
Chapter 36

Chapter 036: Taking Li Qianhuan In

"Li Qianhuan, don't run! I know it's you. Smith shouted with his Chinese at the figure in front of him.

It's just that this figure heard this and ran faster. Smith is also fearless, even if Li Qianhuan is a gymnast and has amazing physical strength, but Slim has undergone various strengthenings, faster and stronger than her.

Although Li Qianhuan tried his best to get rid of Smith, Smith hung behind Li Qianhuan unhurriedly, and deliberately drove Li Qianhuan into a dead end.

Li Qianhuan's body shape is similar to a small wild cat, and because he was once a gymnast, his body is soft and unspeakable, just like a loach.

Soon, Li Qianhuan ran to the dead end, looking at the high wall, when Li Qianhuan was about to turn around and leave, Smil had blocked the only exit here, and soon after, Ruiwen also rushed over breathlessly.

"How did you recognize me?" Li Qianhuan looked at Smith with complicated eyes, she thought that she was hiding well, how did Smith recognize her?

She didn't want Smil, who was also Chinese, to see her appearance.

It's too humiliating for the Chinese.

You actually have to steal for a living.

"Let's not mention this, what's wrong with you? What about your parents? Smil stepped forward and asked.

"Dead, killed…" Li Qianhuan replied with some dismay.

"How long have you been like this?" Smil's hand squeezed Li Qianhuan's shoulder and asked.

"It's been more than a month." Li Qianhuan lowered his head and said: "At the beginning, the private money left behind could still live, but after that, the debt collector came to the door and took away our family's house, and I had no way to steal it." "

"This is your wallet, return it to you." Li Qianhuan returned Smith's wallet to Smith, and wanted to leave by mistake.

Smith reached out and grabbed Li Qianhuan's wrist and said, "Why don't you tell me?" "

"What if I tell you?" Li Qianhuan asked rhetorically.

"Being able to help you find the murderer, being able to give you a place to live, being able to continue your education, being able to have a family, that's it." Smil said softly.

Li Qianhuan glanced at Smil, burst into tears, threw himself into Smil's arms and cried.

A girl's parents have been lost, and she has changed from a wealthy family at the top to a pickpocket who can only steal, and this gap is not something ordinary people can experience.

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Ruiwen looked at this scene and pouted, why did she feel a little sour in her heart?

But Ruiwen will not destroy it, after all, she can't bear it alone.

After crying for a while, Li Qianhuan's mood had also recovered, thinking of her behavior just now, her face suddenly turned red, and she lowered her head silently, letting Smile hold her hand.

Smil smiled slightly, grabbed Ruiwen with her other hand, and said, "Okay, now you're shopping together again, aren't you?" "

"Of course it's good for you, flowery carrot." Ruiwen complained, pulled Li Qianhuan and began to walk towards the mall.

Smir touched his nose, it doesn't matter, do whatever you want, anyway, no one can sanction him now, live as much as you want, don't you?

After buying Li Qianhuan a lot of changes of clothes and daily necessities, Li Qianhuan officially lived in the villa, and Li Qianhuan did not hide his powers.

Able to make balls of energy that make multiple colors, she calls fireworks.

It can change the shape of the energy ball at will, control and move to the designated position, and detonate it if necessary.

The energy ball created by Li Qianhuan is so powerful that it can easily destroy trees, metals, buildings, etc. after explosion, and at the same time release compounds that cause temporary blindness to others.

Li Qianhuan can take back the fireworks energy ball she dropped at any time and will not cause any harm to her.

Originally, Li Qianhuan told Smith with a worried heart.

Smil just smiled, and as soon as he raised his hand, all the metal products in the room floated.

Even Raven also showed his ability, Li Qianhuan smiled, and his recognition of this place was higher, it turned out that they were all the same kind of people.

Looking at Smith in his eyes, there is a lot of emotion, fifteen or sixteen years old, it is the age of love, after experiencing all kinds of things before, meeting Smith again, naturally produced a wisp of emotion.

Ruiwen also saw it in her eyes, and she could only helplessly sigh that another girl had fallen, I think she was like this at the beginning, wasn't it?

No one would say beautiful about her appearance, only Slime would say this about her, even if she knew that in the eyes of others, she was still a monster, but she didn't care.

Because it was enough for her to have Smith.

As for what others say? She did not live for others, but for herself, for this man in front of her.

(End of chapter).