
Marvel’s Scientists Become Gods

Ye Hai travels to the Marvel universe, has a great scientist system, and has an IQ that surpasses all the superheroes and rebels in Marvel. “What is Iron Man? His iron suit is a copycat of mine! Trust me, I seriously warn you, you have to pay me the patent tax!” “The Hulk came to harass me again, didn’t he just turn your ass red? But I have already solved your problem of losing control, and there should be some sequelae.” “Captain America, don’t keep showing off your shield. There is nothing unusual about your shield. I can mass-produce it a long time ago!” Ye Hai shouted: “I am a great scientist, there is nothing I can’t do, only unexpected!” P.S. Read if u want, don't complain, I am not your Father.

Thangam_Robert · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 016

In the sky, On the flying aircraft carriers.

There is also a farce here.

The various monitoring screens of the flying aircraft carrier are playing Nick's unsuitable things for children!

The agents of the flying aircraft carrier are all strange-looking, do not want to look at the screen, and steal to watch, because the actor in it is their wise superior director Nick Fury.

Nick's black face at the moment was even darker, jumping like thunder, and yelled: "Are the technical groups all eating ~?" Why don't you get rid of this video yet? "

In the face of the director's fury, the agents were even more afraid to speak out and buried their heads in their brothers.

"The technical team is working hard, but the other party's virus is very special, the new algorithm of the virus has never been seen, this new virus is like growing in the system, the virus is completely integrated with the monitoring system in a short time, it takes a long time for the technical team to crack this virus, I recommend that the director turn off the monitoring equipment."

Deputy Chief Maria Hill forced a smile, her young and beautiful face still had a cold and frosty expression, but anyone could see the abuse from her beautiful eyes.

"Turn off the surveillance?" Director Nick hesitated for a while, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s duty is to monitor those alien humans, what if the other party has a conspiracy, turns off the monitoring system by himself, and takes the opportunity to mess up?

Maybe the other party released this dirty video just to make us turn off the surveillance system!

The more Nick thought about it, the more he felt that the other party was vicious, and the other party was for this purpose. Faced with the embarrassing predicament, Nick, who has always been decisive, could not help but hesitate.

Maria Hill looked at her boss and looked forward to what decision her boss would make.

"No need!" Director Nick, who has a strong psychological quality, finally rejected Maria's proposal, but he couldn't stand the strange anger in the entire hall and said: "Maria, this place is temporarily under your command, I must find that damn organization." "

"Obey!" Maria said expressionlessly, but in no one's land, she decided to have a good laugh.

So, the surveillance screen continued to play pictures of Nick's inappropriate things for children, which lasted for more than an hour before the technical team removed the damn virus and ended the farce. The agents also watched their Mr. Chief's entertainment for more than an hour.

"Mr. Director, this aspect is very powerful!"

"I can't see that Mr. Chief is always strong, and the charm is not bad, he can seduce such a sexy ~ beautiful black pearl."

"The director is a level ten special, with superhuman abilities, it is normal for him to last for more than an hour."


The agents whispered and whispered.

Nick entered the command center with a gloomy face and asked, "Is the other party taking action?" "

Maria frowned: "It's really strange, the other party made such a big battle, it should be to let us turn off the monitoring system, but they didn't act, so they know that the chief didn't turn off the monitoring system?" "

Nick glared with one eye and said, "Are you saying that our agents have rat among them?"

"It may be, or it may be the prank of the other party." Maria joked.

Nick's face was full of solemnity, and he said, "Do you think it's possible?" Our S.H.I.E.L.D. computer system is the best on earth, no matter what hacker group wants to break into our computer system, it has to pay a huge price and effort, you say, Commander Hill, are u saying, they will only be for pranks? "

"Yes, Chief, your judgment is correct." Maria Hill's delicate face also began to become solemn.

"Personnel who send any information to the outside in the last hour will be quarantined and checked!" Commissioner Nick gave the order.

S.H.I.E.L.D. began a secret overhaul. S.H.I.E.L.D. had a headache and cried for days, but there was nothing they could do.

What they didn't expect was that the cause of this farce was because they monitored a young scientist's computer, and Ye Hai threw out the virus, which was a prank.

The next day, Ye Hai went to work as usual.

However, there is something wrong with the atmosphere in the Osborne Building today, and there are many more men in black inside, and these people are said to be from the National Security Agency.

A young female secretary walked over with a gentle middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man said politely to Ye Hai: "Hello, Dr. Ye, my name is Phil Coulson, can I ask you a few questions?" "

"Of course." Ye Hai looked at the famous agent and said with a smile: "Mr. Coulson, do you want to ask Dr. Connor about something?" "

"Yes, Dr. Ye. Dr. Yip is really young and promising. Phil Coulson praised Ye Hai, and then ~ entered the topic, "I heard from Osborne's employees that the metamorphosis rate formula that Dr. Connor has been studying was helped by Dr. Ye to perfect, so Dr. Ye should know very well how Dr. Connor changed into a lizardman…"

"I'm sorry." The young female secretary interjected and said, "Mr. Coulson, you are mistaken, Dr. Connor did not become some lizardman, he disappeared that night, and must have been eaten by the large lizard that suddenly broke in." Oh God, what a misfortune! "

Phil Coulson shrugged and said, "Maybe. "

After that, Phil asked a few more questions, but there was a female secretary, and Ye Hai did not cooperate, completely unable to set up useful things, and finally had no choice but to give up.

Finally, the young female secretary smiled and said, "Dr. Ye, the chairman Mr. Osborne wants to see you, please come with me!" "

"Yes, beautiful young lady."

Finally want to meet this chairman, Ye Hai is slightly excited in his heart, he has always wanted to meet this person, Norman's genetic disease he can treat, and this will be a big deal. In the past, when he was still an ordinary person, he did not dare to make deals with this powerful capitalist, but now that he is a powerful mutant, there is no need to worry.

The female secretary wears a black ~ women's uniform, and the short skirt wraps the Hun ~ round hips ~ part, revealing a pair of beautiful long ~ legs. What makes Ye Hai funny is that this female secretary, he happened to see her work on her computer last night, it is her joy ~ love video with a man, and he also sent this video to Norman's computer.

The female secretary seemed to be very interested in him, telling Ye Hai that her name was Yudura Sinier, and she talked to him with interest along the way, but Ye Hai was not interested in her, just casually perfunctory.

The two walked into the elevator, there were only two of them in the narrow elevator, the female secretary had a bright smile on her face, and a pair of eyes suddenly flashed with golden light.

Ye Hai's heart was cold, and a sense of crisis rose from his heart, and he always felt that something was wrong.


The elevator stopped suddenly, and suddenly fell sharply, changing too fast, if Ye Hai was not a mutant, I was afraid that he would fall to the ground. And the beautiful female secretary was also standing as steady as Tarzan, looking at him with a smile.

By this time, if Ye Hai hadn't noticed the problem, he would have wasted his clever mind.

"Who are you?" Ye Hai stared at the female secretary.

PS: How about votes, evaluation votes, so few, and there is no one to tip, did I post too badly? In this way, I don't have the confidence to post it, if you think this book is okay, give some evaluation, votes and tips, okay? This is an affirmation of me.