
Marvel's Ancient Summoner

A lost soul transimgrates to marvel but what's this... it's 5000 years too early?

NeverLate · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The land across

Lucy was lying on Unohana's arms like a dead body and was sweating due to the heat, when suddenly Unohana stopped walking.

"There's more deviants, they're heading straight at us"

Lucy wasn't surprised as the deviant population seemed quite rampant in today's time.

Like usual Unohana took care of most of them while Lucy and Garona fought with one. Gob just sat in the sidelines drawing circles on the ground... He seemed a little sad.

Lucy swiftly used the bone sword to slash while also observing the enemy carefully.

It looked like a wolf, appearing as a hulking creature combining both wolfish and elephant features.

It stood on four legs and was significantly taller than an average human, with a muscular build covered in dense, dark fur.

The creature had a snarling wolf-like face with sharp, protruding fangs, glowing eyes, and pointed ears. Its hands and feet are clawed, providing formidable natural weapons, and it exudes an aura of primal ferocity and menace.

"You're one scary piece of work" Lucy thought as he looked at the behemoth before him. But when he turned and saw the others being barbecued he suddenly felt they weren't that bad...

The deviant roared as he charged at Lucy with an oppressive aura, but was quickly stopped by Garona who tackled the deviant sending it flying.

Lucy charged swiftly at the thrown away deviant but kept his vigilance high as he observed the deviant.

Last time he fought a deviant, he wasn't careful enough, although he knew the deviant could use the tail as a weapon he wasn't able to employ it in the fight.

Lucy slashed with his blade aiming at the head of the deviants, but the deviant quickly regained it's balance, opened its mouth and made a biting motion towards the sword.

Lucy was prepared for the deviant to counter and instantly changed the slash to a piercing motion.

The sound of the blade piercing through flesh was heard as the wolf dropped dead to the ground with Lucy's arm half inserted in its mouth.

"That was close" Lucy said as the were centimeters away from piercing his arm.


Lucy sat under a tree enjoying the shade and cool breeze. Looking to his side he saw Garona trying to reach a fruit on the tree that looked like mangoes.

After traveling for a few days on foot, they encountered a forest which Lucy gladly went in. More air less heat, what's there not to like... Until


Lucy's eyes twitched as his hand moved quickly and slapped his left cheek.


"Blood sucking pieces of... Unohana!" Lucy suddenly turned to Unohana.

Unohana sent a wave of reiatsu out which instantly knocked out living creatures within 20 meters.

Lucy thought he would be free from the incessant buzzing when he heard it again. This time it was even louder, it sounded like an engine at this point.

"Haaa we just can't seem to take a break" Lucy said as he looked at the sky, they were shaped like mosquitoes, only difference was they were around his size.

Lucy looked at the huma- shinigami mosquito zapper behind him and ordered her to kill them all. He didn't even want to fight these deviants, he couldn't fight in the air after all.

Lightning surged through the sky as the smell of burnt flesh permeated through the forest.

Lucy slumped on the tree and began to sleep, it was a tiring day.


The rustling of leaves and calls of insects could be heard throughout the forest as Lucy and gang walked steadily through.

Garona was upfront clearing the way with her large axe, followed by Unohana who was constantly using her reiatsu to check the area for any living beings. Behind her was Lucy and Gob walking leisurely.

"Finally, no more mosquito deviants" Lucy sighed with relief as he no longer heard the incessant buzzing.

A few days after they were attacked by the mosquito deviants, they kept getting attacked for a few days, it only stopped when Unohana wiped them all out.

"Uhh Lucy... There are humans ahead, they're heading our way" Unohana spoke as she sensed spiritual energy that was akin to normal humans.

"How many?" Lucy was a little excited as the last time they met humans they had a fun fight and gained a boat.

"Ten, they seem to be adults"

"Let's observe first, we never know what could happen" Lucy said as they dispersed and blended in with the forest.

Lucy was on a tree branch and hiding in its shadows like a panther, with his hand gripping his bone sword.

Garona hid in a small stream nearby submerging her entire body. Though due to how big she was she was currently horizontal in the water.

Gob simply dove in the bushes and camouflaged easily die to his size and color.

As for Unohana, Lucy didn't even know where she hid. She had already reduced her spirit energy to the minimum causing normal people to be unable to see her.

Silent and swift footsteps could be heard as the group of humans finally arrived. They wore dried skins of animals and were brandishing spears and bones made of wood and stone.

"ouh abol haud" one of the men upfront spoke in an unfamiliar language while doing some signs with his hand

"agi lukatam had" the man beside him answered in a similar fashion

Lucy couldn't understand the words they were speaking but his expression suddenly turned weird when he saw what two of the men were carrying.

It was a another human tied to a stick who had fear in his eyes but couldn't scream as his mouth was blocked with a rock.

"What the fuck? Cannibals?" Lucy thought that they maybe cannibals since it was quite prominent during this era...

"I wonder what it would taste like... People said it taste like pork..." Lucy's first thought however wasn't to save the man, but to wonder what he would taste like...

"No homo" Lucy suddenly said as he looked straight at a particular direction but quickly got out of his stupor without much thought.

Lucy sent a signal with his arms to the others that they should follow them.

Lucy and the others silently trailed behind the group as they continued to walk deeper to a certain part of the forest.

Lucy didn't plan to save the man, he was just curious. He wanted to find out what they would do, whether it was earing the man or something else.

Of course once they start trying to eat the man, Lucy would probably intervene, he didn't want to see a man get eaten right in front of him.

"But I don't really hate this people for being cannibals... It's their society after all" Lucy believed that they weren't doing anything wrong, in their society they were probably raised to think of human meat as food. Morals, right, wrong, to Lucy they were all just subjective things that could be twisted in any way.

For example, if you grow up in a society that worships death, like the Egyptians. You would embrace death, you would not fear it.

If you grow up in a society of atheists, you would believe in science and logic.

We are what are environment makes us after all.

So Lucy believed and let something more reliable guide his actions, his selfishness. Lucy didnt care about what others did or what they believed in. All that mattered to him were what he wanted and what he should do.

Lucy dropped from the trees as he stared at the cave that the humans just went in to.

"Not creepy at all..." Looking at the dark cave, Lucy suddely had an idea.

Unohana and the others arrived a few seconds later and were surprised to see a Lucy with an enormous grin on his face.

"Do you want to play a game?"