
MARTIAL SUMMIT (Against the Heaven to the Peak of martial arts)

In the vast expanse of the Divine Dragon Continent, amidst a world teeming with ancient beasts, demons, devils and cultivators of unimaginable power, lies the Unfettered Country. Lin feng, a young sickly man deem Orphan and alone, Lin feng's fate takes a dramatic turn when he is taken under the wing of a reclusive alchemist from Martial Origin sect, who reveals to him the secrets of Alchemy Martial Fusion – a forbidden technique that combines the destructive force of martial cultivation with the nuanced art of alchemy. This ancient knowledge, thought lost to the annals of history, propels Lin feng on a quest not only for personal mastery but also for justice and revenge.The path before Lin feng is fraught with peril. The Alchemy Guild, a shadowy organization with tendrils in every major sect and kingdoms of the world, views Lin feng's ascent and mastery of Alchemy Martial Fusion as a threat to their dominion. Lin feng on the path of no return turn against the heaven.

FlyingMonarch · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Heavens's Warning, Bonds Unyielding

As the bond between Lin Feng and Yu Sheng was solemnly forged beneath the watchful eyes of the ancient trees, an inexplicable tension began to suffuse the air around them. The forest, a realm of perpetual twilight, felt the weight of a silent witness observing the unfolding oath of allegiance. It was as if the very fabric of the universe had stilled, holding its breath at the promise made between the two souls.

Suddenly, without warning, the tranquil harmony of the Dark Forest was shattered by a burgeoning tumult above. The sky, a vast expanse of unyielding darkness, ignited with an otherworldly light. Bolts of lightning, like celestial spears, tore through the heavens, their brilliance a stark contrast against the shadowed world below. The light was not just illumination; it was a declaration, a manifestation of the heavens' unease.

The thunder that followed was no mere echo of nature's fury but a resonant, ominous rumble that sought to split the sky apart. It rolled across the heavens in waves of sound, each more menacing than the last, as if the very gods were voicing their disquiet. The forest trembled at the cacophony, leaves shivering and ancient trees swaying, despite the absence of wind.

Lin Feng and Yu Sheng stood at the heart of this maelstrom, witnesses to the heavens' display of might. Yet, despite the awe-inspiring spectacle above, there was a sense of impotence to the storm's fury. The heavens, in their vast and inscrutable wisdom, had grown wary of Lin Feng—a mere cultivator whose potential and destiny had begun to cast long shadows. However, Lin Feng's cultivation, still nascent and blossoming, eluded the heavens' direct scrutiny. Unable to pinpoint the source of their unease, the celestial powers expressed their intimidation and warning through the tumult above.

Lin Feng, his gaze lifted to the chaotic dance of lightning across the sky, understood the significance of this display. The heavens' response to the bond formed with Yu Sheng was a testament to the path he had chosen—one that defied the ordained order, that challenged the precepts laid down by powers beyond comprehension. Yet, within his heart, a flame of defiance, fueled by the injustices he had suffered and the truths he had unearthed, burned brighter with each peel of thunder.

Yu Sheng, standing steadfast beside Lin Feng, felt a surge of admiration and resolve. The heavens themselves had taken notice of his sworn brother, a sign that Lin Feng's destiny was intertwined with the very fabric of the cosmos. Together, they faced the storm, unflinching and united, their spirits undaunted by the celestial display of might.

The storm eventually subsided, the lightning retreating and the thunder diminishing to a whisper before fading into silence. The Dark Forest returned to its state of serene twilight, the interlude of celestial fury now a memory etched into the night.

Continuing their journey through the dense, enigmatic expanse of the Dark Forest, Lin Feng and Yu Sheng treaded cautiously, the memory of the heavens' tumultuous warning still fresh in their minds. The bond forged under the celestial display of might had solidified their resolve, yet many mysteries remained between them, unspoken questions hanging in the air like the mist that veiled the forest's ancient secrets.

Yu Sheng, still recovering from his injuries, followed closely behind Lin Feng, his gratitude for the young master's intervention and his subsequent healing palpable. There was a story behind his wounds, a tale of betrayal or perhaps a forbidden venture gone awry, but Lin Feng, sensing the weight of the past on Yu Sheng's shoulders, chose not to pry. The silent acknowledgment of Yu Sheng's unspoken past was a testament to the respect Lin Feng held for his new companion's privacy and autonomy.

As they navigated the shadowed paths, Yu Sheng couldn't help but cast curious glances at the mask Lin Feng wore—a piece of artistry that seemed to meld seamlessly with his presence, an enigma that veiled his visage from the world. Speculation fluttered in Yu Sheng's mind, wondering if perhaps the young master concealed his features due to some perceived imperfection or unsightliness. The thought was fleeting, a brief amusement in the midst of their perilous journey, for the mask, in Yu Sheng's eyes, added to the mystique of the formidable cultivator he had sworn to follow.

