
Marvel's Ancient Summoner

A lost soul transimgrates to marvel but what's this... it's 5000 years too early?

NeverLate · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Legend of Ishkura

The deviants roared as it charged towards Lucy and Garona with astonishing speed.

Lucy sent a glance to Garona who immediately knew what she had to do. Because of their training, Lucy and Garona didn't even have to vocally communicate, they were able to tell which move to do by just looking at each other.

Garona raised charged to the deviant fearlessly equipped with a large battle axe. The deviants lunged at Garona, to which Garona also lunged with her axe raised high.


"Rarghh" Garona roared, her muscles bulging as she brought down the axe with immense power.

The axe hit the deviants sending it staright to the ground and kicking up dust.

As the dust cleared, a bleeding deviant was exposed. Although the deviants received some damage, it wasn't fatal, the scales protecting it were extremely hard

Before the deviants could recover, a sharp bone suddenly sliced the tendons on its hind legs.

"Roar!" It let out as a roae of pain an immediately swung its tail to the intruder.

Lucy was surprised that the lizard could use the tail as a weapon. But thanks to his training, he was able to swiftly raise his sword and block the tail.

Lucy gritted his teeth as pain hit his arms and body as he was thrown back by the force. "I really don't have enough experience with fighting, I didn't even think about it using it's tail..."

Lucy cleared his head and immediately stood back up as the deviant had turned it's attention to him.

Seeing that the deviants was still able to move, albeit a little slower. Lucy knew his cut was too shallow.

Lucy raised his sword as he observed the approaching deviant. He immediately thought of the most obvious weaknesses.

"Either the eyes or the... Ass"

Lucy immediately shook the ass option as he wasn't even sure if deviants had the option of shitting.

"Eyes it is then"

Lucy suddenly shouted

"Garona hold it down for a bit!"

Garona quickly raised the battle axe and threw it straight at the deviant causing it to focus it's attention on Garona.

The deviant dodged the battle axe and charges at Garona. Garona's muscles became even more pronounced, her large build becoming increasingly intimidating as she charged straight at the lizard.

Garona's lowered her stance as she maneuveres below the lizard. Her arms immediately took hols of the lizard, lifting it up.

Veins popped up all over Garona's body as she forced the lizard high in the air, before extending her body backwards bringing the deviant back down to the ground headfirst.

Knowing that the deviants won't be disoriented for long, Lucy was already charging with his sword in a piercing motion.

Lucy couldn't control himself and roared as he pushed the sword straight through the head of the deviant.

Fearing it might not be enough, Lucy swung the still inserted sword downwards all the way to its neck, almost decapitating it.

Lucy panted as the deviant in front of him stopped moving and lost signs of life.

"That was... Fun" Lucy smiled, he had actually fought a monster, and he won!

Tiredness hit Lucy's body as he dropped to the ground. Unohana quickly caught Lucy gently and used Kaidō to heal his wounds.

"Well fought, Lucy" Unohana wanted to help when Lucy was sent flying by the deviants, but when she looked at Lucy she had a hint of nostalgia.

Lucy's eyes were filled with excitement and fighting intent, just like her back then. So Unohana only continued to watch, besides if it got too dangerous Lucy himself would call for help.

"Thanks" Lucy said as he went into a slumber due to mental exhaustion. This was the first time he had actually fought in a dangerous battle.

Meanwhile Garona let go of the dead deviant and sat on the ground. Although she was a little tired, she didn't pass out like Lucy.

Garona was from a war torn world, in a battle loving clan no less. She had experienced way more dangerous and troublesome experiences like this.

Unohana smiled wryly as she and the other summons made temporary camp near the battlefield as Lucy slept soundly.


Lucy slowly opened his eyes, he could also feel the same soft feeling he first felt when he almost died to a deviant a few months ago.

"Your awake" Unohana said with a smile as she looked down.

