
Martial Peak: Great Dao of Culture!

A human soul got a good deal from a mighty being and was transmigrated into the Martial Peak world with special powers bestowed upon him.

Lord_Azathoth · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2 — Wang Lin

After what felt like an eternity, I finally woke up.

Not really that much surprised by the situation on hand, I glanced at the place I was in.

"A room. Hmm, with nothing but a single bed in it, how interesting..."

Well, at least it is a safe place to start but, how did I get here?

Just as I thought that a sudden tingling pain assaulted my mind.

"Ooh, Crap!"

The pain lasted for a few seconds and for the love of God, somehow I managed to endure it.

Massaging my temples, I couldn't help but smile as I recalled my body's memories.

This guy's name was Wang Lin, an ordinary disciple who just entered the High Heaven Pavilion yesterday.

This guy had lived his 12 years of life in the Black Plum Village with his family.

However, a few months ago his parents died because of some unusual illness.

Not any surprising, since such was the fate of a Mortal in the Martial World, where only humans who had the strength to back them up were able to survive.

Wang Lin also had a big brother named Wang Tian, who was managing the grain business in their hometown.

As for Wang Lin, he was admitted into the High Heaven Pavilion since he had an average talent for Martial arts, unlike his big brother.

Since he was just an ordinary disciple, Wang Lin was given a shack to live in a proper location on the sect ground.

Conveniently, there was also a large stream near his house, now my house.

For 3 years, I would be given full support by the sect to cultivate and break through to the Initial Element stage. If I weren't able to do so, then according to the sect rules, I would be demoted to a mere Trial Disciple.

"How surprising... Hmm, I suppose the first thing to do now is to check what timeline I'm in," I spoke out loud, stood up and felt surprised when I saw how tall I was.

Even though I'm just 13 years old, my height must easily exceed 170cm.

Indeed, a tall height adds charisma to one's personality!

I also noticed that I had long white hair tied neatly behind my back.

"Perfecto! Let's move on."

Stepping out of my well-maintained shack, the first thing that caught my attention was the dawn, with its gentle rays of sunlight caressing my face. Once again, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had transmigrated into the world of Martial Peak.

Shaking my head with a smile, I moved toward the main sect ground, where disciples could challenge each other for contribution points.

Although one could start a spar anywhere on the sect ground, most of the spars happened at the centre area, where a large group of disciples were present.

And, to make sure that contribution points were given to the disciples correctly, numerous members of the Dark Hall were always present in the sect area, hidden from the obvious eyes.

As for Contribution Points?

Through these points, one would be able to exchange Martial Skills, Treasures, money and even Cultivation resources like medicinal plants and Qi recovery pills from the sect.

Points could be earned by winning the spar between fellow disciples and contributing to the sect. Moreover, free points were also provided by the sect every month as an allowance.

Furthermore, the spar rule applied to all disciples except for the Core Disciples and also the members of the Dark Hall.

As I made my way toward the Contribution hall, I couldn't help but notice many disciples eyeing me with frustrated looks evident on their faces.

I couldn't help but wonder: What could I even do about it? They must be jealous of my looks or something. Well, sorry about that.

You just have to hide your hot sisters away from me, if you have any, that is.

Ah, I'm being creepy again...

If not because I was new here and did not have any cultivation at the moment, I was pretty sure rows of these bastards would have loved to beat the crap out of me.

Ignoring them, I quickened my pace and gradually reached the Contribution Hall, where an old man seated behind the counter, was still daydreaming during the early morning.

This geezer who looked like a drunken and perverted mess was, in fact, a hidden powerhouse with the strength of the 3rd Order Saint realm.

Although sealed, he was still at the peak of the Immortal Ascension Boundary.

I didn't have to wake up him since I was pretty sure Meng Wu Ya was already aware of my presence.

However, as I was a normal disciple of the High Heaven Pavilion, I had to greet Elders every time before asking anything.

"Disciple greets Treasurer Meng!" I said with my hands in a greeting posture.

Old Man opened his eyes, yawned and waved his hand at me casually: "Hmm... You must be the new disciple who entered the sect yesterday."

I nodded as I said, "Yes, that is true! And, this disciple is called Wang Lin."

Meng Wu Ya then shook his head slightly and said while still yawning, "So Wang Lin... Do you need something this early morning? This old man still needs some sleep, you know."

Seriously? Old man?

Aren't you being too lazy here?

Although I had such thoughts, I didn't show it on my face and immediately said, "This disciple wants to learn a Martial Skill and I was instructed to take it from here."

Meng Wu Ya nodded as he said, "Body Tempering Manual, huh? Well, wait a moment."

He searched his counter for a few seconds in a lazy manner, took out an unused book and placed it on the counter: "Good, I found it. Fresh and new... Well, there you go."

I nodded, grabbed the book and prepared to leave as I gave the old man a little bow to express my gratitude.

As I turned to leave and made it to the door, my eyes caught a female Dark Hall disciple coming in my direction wearing a mask to hide her beautiful face, since of course I knew who she was.

Xia Ning Chang!

She looks even more beautiful than I have imagined her to be...

Despite being tempted, I didn't peek at her that intensely and continued to move toward my remote-like abode.

Although I did hear her voice as low and ethereal as it was: "Good morning~ master..."


Arriving at my house, I sat down on the comfortable bed and began to read the Body Tempering Manual.

It was simply just a set of movements one needed to perform to successfully open their meridians, which were also known as Qi channels.

The basic movements were for the Early stages, while the offensive and physical practising movements were for the Middle stages.

By the 4th stage, one would be able to sense the World Energy.

Until the 7th stage of Body Tempering was attained, a practitioner wouldn't be able to access the World Energy present in the world.

Successfully breaking through to the 7th stage, absorbing World Energy, and storing it in their Dantian as Yuan Qi was just the first and natural process for a cultivator to attain the peak of Martial Dao.

I see...

It took me an hour to finish the book, and unlike what I was expecting at first, there was no language issue since my mind already knew the native language, both oral and written.

And as for my original task, I already figured out what timeline I was in.

Well, it was given at the starting page of the book.

Since the book was shining like the ones I had at the end of my school years in my previous life, I understood someone must have written it freshly.

So, about time, it was the 14th year of the 7th century and the 1st day of the 5th month.

That means 7 days earlier than the cannon.

After that, I closed the book, put it aside, and sat down in a meditative posture to check the powers I had gained by exchanging my Yang Physique.