

• SYNOPSIS: Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, a young man died unjustly. Fortunately, he was allowed to have a second chance in another universe with a couple of bonuses. Follow his story! • Author's Note: English isn't my main language, but I still try my best. Anyway, this fan-fic can be considered a wish-fulfillment and will be a crossover with other Xianxia stories. • The first and current universe/MAIN:Martial peak • Planned Xianxia: The Ultimate Scheming System, Tales of Demons and Gods, Against the Gods, Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator.,etc! • Release Schedule: 10 chapter/week, tags: r-18 ; harem ; opmc ; system ;multiverse ; transmigration;

Guddu_455 · Book&Literature
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70 Chs

Taking Maid

*Shua shua* The two Elders appeared at the same time and stood roughly five meters in front of Yang Kai, glaring at him coldly with a touch of wariness apparent in their eyes.

Guan Chi Le also moved at that moment, quietly putting himself between the two of them and Yang Kai.

Yang Kai raised his eyes and observed these two not interfering now.

The three people glared at each other, and the atmosphere grew heavier by the moment.

After a long silence, the two Elders shifted their eyes towards, Li Fu who was chest-naked, and Xie Rong, who was sunk into the mud, and couldn't help but feel a burst of anger.

Seeing their juniors bullied so brutally made their expressions darken. What's more, this had happened because the two of them had sneak attacked this young man yet had instead been injured when he struck back.

The Soaring Rainbow Court's Immortal Ascension Boundary coughed and hesitated, "Young man, you should first let them go, this scene isn't pleasant to look at."

"That's your business, not mine!"

The Elder's face sank slightly and said, "Are you determined?"

The Thunder Light Sect's Immortal Ascension Boundary Elder was also displeased, and his expression became cold, "Young man, the things just now was these two old masters' responsibility, so how about you release our juniors? You should know, as long as we stay on the front lines, we'll all need to rely on each other at some point."

Everything that was being said had an air of ambiguity, so the others present only thought they were discussing the impoliteness of Xie Rong and Li Fu, but Yang Kai knew that they were actually referring to the attack these two had launched against him.

Grinning fiercely, Yang Kai shook his head, "Some things can't be solved before everyone has arrived."

"What is it you want?" The Thunder Light Sect's master expression sank even more. Although he knew that Yang Kai wasn't simple, he also didn't fear him, but with Xie Rong and Li Fu's life in his hands, lowering himself to this point was something he had to do.

"I want their lives!" Yang Kai sneering again and again as his Qi violently circulated about his hands.

His expression suddenly became ferocious as he shaped the True Qi in his hands into a pair of swords and swiftly slashed at Xie Rong and chopped his both arms.

And after a brief stunned silence, terrified screams burst from his lips but no sound came.

"You…" The masters from Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court stared at Yang Kai in horror and disbelief. Neither of them had ever dreamed Yang Kai would act so mercilessly.

Guan Chi Le also couldn't help feeling like he was staring at a madman, and his eyes filled with shock.

The same went for all of the juniors present.

Yang Kai face once again became indifferent, and he stared with scorn at the two masters before him.

"You dare to that!" The Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court Elders roared furiously, if Yang Kai really ran them through, how could Xie Rong and Li Fu possibly survive?

"You think I don't!?" Yang Kai smiled viciously.

The two Elders could bȧrėly contain their rage. However, neither of them saw any trace of hesitation or doubt on Yang Kai's face, nor did they hear any hint of deception in his voice.

Since he dared speak such a threat, he dared carry it out.

The two old men suddenly realized that the young man in front of them didn't fear them at all. If he did, he wouldn't have been so decisive. Moreover, his personality was one that would only eat soft food but refuse hard food. Them threatening him had only served to stir up his anger.

"Speak! What do you want in order to end this?" The Soaring Rainbow Court's Immortal Ascension Boundary master took a deep breath and asked in a low growl.

But Yang kai stared in a direction, he already had sensed someone coming here.

In the direction he was glaring, Xiang Chu couldn't help rubbing his nose, and a wry smile blossoming on his elegant face.

"Young Master…" One of the Immortal Ascension Boundary masters behind him whispered, and his brow furrowed slightly, "Is he looking at you?"

"En." Xiang Chu gently nodded, "Does he know that I'm here? How did he find me?"

"That young man's intuition is far too keen!"

"Perhaps." Xiang Chu felt this was all a bit too strange, but he couldn't come up with a better explanation. Puzzling over it for but a moment, he once again wore a carefree smile and boldly stepped out of the shadows.

