
Martial Peak: Fracture

"NO! SISTER, WATCH OUT!" There was a shout, but no voice came out. 'H-Huh?!' Lich suddenly wakes up calling out his little sister who was supposed to get into a car accident, but unknowing to him, he had himself positioned right in front of it while pushing his sister to the safe side. 'D-Did I just died? I must have, otherwise, I would be waking up in a hospital instead of a colorful place like this. This is actually quite a beautiful sight.' 'I wonder if Grace is going to be okay. Dad and mom were having difficulties with money while I was away studying in China. I hope they get through it..' I could only sigh when remembering my family's dire situation. 'There really is nothing that I can do to know nor am I able to go back to Earth like this. Now that I think about it, my body seems to be suspended in the air but I cannot feel any of my limbs. I can't even sense how much time I've spent like this, hopefully, something happens after a while.' 'What a strange feeling, although the scenery in front of me is everchanging in different colors since I'm in some kind of space, I don't feel like I'm moving at all but my perceptions tell me that I am slightly doing so.' "!?" Suddenly, the space in front of him started to collapse, creating a massive fracture that extended miles away from his field of view... ___________________________________________________________________ Updates: Any day of the week, not yet decided. Weekends will have no releases. Mc Harem: No bitches? (will be up to you) I do not own any characters that will appear nor the novel Martial Peak besides my ocs. This will be an AU, as our mc is going to break the fundamentals of almost everything. Liang Long will have the most overpowered dao that was ever discovered. The 'find-out-by-reading-the-fanfic' Dao!

Paragen · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter [6] - World Crisis

'How on earth did he accomplish it?' This was the only thought Luo Lan and Long Tian could think of at the time.

Primordial chaos is an enigmatic power. Everything is thought to have started from there. It is what divides existing worlds, a disorderly and lawless domain that cannot be controlled by the Grand Daos.

The only way for someone or something to see what it genuinely symbolizes or looks like would be... To perceive something outside of the box, a place never once sought before.

Something... That is not counted in the 3,000 Daos that govern the universe, the fundamental laws that created everything.

No, that is absolutely impossible.

They didn't want to continue their line of thoughts since it may lead them away from the heavenly way.

'As I thought, they know.' Liang Long would be sweating right now if he had a real body.

He concluded that the existence of the Primordial Chaos is not unknown, at least for individuals with immense strength like the two in front of him.

'I can't really tell them the truth either. Even though they don't appear to be evil people, I need to be cautious.' The last thing he needed was for someone to be interested in his secrets and methods.

'Haa, what was I thinking?' They didn't even inquire why I have it on me. I should probably change the subject. I'll have to tell them sooner or later, but at least we'll have some trust in each other.'

Liang Long had no option but to put his trust in these three. And so, he began to tell them everything he knew about the present state of the world.




[A quarter of an hour later]

"And that's pretty much everything I know." As he concluded his statement, Liang Long let out a long sigh.

Long Tian, Luo Lan, and Li Ming Yue appeared to be deep in thought; the latter less so, since she didn't fully comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"So that's how it is, no wonder." Long Tian rubbed his temples, attempting to solve the world's present issue.

"Boy, we have to work on this together, despite the fact that we don't know each other. Your strength may be weaker than ours, but from what we've seen, you have a power that might be useful. With that in mind, you'll accompany us." Luo Lan spoke after some thought.

She was pondering whether or not to allow the boy to accompany them.

She had a valid reason for not thinking about it straight away. This person's strength is unlike anything the two of them have ever witnessed.

His cultivation methods, as well as any other secrets he may have under his sleeve, must be observed.

But, in the end, she was contradicting her own views.

The major reason she made that decision was because she was curious about Bai Li's (Liang Long's) origin. Because neither she nor her husband had seen someone almost meld their energies with the primordial chaos.

Such a matter requires additional inquiry, and both Luo Lan and Long Tian anticipated that he would provide some answers.

"To be honest, I was thinking of seeking your assistance to help handle the world's problems, but I should've known you'd come because of my breakthrough."

"Not to mention that I am at the center of whatever is going on, so I won't stand by while the world you three live in goes through this much." Liang Long answered seriously.

Even if he didn't care what happened to the world, his own survival was at stake.

Luo Lan and Long Tian both nodded their heads at him, but Li Ming Yue simply smiled slightly, her expression remaining unchanged.

'Heheh, despite the fact that he appears to be uninterested in this world, he's still eager to aid it because of us.' There is nothing my eyes cannot detect.' Li Ming Yue, unbeknownst to Liang Long, already knows what type of person he is.

That was correct. He dislikes causing problems for others as a result of his activities. Unless it is well deserved or justified.




[Hundreds of kilometers away from the prior place]

Four people could be seen flying smoothly, with Liang Long at the far rear, Luo Lan and Long Tian on either side of each other, and Li Ming Yue remaining behind to speak with Liang Long.

He was surprised to learn that both of Li Ming Yue's parents were from both the dragon and phoenix races. However, she didn't specify which sort they were since she stated it was up to them to inform him, to which he agreed. It is not appropriate to introduce people on their behalf.

They chatted about a variety of things throughout the time, mostly concerning their personal issues. Liang Long did not speak about his time imprisoned in the Primordial Chaos Origin Star Sea because he believed it should be told later.

He didn't mind speaking about it as it probably doesn't exist anymore.

