
Marvel’s Scientists Become Gods

Ye Hai travels to the Marvel universe, has a great scientist system, and has an IQ that surpasses all the superheroes and rebels in Marvel. “What is Iron Man? His iron suit is a copycat of mine! Trust me, I seriously warn you, you have to pay me the patent tax!” “The Hulk came to harass me again, didn’t he just turn your ass red? But I have already solved your problem of losing control, and there should be some sequelae.” “Captain America, don’t keep showing off your shield. There is nothing unusual about your shield. I can mass-produce it a long time ago!” Ye Hai shouted: “I am a great scientist, there is nothing I can’t do, only unexpected!” P.S. Read if u want, don't complain, I am not your Father.

Thangam_Robert · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 017

Suddenly, the female secretary skin folded like a wave, and soon turned into a person covered with blue scales, and her slim figure was completely highlighted, looking very sexy, and it made people feel drooling.

Ye Hai was slightly surprised, and blurted out: "Witch? "

The witch smiled and said, "It seems that Dr. Ye has some understanding of our mutants, yes, I am the witch." "

"What a wonderful shape-shifting ability." Ye Hai praised.

He looked at the parts ~ positions on the witch's body with interest, his eyes shining, and he was very interested in the witch's shape-shifting genes.

The witch was hairy at his eyes, and she shook her body and said, "Dr. Ye is really a research madman, no wonder our leader asked us to invite you to join our organization." "

"Is it for my knowledge of gene fusion?"

Ye Hai's gaze still stayed on the witch, thinking in his heart whether he should suddenly attack now, and then draw a little blood from her.

"Yes, the chief thinks you are very talented in this area, so you are lucky to be chosen by him, right doc."

The witch giggled, her body folded like a wave again, and the blue scales disappeared, turning into the female secretary again.


The elevator stopped in the garage on the second basement floor, the elevator door opened, and a tall man appeared in front of the two, this man had long loose white hair, a broad face full of hideousness, and a pair of pitch-black eyes stared at Ye Hai fiercely, as if he had a deep hatred with Ye Hai.

Ye Hai couldn't help but be stared at by him, this unknown man is very powerful, maybe level three ~ .

The witch said with relief: "His name is Saber-toothed Tiger, you don't have to worry, his expression has always been like this, as long as you don't resist, he won't hurt you." "

Saber-toothed tiger? When Ye Hai heard these three names, his heart was ecstatic, Saber-toothed Tiger's real name was Victor Creed, he was Wolverine's half-brother, and had the same healing ability as Wolverine, both in strength, speed, and observation.

The healing ability of metamorphosis ~ has always been Ye Hai's desire, and after having this ability, he can live forever, and it is very likely that he will never grow old and die. With such an ability, who can resist mortals?

"Ding! Trigger Mission: Study the perfect fusion between regenerative genes and ordinary cells, the mission time is one month, and the successful mission rewards 10,000 scientific points. "

"Ding! Trigger Mission: Study the perfect fusion between metamorphic genes and ordinary cells, the mission time is two months, and the successful mission rewards 10,000 scientific points. "

The task is released, and the rewards are so rich, Ye Hai can't wait to get the blood of these two mutants immediately, and then ~ conduct research.

Ye Haiqiang suppressed the agitation in his heart, looked around, and said with a smile: "Do you have any other mutants coming?" Let them all come out! "

The witch looked at this strange scientist strangely, wondering in her heart why this human was not afraid at all when she saw the mutant, but seemed to be very excited, sure enough, scientists can't be seen as ordinary people.

"There is no one else, just the two of us, I think the two of us are sincere, right?" The witch giggled, and the tall saber-toothed tiger was still silent and expressionless.

In fact, there is another person hiding, that is, the one who destroyed the elevator system, but that mutant is a technical type, and the witch does not need to say it.

"Hey, it's a pity, why are two people here." Ye Hai shook his head and regretted.

"What!" The witch looked at him in surprise, wondering why he had said such a thing.

"Because I like mutants."

Ye Hai smiled, and his two hands grabbed the witch and the saber-toothed tiger, and the huge force easily grabbed ~ the witch, and the witch was firmly clamped and unable to move.

The other hand was in trouble, and although it successfully grabbed the neck of the saber-toothed tiger, the saber-toothed tiger didn't care, and the long nails of both hands quickly split towards Ye Hai's arm.

Ye Hai was slightly startled, but he still opened the fourth-level brain domain, with a hundred tons of strength, not the saber-toothed tiger can deal with it, he just gently sent his arm, the saber-toothed tiger flew out like a cannonball, hit the wall fiercely, the solid wall mixed with reinforced cement cracked, and the huge body of the saber-toothed tiger fell deeply on it, and he was unconscious for a while.

"You're a mutant too?" The witch said in horror.

Ye Hai smiled and said, "That's right." "

The witch calmed down her fear, and forced herself to calm down: "Dr. Ye, since you are mutants, then we are brothers, are you willing to join our mutant brotherhood?" I think our leader would be happy to see such a powerful mutant as you. "

Ye Hai shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Miss, I don't have the slightest interest in anti~human~ class." However, I am a scientist, and if there is any strange research, we can collaborate. "

"Of course." The witch is overjoyed, and being able to work with such powerful mutants is beneficial to their brotherhood.

The witch said quietly, "So, will you meet our leader with us?" "

"I don't want to see Magneto yet." Ye Hai shook his head slightly, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called Gwen.

"Gwen, you bring some syringes to the second basement floor of the building."

Let Gwen bring the syringe, naturally it is used to draw the blood of the witch and the saber-toothed tiger.


ps: Let's get some votes and evaluation , and give tips, so that I have the motivation to update more chapter's!!