"Yeah, though I'm still a little tired" Lucy nodded, and didn't rush to get up, why not enjoy the feeling.

Lucy chuckled at the poker face Unohana made when he mentioned being tired again.

Shaking his head Lucy examined his body. Although he was mentally tired, his body was at the top of its condition.

"Courtesy of Unohana I presume" Lucy thought.

Lucy looked around and saw Garona cooking a fish over the campfire. While Gob was putting sticks through the fishes and passing them to Garona.

Lucy then thought of an idea and smiled deviously.

"Ahh, I'm so hungry but... I'm tired and I can't move" Lucy said with a 'sad' expression and looked at Unohana.

Lucy still remembered Unohana's comment when they saw the running people and she took a dig at him running like a madman the first time as well.

"Heh payback"

Unohana stared blankly at Lucy while the side of her mouth twitched a little. Sighing, she still took one of the fish on sticks and sent it towards Lucy's mouth.

Lucy opened his mouth and ate the fish Unohana was feeding him, with his eyes smiling.

"Delicious, thank you Unohana"

A few minutes later Lucy finished getting fed, he was about to continue sleeping on Unohana's lap when he remembered something.

"Right... The running people, where'd they go?"

Unohana then pointed further down the shore where there was fire and smoke just like where they were.

"Let's go meet them shall we?" Lucy said as he wanted to ask a few questions.


Endo, the leader of the people Lucy met was startled when he saw Lucy and Unohana heading towards them.

Endo quickly gathered up his people and knelt nearly in a line.

Meanwhile, Lucy was startled as the humans suddenly knelt when he and Unohana got close.

"Greetings Goddess Ishkura and her champion"

"Ishkura?" Lucy questioned mentally, he turned to Unohana saw she kept a poker face.

Lucy was surprised at first but decided to play along.

"Hello mortals" Lucy said in a deep voice.

The people kneeling felt a shudder run down their spine as they heard the Lucy's deep voice.

"M-may we ask why you have come here?" Endo asked with fear and respect evident in his voice.

"I want to ask a few questions, what's your name mortal?"

"My name is Endo, sir"

"Endo, where did you come from and where did the monsters start chasing you"

"W-we are from Eridu sir, we were a group sent to cross the vast waters up ahead. We were just about to board our boat when those monsters came out of nowhere and started attacking us"

Endo told his side of the story with fear as he remembered that there were still more monsters that stayed near the boat they abandoned.

Although he felt pained when he thought of all the supplies and resources in the boat, his life was more important so he didn't even think of going back.

As for asking help from the goddess in fronr of him? He wasn't so stupid as to demand something from a goddess.

Meanwhile, Lucy was inwardly shocked that these people were actually talking about sailing.

Although they should only have crude boats, maybe even just rowing boats. This would start an era of crossing the seas either for treasure, land, or resources.

It would usher a new era for the people.

"Have there been any successful ventures towards the vast waters mortal?" Lucy again asked in a deep voice.

"There have been a few sir, although most of those who try are never to return again"

Lucy nodded inwardly, with the technology right now, sailing is still a far cry from being safe or feasible for most people.

Lucy suddenly had an idea looking at the kneeling people in front of him. He smiled and syarted to speak.

"Go back home mortals"

"Yes sir, we will remember the grace of Ishkura and worship her for the rest of our lives"

Lucy nodded and looked at the Unohana who was staring at him blankly. Lucy thought they would probably forget this after a while.

Lucy didn't know that Endo would pass this legend down to his family, and his family to their family.

It would become a family legend, a beautiful goddess wielding lightning in her hands as she purged monsters from the earth. Accompanying her were her two champions.

The human, Sig-Pesh meaning something along the lines of yellow sword, who wielded a bone sword and conveyed the word of Ishkura whilst staring at you with piercing golden eyes.

Her next champion was Gurus, a muscular and burly woman with green skin. She would be believed to be the protector and fighter who fought bravely along side Ishkura.