
Marvel:I Am the Winter Soldier

Gifts are bestowed upon us, but greatness is seized by our own hands. Meet Aiden, a member of the Winter Soldiers. Welcome to my world.

shui_AW · Movies
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An hour later, the two reconvened at their separate locations, with Nicole bearing traces of blood, a stark contrast to Aiden's unchanged appearance.

"This New York is different from my hometown," Nicole remarked with a hint of astonishment, having confirmed through her investigations that they were indeed in New York. Yet, this incarnation of the famed Big Apple bore no resemblance to her own home.

Most notably, Nicole found the absence of gang skirmishes, which were a common sight in the Harlem area of her New York, particularly striking. There, nightly conflicts, both minor and major, were the norm, but here, an eerie harmony prevailed.

Her investigations revealed a startling fact: Hell's Kitchen was under the reign of a single mob boss, a notion that seemed unfathomable to Nicole. She wondered what kind of formidable figure could unify the notorious neighborhood.

Kimble was the name that first came to Nicole's attention, leaving a profound impression on her.

The more she learned, the more intrigued she became. From a detective, she learned that Kimble was not just the lord of the gang-infested Hell's Kitchen but also the overlord of New York's and even America's underworld.

Nearly half of the criminal activities in the United States were traced back to Kimble! He transcended the scope of a mere mob boss; he was an emperor of the underworld.

"Yes, quite a difference," Aiden nodded in agreement. Both had gathered essential intel, with Aiden distinguishing the differences between this side world and their original one. Here, Wilson Fisk, known as Kimble, was of a different ethnicity—a stark contrast to the Kimble Aiden knew from the Avengers' world.

Moreover, according to this world's timeline, Kimble had risen to become the king of New York, indicating that Hell's Kitchen was already in a dire state.

"Kimble and his syndicate," Nicole mentioned, her eyes blazing with fervor.

"He has moved beyond the realm of mere gangsters. He's not just someone who defies the law with his power; he has the influence to shape its very foundation," Aiden added, his tone carrying a mixture of respect and caution.

Nicole had no doubt about Aiden's words, remembering the police officer and a minor gang leader's chummy interaction. She didn't believe the information they provided under her menacing methods was incorrect.

"Though you have a penchant for dealing harshly with gang members, perhaps we should maintain a lower profile as newcomers," Aiden suggested, noting the faint scent of blood emanating from Nicole. Her unique experiences had shaped her distinctive approach, and Aiden was merely offering a piece of advice, not suggesting a change in her style.

Nicole shrugged indifferently, believing she had concealed their activities well enough to avoid any trouble. However, the next moment felt like a slap in the face.

On a distant building's rooftop crouched a figure in a dark red suit with two devilish horns, silently observing them.

"You're causing trouble on my turf," a hoarse voice declared. Aiden scanned the area, and through the icy blue lines of his virtual sight, a somewhat blurry figure began to take shape.

Now was not the time for further testing their abilities. Aiden removed his blindfold to see a familiar figure in a dark red suit with devilish horns—another world's Matt Murdock?

Nicole tensed, her expression slightly angry. She trusted Aiden implicitly, and automatically assumed this mysterious individual had tracked them because she had inadvertently exposed their objective.

"You seem agitated. That doesn't quite fit your previous demeanor as a killing machine," Daredevil remarked from his rooftop perch, tilting his head slightly as if listening intently.

"Don't worry. He has extraordinary hearing abilities and can hear every corner of Hell's Kitchen. It's not your fault," Aiden reassured Nicole, detecting her mood from the faint sound of her voice.

"This isn't a guess. It's an assertive statement, indicating that you've investigated me," Daredevil flipped down, his sticks planted on the building as he gracefully slid down to the dim alley, "Who are you?"

"Lost souls," Aiden replied, his voice laden with melancholy. Despite their ordinary black coats, the aura emanating from the duo clearly indicated to Daredevil that these were no mere lost children.

"One dead, six severely injured, and not a single one lightly hurt. Madam, your methods are excessively brutal. That's criminal," Daredevil's gaze shifted to Nicole, even though as a blind man, he couldn't actually see.

"Perhaps they got what they deserved," Nicole's voice was cold enough to chill the spine, a stark contrast to the warmth of the summer air.

"Do you think you're meting out justice? No, your heart tells me you're no different from them. In the act of killing and torture, you don't hesitate. Your heart is cold, your blood is cold, you're a criminal through and through," Daredevil commented, his raspy voice echoing in the alley. Despite his words, Nicole's heartbeat remained steady—no anger, no agitation, no misunderstood indignation. Nothing.

It seemed from the moment the mysterious man beside her reassured her, she had remained in this state.

"So, my guess is correct. A murderer!" Daredevil suddenly lunged forward with incredible speed. Nicole, in a split second, drew her weapon from its wrapping. The clash of their weapons sparked in the dark.

"If not for me, they might have harmed many more innocents tomorrow. No, it's certain," Nicole pushed back with force, sending Daredevil flying while swinging her katana aggressively.

Daredevil, with a miraculous leap, barely avoided the slash. "What difference does your action make from theirs? God gifted you with talents not to dictate the life and death of others, but to uphold the societal structure, not to trample on the law," Daredevil argued, his words echoing Aiden's from months before.

This time, Nicole was unswayed, her cold voice laced with mockery, "Do you really think the law can punish those scum?"

Daredevil paused, narrowly dodging Nicole's blade, his voice firm and low, "Of course!"

Nicole leaped back, executing a complex aerial maneuver to evade an attack. In one fluid motion, her left hand planted the katana into the ground, and from within her coat, she drew her pistol.

Daredevil's breathing hitched, and with a quick leap, he dodged, rolling on the ground to soften his landing before taking cover behind a wall.

"Show me!" Nicole demanded in a wildly arrogant manner, firing crazily as she advanced towards the corner, "I am the scum in your eyes. Bring me to justice now!"

When two individuals with completely opposing beliefs clash, one of them must be right.

And who's right? Obviously, the one with the stronger fist.