
MARTIAL SUMMIT (Against the Heaven to the Peak of martial arts)

In the vast expanse of the Divine Dragon Continent, amidst a world teeming with ancient beasts, demons, devils and cultivators of unimaginable power, lies the Unfettered Country. Lin feng, a young sickly man deem Orphan and alone, Lin feng's fate takes a dramatic turn when he is taken under the wing of a reclusive alchemist from Martial Origin sect, who reveals to him the secrets of Alchemy Martial Fusion – a forbidden technique that combines the destructive force of martial cultivation with the nuanced art of alchemy. This ancient knowledge, thought lost to the annals of history, propels Lin feng on a quest not only for personal mastery but also for justice and revenge.The path before Lin feng is fraught with peril. The Alchemy Guild, a shadowy organization with tendrils in every major sect and kingdoms of the world, views Lin feng's ascent and mastery of Alchemy Martial Fusion as a threat to their dominion. Lin feng on the path of no return turn against the heaven.

FlyingMonarch · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Yu sheng

As Lin Feng approached the man in tattered robes, he assessed the stranger's injuries with a practiced eye. They were severe, beyond the mending of simple first aid or minor healing techniques. The man's vital energy was waning, his life force ebbing away with each labored breath. Lin Feng knew that if he were to save this man, mere conventional methods would not suffice. He needed to employ the profound knowledge granted to him by the Nine Tower Palace, combined with the potent ingredients he had acquired: the herbs from the road and the heart of the Shadow Leopard.

Recalling the alchemical teachings bestowed upon him, Lin Feng decided to concoct a pill of extraordinary power—the Celestial Heart Pill. This pill, a creation of his own design, inspired by the ancient arts revealed by the tower, would not only heal the man's injuries but also bolster his cultivation, possibly aiding him in achieving a breakthrough to the Golden Core Realm.

Lin Feng set about his task with a focus that made the darkened forest around him seem to recede into insignificance. First, he retrieved a small, intricately carved cauldron from his storage ring—a treasure capable of withstanding the intense energies required for the pill's creation. Placing it on the ground, he ignited a flame beneath it using a simple fire manipulation technique, the flame's color shifting to a pure azure, indicative of the perfect temperature for alchemy.

He began by placing the herbs into the cauldron, each selected for its unique properties that promote healing and vitality. As they simmered, their essences slowly began to merge, forming a verdant mist that hovered above the cauldron's mouth. Next, Lin Feng carefully added the heart of the Shadow Leopard, its dark essence contrasting sharply with the verdant mist, creating a swirling dance of shadow and light within the cauldron.

Using a technique from the ancient arts called the Harmonic Essence Method, Lin Feng began to guide the merging of the ingredients. He channeled his Qi, directing it into the cauldron in precise rhythms that mirrored the beating of a heart. This method ensured that the essences of the herbs and the Shadow Leopard's heart would not clash but instead form a harmonious blend, enhancing the pill's potency.

As the concoction simmered, Lin Feng recited incantations in a whisper, words of power that encouraged the spiritual energies within the mixture to coalesce. Hours passed, the moon tracing its path across the sky, until finally, a radiant light burst from the cauldron, signaling the pill's completion.

Lin Feng carefully retrieved the Celestial Heart Pill, its surface shimmering with an inner light, pulsing gently like a heartbeat. Approaching the injured man, he administered the pill, watching as its radiant energy flowed into the man's body, knitting together flesh and bone, rekindling the dimmed spark of his life force.

Moments turned to minutes, and slowly, the man's breathing steadied, his color returned, and his eyes fluttered open, alight with a renewed vigor. To Lin Feng's keen observation, it was evident that the Celestial Heart Pill was working its magic beyond mere healing. The man's internal energies stirred, rushing towards a nascent formation within him—the precursor to a Golden Core.

With Lin Feng's guidance, channeling the chaotic energies of the forest to stabilize the burgeoning core, the man achieved what many cultivators only dream of—a breakthrough to the Golden Core Realm. His aura expanded, filling the space with the radiant light of his newly formed core, a testament to Lin Feng's mastery over alchemy and the profound gifts of the Nine Tower Palace.

In that moment, Lin Feng not only saved a life but also changed the destiny of a fellow cultivator, all while deepening his understanding of the chaotic battle martial art and the ancient alchemical arts bestowed upon him. This encounter, born from a chance meeting on a moonlit road in the heart of the Dark Forest, forged a bond between Lin Feng and the man in tattered robes, a bond that would ripple across the fabric of their world in ways neither could yet comprehend.

In the tranquil silence of the forest, under the canopy that filtered the moonlight into a soft luminescence. Lin feng was immersed in the depths of cultivation, his body and spirit in perfect harmony with the Celestial Harmony Cycle. The air around him vibrated with the subtle, yet powerful, energies of the cosmos, weaving around him in a dance as old as time itself. The spectacle was mesmerizing, a testament to the profound art bestowed upon him by the Nine Tower Palace.

Yu Sheng, the man Lin feng had saved with the Celestial Heart Pill, slowly opened his eyes, the remnants of his near-death experience still clouding his senses. What greeted him was the sight of the young master who saved him, surrounded by a celestial aura, cultivating with a grace and focus that seemed almost otherworldly. For a moment, Yu Sheng was lost in the beauty of the scene, a sense of peace washing over him as he witnessed the true potential of cultivation.

As Lin feng sensed the shift in the air, an indication of Yu Sheng's awakening, he gently concluded his cultivation session and opened his eyes, their depths still echoing the vastness of the cosmos he had just been in communion with. Yu Sheng, still awestruck, wasted no time in expressing his gratitude, his voice hoarse but sincere.

"Thank you, young master. Without your intervention, I would have perished in this forest. My name is Yu Sheng, and from this moment forth, I swear to follow you, to aid you in your journey, wherever it may lead," Yu Sheng declared, his resolve shining in his eyes.

Lin feng, taken aback by the sudden oath of loyalty, attempted to dissuade Yu Sheng. He knew the path he walked was fraught with danger, a journey that could very well lead to battles against the heavens themselves. To drag Yu Sheng into such a fate seemed an unjust repayment for the man's newfound lease on life.

"Yu Sheng, you owe me no such debt. Your life is your own, to cultivate and explore the vastness of this world. The path I walk..." Lin feng began, but Yu Sheng would not be swayed.

"Young master, it is precisely because my life is my own that I choose to follow you. In the brief moment I awoke, I saw a glimpse of what true cultivation can be. You have opened my eyes to possibilities I never dared to dream of. Allow me to walk this path with you, to learn from you, and perhaps, to find my own destiny within the shadow of yours," Yu Sheng insisted, his determination evident.

Lin feng, faced with Yu Sheng's unwavering resolve and recognizing the sincerity in his words, relented. He saw in Yu Sheng not just a man saved from the brink of death, but a potential companion, one who could share the burdens and triumphs of the road ahead.

"Very well, Yu Sheng. If it is your wish to follow, then I shall not reject your oath. But know this; the path I walk is one of constant strife, against forces that would crush us without a thought. If you are to walk with me, you must be prepared for the trials that lie ahead," Lin feng declared, his voice carrying the weight of his own experiences.

Yu Sheng nodded, a fierce light in his eyes, "I am prepared, young master. Together, we shall face whatever the heavens throw our way."