Lin Feng, aware of Yu Sheng's speculative gaze, harbored a secret amusement at the assumption. The mask, the Veil of Sovereignty, was not a shield for ugliness but a barrier against the bewitchment of his unearthly beauty—a beauty that could ensnare the hearts of those who beheld it, friend and foe alike. He chose silence, letting Yu Sheng believe what he would, for revealing the truth could complicate the dynamics of their burgeoning camaraderie. Lin Feng knew all too well the power of appearances in the realm of cultivation, where beauty could be both a weapon and a curse.

Their journey through the Dark Forest was a trial by fire and shadow, each step forward a defiance of the dangers that lurked within and the divine forces that sought to intimidate them from their path. Encounters with the forest's denizens—beasts of shadow and entities born of ancient magic—served to strengthen their resolve and deepen their understanding of each other's strengths.

As Lin Feng and Yu Sheng approached the threshold of the Dark Forest, the deceptive tranquility of the early dawn was shattered by a primal roar that echoed through the ancient trees. The forest, a labyrinth of shadows and secrets, had one final trial for the duo before granting them passage. From the dense underbrush emerged not one, but three formidable beasts, each radiating a menacing aura that spoke of untold power and ferocity.The first was a Thunderous Direwolf, its fur crackling with arcs of electricity, eyes alight with the storm's fury. The second, a Venomous Shadow Viper, slithered forward, its scales shimmering with a deadly iridescence, and its fangs dripping with lethal poison. The third, a Behemoth Earth Bear, towered over them, its massive frame quaking the ground with each step, and its roar reverberating like an avalanche.Lin Feng and Yu Sheng stood back to back, their resolve unshaken in the face of impending battle. Lin Feng's mask, the Veil of Sovereignty, shimmered slightly, a silent testament to his readiness. Yu Sheng, his affinity with fire flickering to life, prepared to unleash the blazing fist of Solar warrior.

As the Thunderous Direwolf lunged towards them, electricity sparking furiously around its form, Yu Sheng's hands ignited with the radiant glow of the sun itself. The air shimmered with heat as he adopted the stance of the Solar Warrior, his fists blazing like twin suns. With a battle cry that echoed Lin Feng's resolve, Yu Sheng met the Direwolf's charge head-on.Each punch he threw was a comet of solar flame, leaving trails of fire in the air. The Direwolf, despite its agility and ferocity, could not withstand the relentless barrage. With a final, thunderous strike that exploded on contact, Yu Sheng sent the beast reeling, its form dissipating into a storm of sparks that faded into the dawn light.The Dance of Flames and ShadowsThe Venomous Shadow Viper, swift and lethal, struck next, aiming to inject its deadly venom into the fray. But Yu Sheng, enveloped in the aura of the Blazing Fist, became a maelstrom of fire, untouchable in his inferno. Each movement he made, each step he took, left blazes in his wake, turning the viper's shadowy domain into a field of flames.As the viper lunged, Yu Sheng's fist met its head, the impact unleashing a solar flare that incinerated the creature instantly. The venomous fangs never found their mark, the viper's deadly intentions undone by the purifying fire of the Solar Warrior.The Clash of Earth and SunThe Behemoth Earth Bear, witnessing the fall of its allies, roared its defiance, the very ground shaking with its wrath. But Yu Sheng, standing resolute beside Lin Feng, was undeterred. He channeled the full might of the Blazing Fist of the Solar Warrior, his entire being alight with the unfettered power of the sun.With Lin Feng weaving through the Behemoth's attacks, creating openings, Yu Sheng seized the moment. His fists, now as bright and as fierce as the sun itself, struck with the power to rend the earth. Each hit was a solar explosion, searing flesh and bone, overwhelming the Behemoth's natural defenses.The battle's crescendo saw the Behemoth Earth Bear, a creature of immense power and resilience, finally succumb to the relentless onslaught of fire and chaos. It fell with a ground-shaking thud, its last breath a steamy sigh evaporating in the morning air.As Lin Feng and Yu Sheng emerged from the battle, their spirits and bond forged stronger in the crucible of combat, Yu Sheng's mastery of the Blazing Fist of the Solar Warrior was at initial level of mastery as Lin feng just gave him after the thunder incident.

As they neared the forest's edge, the first rays of dawn piercing the gloom with fingers of light, Lin Feng and Yu Sheng emerged not merely as survivors but as allies bound by trust, respect, and a shared destiny that would lead them to confront the challenges of the cultivation world head-on.

Their exit from the Dark Forest marked the beginning of a new chapter in their journey.