
Martial Peak: Great Dao of Culture!

A human soul got a good deal from a mighty being and was transmigrated into the Martial Peak world with special powers bestowed upon him.

Lord_Azathoth · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 1 — I Alone Am The Cultured One


Who was I?

I can't remember...

I was on Earth, reading Martial Peak like a freak on my broken-down phone.

It was funny how my buddy, the phone I had been using since I was a kid, lasted so long.

Well, about reading, it wouldn't be called reading per se...

I was bingeing the whole thing for fuck sake.

I was around like Chapter 2336 or something and that's when I lost consciousness.

Everything became blurry after that.

For once, I even thought I was in a coma, but that thought shattered immediately when I met "him".

The being that popped out in front of me out of nowhere.


That thing really did scare the shit out of me.

Though I wouldn't be believing such a thing had happened, if not for this...

[Your character is ready... Please click 'Proceed' to start your journey]



A few minutes earlier...

I was shitting my pants when I found myself standing on nothing, literally, it was just a void.

The surroundings were too dark, so I couldn't see a fucking thing even if I wanted to...

Seriously, can't a man simply enjoy himself?

How the the fuck did I even get here?

Is this a dream? It has to be...

"No, it's not."

A voice responded directly in my ears.


Like a scared bitch, I turned around and around to see that no one was present near me...

Whose voice was that? Alright, this dream isn't funny, but.. How do I wake myself up?

"Bloody hell, it isn't a dream! Didn't you hear it the first time? Just stay quiet, I'll be there in a few moments."

Seriously! Who the hell is it?

Sir or Madam?

Will you please stop being so mysterious? I might soil my pants here!

But, as soon as I thought that, a brilliant glow entered my vision. What came after that was neither what I wanted to see nor what I was hoping for.

An eyeball! And not just any, but a massive one on top of that!

Completely crimson with golden dragon-like slits in its irises.

Holy mother of Demon!!!

What in the name of Seven Hells is that?

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you," the heavy and terrifying voice entered my mind directly.


It's not like I can either do anything about it.

I'm just a tiny mortal weeb here, who doesn't even know if he is dead or alive at the moment?

"You're not dead, I merely brought you here in your astral form.

That aside, I have a pretty good deal for you, might you be interested?"

The same voice entered my mind.

A deal?

What kind of deal?

Is it a good one?

"Well, it certainly is a good one.

For both of us, that is...

Now listen carefully, you might not know but you possess a Pure Supreme Yang Physique, which is harmful to your body...

I'm talking about the pain you feel down there most of the time, right?"

The moment I heard the last sentence this mighty existence had said, I couldn't help but relate it to my life.

The pain!

The extreme pain I felt whenever I was about to ejaculate was mind-wrenching.

Every single fucking time!

Ah, bad memories!!

That was the only reason why I was single even at the age of 25... Curse it!


So, are you here to do something about my Physique?

"Yes, indeed!

But before that, I should probably tell you this.

After I'm done taking your Physique, your current body won't be able to hold on for much longer.

So, I have to send your soul somewhere else.

How about it?

I'll even provide you with some good powers at the beginning.

Do we have a deal?"

Wait a moment!

Does that mean I won't be able to finish Martial Peak?


"How about this?

Instead of somewhere random, I'll send your soul to the Martial Peak world.

Do we have a deal now?"


You can do that?

"Sigh... If it wasn't for the restrictions on taking your special Physqiue, I wouldn't be wasting my time like this.

I have more important business to finish so we are done here.

I'm leaving behind my Soul Imprint, it will complete our deal for you, Goodbye..."

As soon as the mighty voice finished speaking, the massive crimson eyeball also disappeared in front of my eyes.

Fuck! That was scary...

Now what?

I didn't have to wait long because, in a few seconds, a silver-coloured screen projection popped out in front of me.

[Please, Fill Out The Given Forms]

[Transmigration World: Martial Peak (Can't Change)]

[Character: ________ ]

[Dao:________ ]

[Technique: __________ ]

Holy shit!

I can choose Dao and Technique for myself, good, good!!

Let's see.

I touched the blank option for Dao and as I did, my eyes caught the plenty of heaven-defying names inscribed in it.


Sword Dao, Spear Dao, Space Dao, Time Dao, Cuckold Dao...

Cuckold Dao?


Who in their right mind would practise this shit?

Hmm, right...

A Cuck would do it gladly...

Let's just find something interesting... Since I have enough time to spend anyway.

After wasting a few minutes, I finally found a good one.

Let's find the Technique too asap!

Water God Technique, Unbearable Sword Finger, Essence Of Time Hole, Mighty Cuck Spear Lord, Fire Lord Essence, Endless Dark Shit...


Seriously? These names are just too cringe.

It felt annoying so I quickly started to scroll down after looking at the names... Not going through the description!

It took a few minutes, but I finally found a good technique.

Now, the only thing left is the Character Design!

I touched the blank option for that and surprisingly there were merely two options in there.

[Hair: ____ ]

[Eyes: _____ ]


That's it?

Well, it doesn't matter that much anyway...

So, I quickly filled it in a few seconds.

Well, nothing came to mind, so I chose white for my hair and blue for my eyes... Kinda like Gojo Satoru, but it's not like my face would be the same as his...

Finished with the form, I glanced at it one last time.

[Transmigration World: Martial Peak (Can't Change)]


Hair: White

Eyes: Blue]

[Dao: Dao of Culture]

[Technique: Miracle Invoker]

As soon as I was done filling out the form, the screen projection immediately changed.

To my amazement, a countdown was now visible on the screen.

[Your character will be ready in a few seconds...]







Well, that went quite easily.

But, that Yang Physique, must have been pretty good for such a mighty being to offer a deal as great as this...

Hmm, he talked about some limitations... I wonder what was that.


[Your character is ready... Please click 'Proceed' to start your journey]


Hmm, it's ready, huh?

I guess there is nothing left but to proceed...

With a smile, I tapped the "Proceed" option, and as soon as I did, my consciousness began to fade out.

Martial Peak, here I come!!!

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