
Marvel’s Scientists Become Gods

Ye Hai travels to the Marvel universe, has a great scientist system, and has an IQ that surpasses all the superheroes and rebels in Marvel. “What is Iron Man? His iron suit is a copycat of mine! Trust me, I seriously warn you, you have to pay me the patent tax!” “The Hulk came to harass me again, didn’t he just turn your ass red? But I have already solved your problem of losing control, and there should be some sequelae.” “Captain America, don’t keep showing off your shield. There is nothing unusual about your shield. I can mass-produce it a long time ago!” Ye Hai shouted: “I am a great scientist, there is nothing I can’t do, only unexpected!” P.S. Read if u want, don't complain, I am not your Father.

Thangam_Robert · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 012

Dr. Connor wielded his sharp minions and attacked Peter with unbelievable might, as if any copper wall could be easily torn through.

Ye Hai flew by like lightning, grabbed ~ Dr. Connor attacked Peter's right paw, Dr. Connor saw him, and he collided with himself, laughed viciously, and decided to crush this guy's hand.

Suddenly, Dr. Connor's hideous face froze, and his face showed a look of disbelief, only to see Ye Hai's small hand suddenly burst out of the power of fear, tightly pinching his huge right claw, and a sound of bones shattering came from the right claw, and a heart-rending pain struck.


Dr. Connor screamed in pain, trying to break free from Ye Hai's hand, but couldn't break free, so he desperately swung his left paw towards Ye Hai's head, with a howling wind and wave.

Ye Hai's right fist greeted him, and two punches and claws with huge differences in size collided with each other.


There was another sound of flesh and bone shattering, and Dr. Connor's lizard claws had twisted and deformed.


Dr. Connor cried out in pain, how could this guy suddenly become so strong and completely crush himself in strength.


Ye Hai exhaled, bowed and crashed into the arms of the big lizard, the huge impact hit the thick bridge, touched, the huge body of the big lizard deflated in, the mouth full of fangs ~ The mouth mouthed blood, the eyes were white, and it looked like it was dying.

"Lie ~ groove! Man, how did you suddenly become so powerful? Peter flew over and asked in surprise.

"I'm so good at it, I just did a warm-up exercise with him."

Ye Hai's sharp gaze looked at the sky, where a fighter plane flew over with a brilliant light.

Just now, his ultra-long vision found that this fighter was peeping in the distance, with such good equipment, these people must be government people. So he just spent 1,000 scientific points to open the fourth-level brain domain, in order to show the government his great strength, so that they have some scruples and don't easily come to trouble themselves.

The distant light quickly approached, and soon a fighter plane levitated in front of the two.


As soon as the hatch was pulled open, a middle-aged man with an arrow barrel behind him appeared in front of the two, and the middle-aged man said with a serious expression: "I am Hawkeye, can I hand over the monster in your hands to us?" "

Just after speaking, I saw a huge black shadow pressing, Hawkeye quickly avoided sideways, bang, the big lizard smashed into the warehouse, the fighter body couldn't help but shake, swinging left and right in the air, fortunately the pilot was excellent, and finally stabilized the fighter, there was no flight ~ accident.

The members of the action team were shocked and all looked at Ye Hai angrily.

Hawkeye frowned, "This gentleman, can't you say hello first?" "

Ye Hai shrugged and said, "Sorry, I didn't expect your toys to be so useless. "

"Okay." Hawkeye couldn't help him and said, "I still don't know what the two of you are called?" "

"Call me Spider-Man." Peter said, "As for my real name, I'm sorry, no comment! "

Ye Haidao: "I am a scientist, you can call me Doctor of Science." "

Peter complained: "Your nickname is too casual, obviously just taken, man, do you want me to get you one?" "

"No need, I think my nickname is very good." Ye Hai rejected Peter's kindness.

Hawkeye held the headset and stopped for a while, and said, "Two, our chief wants to see two, two please get on the plane." "

Peter shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm a small employee, I still have to bring pizza to people, bye!" "

Saying that, he spit out a spider silk and flew away.

Hawkeye had been mentally prepared, so he did not stop Spider-Man, but looked at Ye Hai, this person's ability is even stronger, if he can win him to join, S.H.I.E.L.D. will have a big killing weapon.

"I'm going on a date with my girlfriend." Bye! "

After speaking, Ye Hai also flew away.

"Well, everyone is busy." Hawkeye said helplessly, "Let's go back." "

The fighter began to rise slowly, and several team members in the cabin pointed at the large lizard.

A tall black man said, "This big lizard weighs at least two tons, right?" "

Hawkeye looked at it and said, "It should be more than that." "

He stretched out ~ and touched the body of the big lizard, the density of the scales and armor bones is very high, and ordinary bullets cannot penetrate, but this kind of solid body like steel was crushed by which scientific doctor at once.

Very strong, that doctor of science is strong!

Suddenly, Hawkeye's heart jumped violently, feeling the extreme danger coming, and quickly rolled to the side, a huge claw streaked in mid-air, the tall black man was torn in half, and flowers stained the entire cabin red.


The partners roared, the guns in their hands kept firing, venting on the huge body, the big lizard stretched out ~ a snort of pain, the body slammed slammed, the hatch was torn open, and jumped down in the blink of an eye.


The bulky lizard rolled in the air, and finally jumped into the river, suddenly disappeared into the river, and was completely invisible.

"Down, down!" The team members shouted.

The fighter slowly descended, turned on infrared exploration, and kept searching on the river, many fish creatures appeared in the detector, but did not find huge cold-blooded creatures.

"Damn, that lizard is a cold-blooded animal that can control body temperature, which our infrared detectors can't find." Hawkeye scolded, and finally ordered unwillingly: "Let's go back!" "


The fighter turned into a streamer, flew into the sky, pierced the sky, and finally boarded the flying aircraft carrier.

Chief Nick said solemnly: "Hawkeye, do you think that… What is the level of Doctor of Science ability? "

Hawkeye thought for a while and said: "Preliminary judgment, Spider-Man and that lizard are level three ~ , and Doctor Science can use brute force to easily injure the lizard, it should be level four." "

"Is there another level four mutant?" Director Nick's eyebrows moved slightly, looked at the dark sky, and said: "There are very few mutants who can reach level four, the most famous are Professor X~ and that anti~human~ madman Magneto, this doctor of science has no other abilities in addition to flying and strength, this must be figured out as soon as possible!" "

Level 4 flight and huge power are not difficult to deal with, but it is scary to have superpowers similar to Professor X~ and Magneto. So Director Nick had to worry.