
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

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Chapter 56 The Four Major Families

At the foot of the mountain, Lin Yuan sat alone on a huge rock, with no one around him. Compared with the crowd of other people, he seemed out of place.

Lin Dong looked at the dozens of corpses under Lin Yuan, and a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He could already imagine how Lin Yuan was killing everyone here.

The fact was just as Lin Dong expected. After Lin Yuan came here, he found it very crowded. This made Lin Yuan, who had always been alone, extremely unbearable. He directly slashed out a sword light and killed his way out of a wide territory.

When the others saw Lin Yuan like this, they wanted to attack him together, but they were all killed by Lin Yuan's sword light, and no one survived.

Such a killing god terrified the people around him. Even the descendants of the four major families did not dare to provoke him easily, let alone those ordinary forces.

In this way, Lin Yuan seized a piece of territory in this huge crowd with his own strong strength.

"Lin Dong, do you want to come over and sit down?"

Qin Xue looked at Lin Dong and shouted.

After these words were spoken, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Dong, full of vigilance.

Lin Dong felt a little embarrassed as he felt these gazes. He shook his head slightly and rejected Qin Xue's kindness.

At this moment, he really admired Qin Xue and Lin Yuan.

"Lin Yuan, this boy is really unique."

Old Tao looked at Lin Yuan, who had his eyes closed and was concentrating, and said with a smile.

Just as everyone was talking and laughing, a rumbling sound of breaking wind suddenly came from the distant horizon.

At the moment when the sound of breaking wind was heard, Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly opened. He could feel that the Yuan Energy of this world was showing a tendency to boil at this moment.

"Lin Langtian, here he comes!"

Lin Dong also noticed something at this moment and looked towards the sky. A red light streaked across the sky, coming from the sky like a meteor.

The red light broke through the air, causing the energy of heaven and earth to boil. The sound was so powerful that countless people's attention was attracted.


Under the curious gazes of so many people, the red light broke through the air at an extremely fast speed. As the red light approached, everyone was surprised to find that the red shadow was actually a giant eagle that was completely red and extremely majestic.

The giant eagle was extremely fast. Its wings vibrated several times, and it appeared in the sky with the sound of wind and thunder.

When the giant eagle slowed down, everyone's eyes were immediately fixed on the giant eagle. There, a man in a green shirt stood with his hands behind his back, his long hair fluttering in the breeze, looking extremely free and easy. Such temperament impressed many people.

On top of the giant eagle, the man in green shirt lowered his head slightly, and his calm eyes swept across the camp below, and then he withdrew his gaze. There was nothing there worthy of his attention.

"Brother Lin Langtian is here."

Beside Lin Dong, the girl was overjoyed.

"Is he Lin Langtian?"

Lin Yuan looked up at the figure in the sky, a hint of satisfaction flashing in his eyes.

Lin Langtian's appearance and temperament are indeed remarkable, and he is worthy of being Lin Dong's most difficult opponent.

"Hehe, at this age, he has already entered the Qi Creation Realm. Lin Dong, your opponent is not just ordinary strong."

The sound of the stone talisman also rang out from Lin Dong's heart at this moment.

"Qi-Creating Realm!"

Lin Dong clenched his hands, a solemn look appeared in his eyes, and then he returned to calm.

From the moment he saw Lin Yuan, he had a premonition that Lin Langtian's realm would not be low. Now that he was in the Qi Creation Realm, it was within his expectations.

"Haha, Lin Langtian, you've taken the lead again!"

When everyone was amazed at Lin Langtian's temperament, suddenly a loud laughter like thunder rumbled from the distant sky, and then everyone saw a golden light breaking through the air, and a powerful momentum also spread between heaven and earth.

This momentum was full of arrogance, but under such arrogance, no one dared to feel dissatisfied.

The golden light broke through the air, and the elemental energy of heaven and earth surged. Finally, the golden light floated in the sky and transformed into a huge golden spear that was dozens of feet long. On the spear, a figure in a golden robe had long hair scattered, and an arrogant aura rose into the sky, as if it was a peerless spear standing between heaven and earth!

Everyone looked at the golden-robed figure standing on the giant golden spear, and many of them had envy on their faces. If a person could achieve such prestige in his life, it would be worth all the hard work.

"Haha, I didn't expect that it would be you who came this time." In the sky, Lin Langtian glanced at the giant golden gun under Wang Yan's feet, and then chuckled.


underestimate me?"

Hearing this, Wang Yan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "My brother is in a critical period of seclusion this time. Otherwise, if he comes out, I'm afraid all the treasures in this ancient tomb will belong to my Wang clan."

"Haha, Wang Yan, after not seeing you for a year, you're still as arrogant as ever."

As soon as Wang Yan's laughter fell, a chuckle slowly came from the horizon. Then, blue light filled the sky, and a rainbow light flew from the edge of the horizon. In an instant, it appeared in the sky.

The eyes of the people below were quickly cast towards it when they saw the green light filling the sky. They saw a huge wind phoenix that was dozens of feet in size, flapping its wings and hovering in the sky. An extremely strong aura swept out from the body of the wind phoenix.

On top of the Feng Luan, a man in a blue shirt stood with a smile. The man had a handsome face that was almost enchanting. In terms of appearance, even Lin Langtian was slightly inferior to him. He held a dark blue feather fan in his hand, waving it slowly, revealing an aristocratic elegance.

Lin Yuan had been staring at the man in blue shirt since he appeared, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Relatives are here, why don't you go and say hello?"

Qin Xue heard this, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she looked at Lin Yuan and asked, "How do you know I'm from the Qin family?"

"It's easy to guess. The way you look at him is very different from the way you look at others."

Lin Yuan said with a smile.

When Qin Xue heard this, she realized that she had revealed a flaw and was just guessed by Lin Yuan, so she fell silent.

"His name is Qin Shi, he is my younger brother."

Qin Xue sighed and said expressionlessly.

"From your look, you don't seem to want to recognize him."

Lin Yuan noticed the disgust in Qin Xue's eyes when she talked about the Qin family, and he had some more guesses in his mind.

Since ancient times, women from large families have had little autonomy, especially from a super family like the Qin family.

Considering Qin Xue's age, Lin Yuan felt that Qin Xue must have been forced into marriage by her family, and then Qin Xue was unhappy and ran away.

This kind of melodramatic plot has happened countless times to big families, and even Lin Yuan was speechless.