Soon after, Xiang Chu appeared in an inconspicuous place nearby and shouted, "What happened? Why did I hear the sounds of fighting?"

Seeing the man in charge of the camp appear, the tension between the two sides suddenly eased slightly.

However, the disciples from Blood Battle Gang and Storm Hall couldn't help showing worried expression, while those from Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court sneered happily.

These youths all felt that since Yang Kai had blatantly attacked Xie Rong and Li Fu he would certainly receive some kind of punishment.

"Young Master Xiang!" The three Immortal Ascension Boundary experts present all quickly greeted Xiang Chu.

Xiang Chu only nodded lightly before smiling towards the Hu Sisters gently.

Li Fu grit her teeth and endured her pain, calling out, "Young Master Xiang, save us! This man wants to kill us!"

As soon as she spoke though, Yang Kai sent out palm strikes to her face.

Loud bang harshly resounded through the night air.

Seeing this, Xiang Chu couldn't help but frown slightly as the stared a dozen or so meters ahead at Yang Kai.

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across his eyes but it was immediately hidden.

"Young Master Xiang, the situation is…" The Thunder Light Sect's Elder quickly approached and tried to explain what had just happened.

Xiang Chu grinned and said, "So that's the case. Then the cause of all this was Xie Rong and Li Fu's inappropriate actions. Although everyone is from different forces, since we've gathered together here to fight against the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land we are all part of the same team. Each of us is supposed to help and support one another yet you sought to provoke others and then were taught a lesson because your real skills were inferior. I believe everyone understands who is at fault here. Why haven't all of you hurried to apologize to Storm Hall and Blood Battle Gang's disciples?"

"Apologize?" The Immortal Ascension Boundary masters from Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court couldn't help but twitch slightly when they heard this.

Their juniors were also stunned silent and stared blankly at Xiang Chu in confusion.

A light flashed across Yang Kai's eyes as a mysterious grin inexplicably formed on his face.

Wearing a big smile, Xiang Chu walked forward towards Yang Kai, "Friend, this Xiang Chu has been negligent in his responsibilities and has caused Blood Battle Gang and Storm Hall to suffer this injustice. I understand that you are angry, but can you give I, Xiang Chu some face and forgive them? Only by continuing to live can they learn from this lesson and repent. As for tonight's events, please be at ease, this Chu guarantees that such things will not happen again."

"What other dissatisfaction does this friend have? If you have any requirements you should feel free to state them." Xiang Chu smiled slightly.

"Seeing Young Lord Xiang act so fairly, I am naturally satisfied! But I do have a request!" Yang Kai grinned.

"Feel free to ask" Xiang Chu smiled.

"I want to take Li Fu as a personal maid, I am sure Young Lord Xiang would not mind"

Xiang Chu's eyes couldn't help but squint, but Yang Kai simply sneered back at him, completely unafraid "Sure"

"Little brat…" The Immoral Ascension Elders from Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court roared.

"Apologize!" Yang Kai turned to look at them, and his eyes were filled with a profound chill, and his tone was unquestionable.

Both of these masters were enraged, eager to rush forward and rip this arrogant junior in two, but both of them still first turned to Xiang Chu for his opinion, only to see him nod his head.

Seeing Xiang Chu's response, even though the two of them were a hundred kinds of unwilling in their hearts, they couldn't afford to affront him, and they muttered under their breaths, "Just now, our juniors had committed a grave offence towards Blood Battle Gang and the Storm Hall! This old master will strictly discipline these disciples and will not allow them to provoke any more trouble!"

"Scram!" Yang Kai sneered.

"Let's go!" The Elders from Thunder Light Sect held Xie Rong and led their group of young disciples away hurriedly with their hearts filled with resentment.

Beside the campfire, it was silent for quite some time until suddenly the disciples from Blood Battle Gang and Storm Hall burst into cheers. All of them gazed towards Yang Kai with looks of respect and worship and treated him like a great hero.

Although all of them belonged to three different sects, but since they came here, these minor differences no longer mattered. With everyone working together and suffering so much injustice, they had long ago formed deep bonds of friendship. Now seeing Yang Kai act so decisively and exact revenge for them, naturally they felt jubilant and excited.

Only Guan Chi Le sat alone, with his brows slightly wrinkled and his expression pensive.

The Hu Sisters walked over and Hu Jiao Er whispered, "What happened just now?"

"Nothing." Yang Kai shook his head gently. Just now, almost all of the juniors here realized nothing out of place, and there was no need to spoil their mood by telling them.