Instead, he spoke about his many years in retreat and how it had affected him. Liang Long didn't truly tell her about his old world but about what he experienced while elaborating half-lies.

Because her parents were most likely listening in and eavesdropping on their conversation.

It was the first time Li Ming Yue had the chance to speak to anybody other than her parents. And she was having a great time with a potential new friend.

Although Long Tian was skeptical about it, Luo Lan found it a good thing for her daughter to socialize. They definitely overheard their chat and judged Liang Long to be a relatively decent person for the time being.

A man is pure as long as he is not corrupted by power.

They have seen many of these sorts of individuals in their lives and did not want their daughter to go through the same. So they're taking it extremely seriously.

But they obviously knew they couldn't control Li Ming Yue if she wanted to be friends with Liang Long, so they were helpless.

Yes, they discovered that his name was not truly Bai Li, but Liang Long.

They understood why he didn't tell them his true name. Even if there is no one else in the world who may pose a threat to them, it is still a good idea to be aware of potential threats.

Knowing people's names is something that could be extremely life-threatening if the other party has any malicious intentions.

They were aware that there were several ways to murder merely by knowing someone's name. Although such methods require a great price to be paid, there is always someone crazy enough to do it.




[Winter zone, just above the massive ice peaks]




A loud and enormous snowstorm poured across the peaks, slamming them with such power that avalanches were detected every few minutes, giving the region a terrifying impression. Dark clouds could be seen in the middle of everything.

Massive cracks could be seen in the ground, and the frozen trees were breaking apart like glass as a result of the earth's vibration, triggering even more cracks and, as a result, forming massive fissures.

This is not the only zone seeing such unusual occurrences. The other seasonal zones were all the same.

They had traveled through the other zones before landing in the winter zone. The scenario was not much different. Every single zone they came to was in a state of chaos.

The world's principles were out of control, wreaking disaster on the entire world. Liang Long's kinetic abilities, particularly his atmoskinesis (weather manipulation) and ergokinesis (energy manipulation), allowed him to clearly sense every shift.

"This isn't looking good." With a solemn tone, Liang Long stated.

"Yes, if things continue as they are, all living things will perish and the entire world will become a wasteland." Long Tian said with grief, since he had spent a significant amount of time in this universe world, and seeing it on the verge of destruction was difficult for him, as it was for Luo Lan and Li Ming Yue as well.

"I can use some methods to slow down the process, but it will not be stopped." Liang Long turned to face Long Tiand and Luo Lan, who were both looking back at him.

"We can also mobilize the world power to gradually repair the harm done, but too much energy detour would affect the other places as well, so we must select which one to begin with." Luo Lan said as she instructed them to seek for the least hectic zone.

"That could work. I may also try to transmit energy from the underground to prevent any future fractures from emerging on the areas' surfaces, preventing any leaks. If the subterranean energy dies, then..." Liang Long expressed concern that if energy from below begins to escape to the surface, it would be spread all over the place, attempting to solve the issue from above.

This will simply escalate the issue into an endless cycle of regression and progression.

'Is there nothing else we can do?' Liang Long tightened his nonexistent teeth and thought. The heavens didn't seem to want him to rest at all. Trouble follows him everywhere he goes.




A buzzing sound was detected by Liang Long, but it wasn't coming from outside.

It came from deep within his soul.




"Huh?" When Luo Lan, Long Tian, and Li Ming Yue were staring at the damage caused by the storm, they heard a loud boom coming from above.

Ominous dark clouds, way darker than the ones in the gloomy sky above the peaks, began to form around them, and a faint lightning crack could be heard. They turned their heads as soon as they noticed the radical shift in the atmosphere, only to witness a bright red light emanating from Liang Long's figure.

"This!" Long Tian and Luo Lan both exclaimed. They were well aware of this peculiar energy signature.

"Yue'er, step back!" Luo Lan lifted her palm, forming purple ice shards around it, and positioned herself defensively in front of her daughter.

Liang Long's pitch-black body began to radiate red lightning, and the white flecks around his figure began to glitter with each passing second.

"Ugh, this is... More painful than I thought..." They heard a faint voice and recognized it as Liang Long's.

"Boy, can you control that power?" Long Tian inquired, frowning. He didn't want it to lose control as it did when he broke through, despite the fact that it was an accident at the time.

"Yes... But I'm not... familiarized with it... I need to... Fully comprehend it." Liang Long muttered this at irregular intervals because he was in excruciating pain. It was the same pain he had as he broke through to the Open Heaven Realm, but there was no world energy to dampen it, so he felt the unfamiliar power all over his soul.

He sat cross-legged and brought his palms together in front of him, slowly managing the red lightning that erupted from his body into the space between them.

"I'll be alright. Just don't get too close to me." Liang Long cautioned because he, too, thought that exerting this power on his surroundings was risky.

He vividly witnessed what occurred to the mountain range where he remained for his breakthrough, and he couldn't let it happen again, because this unusual force is the same thing that caused the world to become messed up in the first place.


[1926 words]

(A/N: MC's power will be revealed in the next few chapters. I'm actually looking forward to it since it means I can finally stop narrating every single explanation. So you'll have to look it up on the internet for most of it lol.)

MC is a magnet for trouble, it reminds me of someone...

• ↻ • Thank you for reading~ . . .


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