
Marvel's Ancient Summoner

A lost soul transimgrates to marvel but what's this... it's 5000 years too early?

NeverLate · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

First Summon

In the ancient land of Mesopotamia, in an unknown plain.

Lucy could hear the sounds of wind and the feeling of the sun hitting his skin. There was however another sensation, a soft sensation on the back of his head.

'Ahh it feels like a pillow…'

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a shadow looming over him, it looked like two mountains. And then he saw it, from between the mountain shadows were a pair of eyes looking at him with a glint.

"Fuck a demon!" Lucy shouted, why?

Because he thought he'd died, and if he had died then Hell was the most likely place he'd go to. As for why… well that's for him to take to his grave.

"It's a little rude to call your savior a demon now isn't it?" Lucy heard the creature say with a soothing feminine voice.

"Savior?" Looking closely again without his blurry morning eyes, he could see her clearly.

Appearance of a slender and very youthful woman with blue eyes and black hair. And the shadows he saw were indeed mountain peaks.

'Well endowed mountain peaks...'

"I'm alive?" Lucy asked with confusion, and then remembered what happened before he passed out.

'Ahh the system' Lucy thought

"System, is she my summon?" Lucy mentally asked the system.

It was met with a swift and cold reply.


Lucy turned towards the woman again, which was easy considering he only had to turn his head up since he was still lying down.

"Thank you for saving me" Lucy said sincerely.

"Your welcome, since you seem quite fine now would you like to stop using my lap as a pillow?" The woman said with a gentle smile.

"Ahh?" Lucy was confused then realized.

"That's why it was so soft…" Lucy mumbled out loud.

"It is quite soft isn't it?" The woman said with another gentle smile.

Lucy was startled as he unconsciously muttered what he was thinking.

Coughing, Lucy propped himself up without any obstacles. Which shouldn't be possible, considering he was just mauled yesterday.

'Unless…' Lucy looked at the woman

"Did you heal me as well?" Lucy asked, his mind more open to supernatural things due to the monster yesterday and the appearance of the system

"Yes, you're very lucky I got here just in time" the woman said with a smile.

'Why the hell does that gentle smile never leave her mouth… it's a little… scary…'

"About that… Do you know how you got here?" Lucy asked

In his mind he kept asking more questions to the system but it has gone completely silent after his first question. The only thing that popped up were a bunch of text.


[Summon: Using summon tickets you are able to summon beings from the myriad worlds (Summoned units are completely loyal, however they will retain their personalities)]

[Quests: Completing quests grant summon tickets]

'A summoning system huh… it matches me if I say so myself'

Lucy smiled as he thought of lazing around whilst holding a whip and making his summons do everything.

"Move quicker! Whatack!"

Back in the real world, the woman suddenly answered again.

"Well, I do know this is a different world… and that here… I serve you…"

Lucy pondered the woman's answers.

'This makes it easy, at least they have a gist of the situation'

"And lastly, who are you?" Lucy asked with curiosity. Since the system won't answer him he had to ask her himself.

While maintaining a kind smile, her white robe cluttering with the wind, she answered me.

"My name is Unohana Retsu"

My eyes turn pin size as I hear her name.


From what I can remember she's a character from Bleach and a captain at that, so with her around she could easily guarantee my safety. And since she was a healer, his health was basically more guaranteed.


She was also the first kenpachi, and one of the most vicious criminals of soul society…

'Shit' Lucy mentally face palmed.

'Atleast she's completely loyal to me' Lucy consoled himself.

Noticing Lucy's change in expression, Unohana asked him "Oh, it seems you know me?"

"A little I guess," Lucy said as he chuckled, but didn't specify anymore.

'Unohana noticed this and dropped the matter, it didn't matter to her anyways. All that mattered now was serving him properly'

Lucy took another glance at the beautiful woman with a sigh 'Thank god it isn't her bloodthirsty era'

Lucy then looked to the far side, he could see the monster's body cut in two.

Getting closer, he examined the body, this time thanks to the sunlight he could see it clearly.

"Isn't this…" Lucy found a creature that was quite similar to this in his memories.

"A deviant?" Having just watched eternals before he got transmigrated, the appearance of the deviants were still fresh in his mind.

"Although they different in shapes, they have the same types of appearance"

Lucy could only guess, but this was his current answer.

"If that's true… then is this marvel?" Lucy thought as a shiver run down his spine.

Marvel was a wonderful world where one could suddenly die without even knowing the cause.

'Having died once, almost died again, I really don't want to be anywhere near dying again…'

Looking at Unohana, Lucy thought 'But with her by my side, a most dangers are at least resolved'

Not only was she a healer, she was undoubtedly a very powerful shinigami. She was, after all, the first kenpachi.

"What should I do now? All I've been doing up til now was surviving and talking to myself… is this really how I want to live?" Lucy mentally asked himself.

After a near death experience yesterday, he got a wake up call. He got a second life, and although his first was cut short, this is still a blessing many people would want.

"Yet here I was, aimlessl using it on nothing but survival…"

So Lucy thought for a while, until it hit him.

'What was it that I wanted in my first life?'

"Hehe, an everlasting life of excitement" Lucy said silently as his newfound goal gave at least some meaning to his life.

With that said, Lucy now knows what he wants, it's time to work towards it.

"Since it's the ancient times, and a not so simple world, I should at least be able to defend myself from normal humans."

[Beginner Quest issued: Learn Swordsmanship from Unohana Retsu

Reward: Trash Ticket ×1]

'So quests are encountered then huh…'

"But what's this Trash besides the ticket?" Lucy asked his system mentally however he was only met with silence.

"Tch whatever, it's probably referring to the ticket's rarity anyways, since it's Trash it's probably the lowest one."

Looking to his side, he talked.

"Unohana, can you teach me swordsmanship?"