
Marvel’s Scientists Become Gods

Ye Hai travels to the Marvel universe, has a great scientist system, and has an IQ that surpasses all the superheroes and rebels in Marvel. “What is Iron Man? His iron suit is a copycat of mine! Trust me, I seriously warn you, you have to pay me the patent tax!” “The Hulk came to harass me again, didn’t he just turn your ass red? But I have already solved your problem of losing control, and there should be some sequelae.” “Captain America, don’t keep showing off your shield. There is nothing unusual about your shield. I can mass-produce it a long time ago!” Ye Hai shouted: “I am a great scientist, there is nothing I can’t do, only unexpected!” P.S. Read if u want, don't complain, I am not your Father.

Thangam_Robert · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 011

Ye Hai frowned slightly, his body suddenly disappeared, and he appeared next to the big lizard with a swoosh, and kicked on the hideous face. The tutara was completely defenseless, or not agile enough, and was kicked out.


The strong vibration smashed the rigid iron bridge out of several pits, and the pupils of the lizard's eyes were dilated in an instant, and the face distorted by the pain became even more hideous.


The big lizard stood up angrily, and the strong recovery ability quickly brought him back to normal, he grabbed a small car next to him, exhaled and threw it over, and the bulky car was as easy as a small rock.

Ye Hai just dodged the thrown car with a slight dodge, and then his body quickly approached, his fist shot quickly, and he kept hitting the body of the big lizard. The big lizard roared in pain, brandishing its sharp claws and constantly attacking Ye Hai, who deftly dodged.

The big lizard's attack was extremely fast, but in Ye Hai's eyes, he was very dull and clumsy, he was like bullying a drunken fat man, he could hit wherever he wanted.

Ye Hai has noticed the problem of this big lizard, this big lizard should be like a baby born, now it is a toddler stage, has not fully mastered the body, has a huge power, but cannot use it flexibly. And Ye Hai is different from him, Ye Hai now opens the three~level brain domain, and his mastery of the body is as precise as a computer, and he can control every action very flexibly.

The big lizard had no power to fight back, and finally Ye Hai grabbed the big lizard's tail and smashed the bridge in the big lizard's violent struggle, and in the bang, huge pits were smashed on the iron bridge.


Suddenly, Ye Hai's hands were empty, and there was only a throbbing lizard tail left in his hand, and the big lizard was fleeing quickly in embarrassment, while fleeing, and throwing out one car after another.

Cars roared and flew in, Ye Hai dodged one by one, and suddenly a car rolled in the air and quickly approached, accompanied by a woman's terrified scream.

There are people inside!

Ye Hai did not hesitate, leaned forward and firmly grabbed ~ the car, and the huge impact knocked him out a long way before he could stop.

Ye Hai held the car very easily, the car floated in mid-air, the people in the car were still shouting hoarsely, and it was useless for Ye Hai to comfort him.

Ye Hai was helpless, quickly flew away, put the car on the side of the bridge, and then flew towards the big lizard.

If we want to avoid more casualties, we must fight quickly.

And when Ye Hai was saving people, the big lizard ran quickly on the bridge, there was a bumping sound on the bridge deck, and the huge body slammed into a commercial vehicle.


The commercial vehicle was directly flattened, and the huge claws of the lizard ground suddenly pierced through the shell of the commercial vehicle, pinching a middle-aged man of Indian origin inside.

The big lizard smiled viciously: "Dr. Rada, I didn't expect us to meet so soon, did you?" "

"You are, you are?" Dr. Rada looked at the big lizard in shock, and suddenly his spirit flashed, and he exclaimed incredulously: "You are, you are Dr. Connor?" "

"That's right." The big lizard smiled and said, "How do you see my body, is it perfect?" Perfect and strong limbs, as well as hard ~ hard scale armor, these all amaze you, right? "

The lizard looked self-absorbed, and Dr. Connor completely regarded himself as a lizard, very much identified with the current body, and believed that lizards are the most perfect creatures in the world, and humans are just a large number of maggots.

"Yes… Yes, Dr. Connor, why did you come to me, I didn't mean to offend you, I just followed Mr. Norman Osborne's execution~. Rada said in horror.

"Do you know what the characteristics of lizards are? Strong, cold-blooded, and rewarding, he will attack when he senses danger. "

The big lizard's huge pupils stared at Rada's terrified face, and a feeling of contempt for the creature welled up in his heart, this feeling he liked, this little bug, also dared to offend the great king of lizards, this is looking for death, in order to punish the little bug's offense, I should torture him hard, but now the annoying flying guy is here again….

The sharp claws closed slightly, Rada's neck was pierced, and then the head was crushed, brain pulp and blood splashed everywhere, Dr. Connor did not feel sick, but this smell of blood made him extremely excited.

This time the goal was solved, Dr. Connor lunged forward, climbed the iron pillar of the bridge, and quickly climbed to the bottom of the bridge.

"Hey, where are you going, big lizard?"

At the bottom of the bridge, a man in a red and black coat stopped in front, this man was connected to a silk thread on his head and feet, hanging like a spider.

Dr. Connor said contemptuously, "Little spider, do you want to stop me?" You have to know that in nature, spiders have always been food for lizards, small spiders, you have to deal with reptiles smaller than you. "

Peter shrugged indifferently: "I feel like I'm a keeper, I'll catch you in the zoo and let the little ones see what you look like." "

"A bunch of bed bugs want to catch me too!"

Dr. Connor suddenly accelerated and rushed over, and Peter sent out spider webs, dexterously jumping around the lizard, and soon the lizard was covered in white cobwebs and hung on the bridge like a cocoon.

Peter smiled proudly, turned around, and said with a smile: "Look, man, this big guy is easy to deal with!" "

"Is that so?"

Ye Hai floated in midair, looked at Peter's uniform with interest, and asked, "You made this uniform yourself?" "

"Yes." Peter renewed his ~ body and asked, "How is it?" "

"Bright red, you won't be a sissy, will you?" Ye Hai teased.

Peter suddenly choked, looked at Ye Hai's appearance, and said curiously: "Dude, don't you get a uniform?" If you expose your appearance like this, you will get into trouble. Oh, I see, you're from the government? "

Only people in the government don't mind exposing themselves, and superheroes in general are uniformed, and wrapping their faces can save them a lot of trouble. After all, they have family and friends, fighting against evil forces, which is very dangerous, and the government will talk about rules, but those evil forces can't do so.

"Reptiles that offend me go to death!"

Once again, Dr. Connor became angry and began to lose his mind, tearing the cobwebs on his body with a few paws and rushing towards Peter.


PS: How about votes, evaluation votes, so few, and there is no one to tip, did I post too badly? In this way, I don't have the confidence to write it, if you think this book is okay, give some vots evaluation votes and tips, okay? This is an affirmation of me.