
Marvel:I Am the Winter Soldier

Gifts are bestowed upon us, but greatness is seized by our own hands. Meet Aiden, a member of the Winter Soldiers. Welcome to my world.

shui_AW · Movies
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79 Chs

A New Journey

As evening fell, Aiden piloted a worn vehicle, loaded with a colossal black parcel in the backseat, while a bald, middle-aged man named Mike waved a tireless farewell. They journeyed northward, venturing into an even more barren unknown.

"Are you planning to auction me off? Canada isn't exactly a prime choice," Nicole quipped from the passenger seat, her eyes tracing the receding buildings as they cruised along the highway, the destination Aiden had in mind remaining a mystery to her.

"I have no intention of border-hopping. I'm simply seeking a place less traveled by," Aiden replied, his eyes obscured by a cloth, driving steadily, which caused Nicole some unease.

"Mr. Blind Man, our abode is already in a place rarely trodden," Nicole remarked as she yanked her seat back. She rummaged through the parcel behind, reconfirming the presence of all their equipment, particularly the two katanas that Aiden had procured from who knows where. Solid and sharp, they were suitable for use.

"You've been quite stifled lately, haven't you?" Since their last battle with the mutants, they had escaped New York and settled into the wilderness of Minnesota. Nicole was indeed stifled, not from her life with Aiden—which she found quite pleasant—relishing the clumsy care he exhibited. Observing this silent, icy harbinger of death awkwardly convey his affection through mundane acts like serving meals and drying her hair always lent an uncanny wonder to her world.

However, Nicole hadn't forgotten the purpose that sustained her will to survive.

"I'm aware of what you're pondering," Aiden spoke as their ramshackle car trudged onto a forest trail, only to abruptly smash into a tree.

"I should have anticipated this." Nicole braced herself, one foot against the glove compartment, her right hand clutching the grab handle above the window to steady herself, her left hand on Aiden's chest to prevent him from being jolted forward.

"Hmm." Aiden switched off the ignition, his gaze fixed on Nicole as if the collision was a mere trifle, "This is the spot."

He opened the car door, his hand gently caressing the exquisite necklace in his pocket.

Nicole alighted from the vehicle, trailing Aiden as they ventured deeper into the woods. She attempted to intertwine her arm with his but was gently refused.

"My dear, it's you who can see the path, not me," Nicole stated with a chuckle, aware that without the headlights, the forest was enshrouded in darkness. The moon, obscured by clouds and even the brilliant stars, provided scant illumination to their obscure surroundings.

"I assumed you would come to my aid," Aiden remarked, gesturing to the blindfold veiling his sight, "given... this."

"You've developed some remarkable abilities, haven't you? Could this be some form of night vision?" Nicole inquired with a chuckle.

"Possibly," Aiden responded, his tone laced with uncertainty.

"What new tricks do you suppose could evolve from my own abilities?" Nicole mused as she took Aiden's right arm, her fingers inadvertently slipping into his pocket in an attempt to grasp his hand.

Finding the necklace pendant instead, Nicole's voice resonated with a blend of anticipation and surprise, "Oh, don't tell me it's what I'm thinking, that I've inadvertently spoiled one of your plans, right? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have touched this; I ought to have allowed you the pleasure of surprising me."

Aiden stood bewildered, women's imaginations truly knew no bounds.

After a moment's pause, he put down the hefty bundle of equipment and guns, extracting the elegant necklace, and teasingly asked, "Do you want it?"

Nicole rolled her eyes, utterly disarmed by Aiden's peculiar charm, her attention then returning to the large black bundle in search of a powerful flashlight.

As Nicole searched, a radiant purple portal unexpectedly emerged behind Aiden, a vision so surreal amidst the blackness of the deep woods, it seemed almost otherworldly.

"Wow," Nicole turned, transfixed by the resplendent purple gateway, its oval contour swirling with blue-purple mist, a spectacle that had suddenly befallen this world. Her eyes, like twinkling stars, were even more captivating under the portal's purple glow.

Simultaneously, Aiden's last remaining orb dissipated into nothingness.

"Let's take a look inside; there should be light at the very least," Aiden suggested, stepping through the portal with the bundle.

Nicole approached slowly, her fingers caressing the portal's edge, toying with the floating mist—a scene so captivating. Then, abruptly, a hand reached out from the portal, clutched her arm, and yanked her through. The portal snapped shut behind them.

"A month of serene living seems to have dulled the discipline expected of a warrior; you were nearly left stranded," Aiden observed sternly, "If you deem our current rapport detrimental, we can confine it to merely captain and team member."

Nicole, gazing at the cloth wrapped around Aiden's eyes, realized it had been quite some time since she'd seen him so solemn or felt his reprimand.

"I apologize," Nicole murmured, biting her lip, "Rest assured, I'll be more alert."

"A promise?"

"A promise!" Nicole nodded emphatically, her figure tensed, her eyes swiftly scanning the surroundings—a dark,

damp alley lined with dilapidated buildings. The familiar sight and scent were unmistakable.

"An hour to gather intel," Aiden commanded, tossing a pair of invisible earpieces to Nicole. He tilted his head slightly, attuning to the icy blue lines that his mind's eye crafted, the virtual world his powers summoned.

"Aiden!" Nicole called to her swiftly departing comrade, who in turn tossed her a necklace adorned with double dark red pendants, "Safety first."

Nicole caught the necklace with a smile, then stealthily stepped into the enveloping night.