos along with Eric's blood sample. This mission was finally completed successfully.

"Umbrella, Wesker, I swear that once I have a large number of mutants, you will pay the price," Sebastian Shaw declared. He not only had his blood drawn this time but also suffered a significant blow. He couldn't understand how Wesker knew about his abilities despite not using them in front of anyone. As he watched Wesker leave with the spoils on the helicopter, a cold glint appeared in Sebastian Shaw's eyes.

Sebastian Shaw might not be aware of the horror of Umbrella Corporation. His genes would undoubtedly be incorporated into the Tyrant series of bio-weapons. Even if he thought of improving the weaknesses of his superpowers, he would never be a match for Umbrella. That's the power of technology, the power of Umbrella in the Marvel universe.


PS: In the next chapter, I might explore how the colony is developing. The time is also approaching for the protagonist to settle things in the real world and embark on a journey through deep space with amnesia. Your support is greatly appreciated.