
Chapter 37

Chapter 037: 1962

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, the time came to 1962, Li Qianhuan lived in Smith's home for a long time, and not long after, in just half a year, she became Smith's second woman.

Of course, when she knew that Ruiwen was also Milk's woman, she naturally played a little temper, but Smith let Li Qianhuan feel it alone, and after feeling that she couldn't get out of bed all day, she honestly fought back against Smith with Ruiwen, but Slim's hanging was too fierce, and the two became intimate after being severely educated.

Of course, Emma, the White Queen on campus, of course! At that time, there was no such nickname, and it was also attacked by Smith, although Li Qianhuan and Ruiwen were somewhat dissatisfied, but Slim had special persuasion skills, and a little dissatisfaction had long dissipated.

But Emma is different from several people, she doesn't care how many women Smith has, she just knows that Smith's psychology has her share.

Her family made her feel no warmth.

Because her father, knowing that Smith was Howard's adopted son, threw her into Smith's room that night, drugged her, and then Emma naturally became Smith's daughter.

This also led to a complete break between Emma and her own family and followed Mil's side.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years passed, and Smith's grade was also in his twenties.

"Look, Smith, how is my paper?"

The "Stark House" outside London, with its lush greenery and beautiful scenery.

Looming on a lounge chair by the pool, sipping wine from a wine glass, looking at the beautiful scenery not far away, he didn't have the heart to listen to what Charles was saying.

In the huge swimming pool ahead, a beautiful blonde woman wearing a swimsuit and a beautiful figure walked through the water like a mermaid.

A beautiful woman with long black hair brazenly showed her proud figure.

Another blonde beauty was lying in the sun sunbathing, so uncomfortable.

"Hey, Smil, don't look at the beauty! Listen to me carefully! And you haven't seen enough for so many years? "

A young man with brown hair raised his foot and kicked at Smith.

"Huh? What the? "

Smith withdrew his gaze from the three beauties and turned his head to look at the brown-haired youth.

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"Thesis! My thesis! Bastard! "

The brown-haired youth held up a folder and roared at Smil.

"The thesis … All right! "

Smil shook his head helplessly and said, "I said, Charles, such a leisurely holiday time, you tell me about papers?" Don't you feel disappointed? Moreover, I think the three beauties in front of me are more attractive than your paper. "

"Hahahaha, Charles, you still don't understand the customs." Raven stepped forward, laughing like a silver bell, kissed Smith on the lips, and leaned into Smith's arms.

"Charles, to hell with this paper!" Emma in the water saw that Raven monopolized Smil's embrace, and couldn't help but set off a splash towards Raven, and suddenly, a splash hit it, splashing Charles's folder, and splashing Shmir and Raven.

"Emma! I said Smil, can't you take care of your woman? "

Charles roared angrily when he saw the messy folder in his hand, and then turned to Smith and complained.

"Haha, I finally can't see it, it's not that I don't care about my woman, but my woman is understanding. Know I hate papers, so…"

Shrugging his shoulders, Slim picked up his glass and gestured to Charles: "Charles, my good brother, leave the papers alone, enjoy life!" "

"It's true that I can't see it now, but I'll tell you the same!"

Charles threw away the folder in his hand and sat down next to Smil, "Neanderthals…"

Smil's face hurt, and quickly said: "Okay, I know Charles, I've read your paper!" It's true! The inevitability of Homo sapiens replacing Neanderthals, I am already well aware. Your thesis is well written! "

"The inevitability of Homo sapiens replacing Neanderthals…"

Charles glanced at Smil helplessly, stretched out his finger to himself, and pointed to Ruiwen, Emma and Li Qianhuan, "Don't you think that our existence is very similar to the replacement of Neanderthals by Homo sapiens?" "

"Evolution? Isn't that a normal natural phenomenon? We should be thankful that we are not the object of replacement. "

Smith shrugged his shoulders, took a sip from his glass, looked at Charles and said, "Charles, my wine is good, don't you taste it?" "

"But, have you thought about it? The current human race will be replaced and eliminated. So... War is inevitable! We must stop all this! "

Charles, like a "revolutionary fighter", raised his fist and looked impassioned.

"Alright! Do you want to stop the laws of nature? Do you want to stop evolution? You are not God. And this set of rhetoric you have been chanting in front of me for two or three years, you know me, not all mutants want to fight, maybe they just need a home for comfort, no indifference, no harm. I'm one of those representatives, taking control of my own power and living in this society, right? Smil said lightly.

(End of chapter).