
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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225 Chs

Chapter 55 Arrival

Tianyan Mountains.

With one move, Lin Yuan knocked away a Yuandan Great Perfection realm expert, which terrified everyone. Some even threatened to leave secretly.

"Leave now, and I will let you live."

Lin Yuan didn't take these people seriously, and was too lazy to deal with them. After knocking the Yuandan Great Perfection realm expert away with one move, he withdrew his attack and said coldly.

Lin Yuan's words were clearly heard by everyone, but Yue Shan seemed very hesitant.

"Humph, I was careless for a moment, so you succeeded in your sneak attack. Stop being so self-righteous here."

The man stood up painfully, roared, and ran towards Lin Yuan again.

"Five Tigers Broken Knife Palm!"

The man attacked without mercy, and the white energy gathered crazily on his right palm. Indistinctly, there seemed to be a vague knife shape emerging, and on the knife shape, there seemed to be tiger stripes emerging.

"Boy, I'll kill you in one move!"

The shape of a knife solidified, and the ferocity on Song Dao's face became even more intense. He took a step forward and chopped down angrily with his right palm.


Lin Yuan spat out two words indifferently, and then poured his energy into his fingertips. Green sword energy gushed out and firmly attached to the surface of his right hand. Then he slashed at the void, and a green light suddenly appeared, shooting towards the violent man.

"Boom" the green light collided with the knife shadow, producing an extremely terrifying force fluctuation, like a storm, blowing in all directions, even the ground was cracked.

"Break it for me!"

A sharp and violent blade light burst out, Song Dao's face turned cold, and he swung his right palm down fiercely, trying to break the green light.

However, the green light remained motionless in the face of the man's attack. Not only was there no sign of being broken, but it became stronger and stronger. The green light gradually burst into a dazzling light, and then with a bang, it exploded directly.

The sudden explosion of green light was so powerful that it blew the man away, causing him to spit blood and turn pale.

"it's over."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan slashed out several sword lights in succession, and the sword light was divided into five. In an instant, dozens of sword lights flew through the mountains, and the subordinates led by the man were all killed at this moment!

Even Lin Dong was shocked to see dozens of people being killed so easily, and the shock in his eyes was difficult to conceal.

"You are the only one left."

Lin Yuan turned around and looked at Yue Shan indifferently, the green sword energy surrounded his fingertips and never dissipated.

Yue Shan looked at the green sword energy, his pupils shrank slightly, and he said in shock: "You are... the mysterious man in the raincoat!"

Yue Shan never imagined that the mysterious man in straw raincoat who once defeated the entire Blood Wolf Gang alone would appear here, nor did he expect that he would become his enemy again.

"What a shame.

I gave you a chance, but you didn't know how to cherish it."

Lin Yuan said indifferently, raised his finger and slowly pointed it at Yue Shan. A domineering and powerful green sword energy gathered at his fingertips, emitting a violent green light.

"Let me go, and the Blood Wolf Gang will forever submit to the Wanbao Pavilion!"

Under this green light, Yue Shan felt a breath of death, his face changed drastically, and he begged for mercy in a panic.

"rest in peace."

As soon as he finished speaking, a green light shot out with destructive power, instantly annihilating Yue Shan and others in the green light!

Three moves!

It took only three moves to destroy the two major forces so easily. Both Lin Dong and the others present were shocked.

After dealing with Yue Shan, Lin Yuan turned around and came to Lin Dong. After glancing at the people around Lin Dong, he said, "Let's go."

Having said that, he ignored everyone and walked forward alone.

Qin Xue gave Lin Dong an apologetic smile and quickly took Xiao Zi to chase after Lin Yuan.

"Lin Dong, he is…" After a moment, everyone finally came back to their senses, and the girl next to them couldn't help but ask.

"His name is Lin Yuan. He is my cousin, so to speak."

Lin Dong revealed a complex emotion and explained softly.


You said he was from the Lin family!"

The girl showed an expression of disbelief, which then turned into surprise.

This young boy is so young, yet he possesses such terrifying strength. His talent may even be above Lin Langtian. If she reports this matter to the clan leader, she will receive a substantial reward.

"Master Tao, do you think he can compete for the championship at the Lin Clan Meeting?"

Unable to help himself, Lin Dong looked at the old man beside him and asked.

Upon hearing this, Elder Tao sighed and said slowly: "Judging from his attack just now, he has probably advanced to the third level of Creation. I don't think it will be a problem to compete for the top three. As for the first place..." Elder Tao did not finish his words. In his opinion, it would be very difficult to compete for the first place. After all, Lin Langtian would also have to participate in this clan meeting.

Lin Dong was speechless after hearing this. His intuition told him that Lin Yuan's strength had already surpassed Lin Langtian.

"Let's go to the camp."

Old Tao looked at the traces of battle left in front of him, still shocked, and sighed.

Lin Dong did not object and nodded silently.




…The next morning.

After half a day's journey, Lin Dong and his companions crossed a huge natural barrier and arrived outside a huge mountain.

The mountain does not have a peak, and lush green spreads out across the mountain. However, vaguely, one can still see some ancient, boulder-like buildings on the top of the mountain covered by the lush green.

"Is that the location of the ancient tomb?" Looking at the top of the mountain, Lin Dong said with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Yeah," Tao nodded with a smile, and said with some emotion, "But there is still a seal on the top of the mountain. It is not easy to enter. The strong people in the Nirvana Realm are really amazing. The seal they set up is still so powerful after so many years."

Lin Dong also nodded. Relying on his spiritual perception, he could sense some strange fluctuations in the sky at the top of the mountain. He thought it must be because of the seal.

"Let's go to the foot of the mountain first. I'm afraid there are already quite a few guys waiting there."

Tao Lao laughed.

Lin Dong looked towards the foot of the mountain, and indeed saw quite a few tents. He couldn't help but be a little surprised. He didn't expect that so many people had already arrived here in advance. The luxury of this ancient tomb was really beyond words.

The appearance of Lin Dong and his group obviously attracted the attention of many people in the camp, but when they saw the clan emblems on their chests, they all shrank back with fear in their eyes. The Lin clan was a behemoth in the Great Yan Dynasty, and ordinary forces did not have the courage to provoke them.

After Lin Dong arrived at the camp, he looked around, wanting to see where Lin Yuan and the others were, but he unexpectedly saw him at first sight, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.