

• SYNOPSIS: Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, a young man died unjustly. Fortunately, he was allowed to have a second chance in another universe with a couple of bonuses. Follow his story! • Author's Note: English isn't my main language, but I still try my best. Anyway, this fan-fic can be considered a wish-fulfillment and will be a crossover with other Xianxia stories. • The first and current universe/MAIN:Martial peak • Planned Xianxia: The Ultimate Scheming System, Tales of Demons and Gods, Against the Gods, Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator.,etc! • Release Schedule: 10 chapter/week, tags: r-18 ; harem ; opmc ; system ;multiverse ; transmigration;

Guddu_455 · Book&Literature
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70 Chs

Incubus Dragon Transformation

The next day.

Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er stormed into Yang Kai's room.

"What happened?" Yang Kai asked the two sisters.

"We have to go out," Hu Jiao Er grinned and said, "Xiang Chu said that this is the last mission we'll be ȧssigned. After we finish it, we'll be allowed to return home."

The thought of returning to their Sect and their family obviously made the two sisters quite excited.

Yang Kai looked at the two sisters thoughtfully, "How many people will be deployed this time?"

"Almost the entire camp is being sent, leaving only a minimum number of people behind to guard the camp. All you have to do is stay here and wait for us to return. This mission should only last half a day to three days." Hu Jiao Er suddenly smiled happily, "Just sit tight. After the mission is completed, your wife will be here and will take you home!"

Then she blushed hard and ran away with Hu Mei Er.

Yang kai was first confused why she ran like that than she realize what word she said 'wife' he was truly flabbergasted he quickly check the emotion meter[Hu Jiao Er: 80].

He became truly happy nice start of the day.

Then he waited for the party to arrive. A spark lit in his eyes like a predator waiting for the prey.


Tai Fang Mountain, atop a ridge.

Hundreds of cultivators were scattered about, and they cautiously monitored their surroundings as they lay in ambush.

According to Xiang Chu, the spies on the other side of Tai Fang Mountain came back with intelligence saying a group of cultivators from the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land would make a final attack today.

So in order to take the initiative, he wanted to set up an ambush here to crush the enemy forces.

Originally, the disciples from Blood Battle Gang and Storm Hall were skeptical about this news; after all, neither side had shown any interest in fighting for quite some time now so it was odd that the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil cultivators would choose to attack now in the waning moments of the war.

But not long after, a group of devil path cultivators really appeared, which instantly dispelled their doubts.

The battle didn't last long, only about half a day before a complete victory was obtained.

When the Blood Battle Gang and Storm Hall disciples gathered together afterwards, they were shocked to discover that there were a lot less of their allies around than expected.

After a closer look, they noticed that the ones who were missing were actually the cultivators from Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court!

Immediately everyone realized something was wrong.

"Xiang Chu!" Hu Jiao Er went straight to the Young Master of the Xiang Family, asking with a solemn expression, "Where are Xie Rong and Li Fu?"

Xiang Chu showed a slightly surprised face and replied, "Weren't they with you while you were fighting the enemy?"

"No!" Hu Jiao Er's eyes went cold, "I haven't seen them since the start of the fight!"

"What?" Xiang Chu also wore a confused look and wrinkled his brow for a moment as he watched Hu Jiao Er's sullen expression, "You mean… bad! Quickly, return to camp!"

Issuing this order, the group of Great Han cultivators dashed off.

With the Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court cultivators suddenly disappearing, what they were up to was already obvious.

Originally Hu Jiao Er wasn't worried about these two Sects seeking revenge from Yang Kai for the previous incident because everyone in the camp was supposed to be involved in this mission. With everyone together on the front lines she could easily monitor their movements, so Hu Jiao Er hadn't given it any more thought.

How could she imagine they would suddenly disappear after the battle began? By the time she noticed it was already too late.

It seems like everything today was just an elaborate set up, a trap set for them and Yang Kai!

With the anxiety in their hearts surging, Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er began to circulate their Twin Qi Shared Spirit Divine Art, which caused their speed to instantly double, and their two shadows shot past Xiang Chu like meteors.

Xiang Chu's eyes couldn't help but squint slightly being surprised by the Hu Sisters' sudden burst of speed, apparently not having expected the two sisters to be so formidable.


Back at the camp, Yang Kai sat cross-legged atop a mat, circulating his [Harem God Devouring Physique art] as he silently awaited his enemy's return.

However, he didn't have to wait too long.

Opening his eyes suddenly, a brilliant light flashed across them, and his lips curled into a vicious grin as he quickly mutter to himself, "They finally came."

*Shua Shua Shua…*

From all around, the sound of clothes swishing could suddenly be heard. Obviously Yang Kai's visitors didn't have any intention of hiding themselves and blatantly took up positions to surround him.

A moment later, everything was silent again, and only a thinly veiled hostility and murderous intent lingered about.

"Since you've all come, why bother trying to hide!?" Yang Kai shouted before standing up and sending out a flurry of punches.

As these fist shadows flew out, the house Yang Kai had been staying in exploded into pieces.

Dust and smoke filled the air.

Xie Rong let loose a crooked arrogant laughter and roared, "Little brat, let's see if this time you can be arrogant! Never once has anyone shamed me so! I'll make sure you pay back ten times what you owe!" he used precious medicines to finally heal his body.

"It's impossible for you, you're too weak!" Yang Kai sneered contemptuously, and his expression showed a thick disdain.

"Young man, you're insane!" The Thunder Light Sect's Elder snorted and stepped forward while staring coldly at Yang Kai, "With us old masters here today, do you think your end will be good?"

Yang Kai simply sneered and stared back at him, before casually asking, "All of this is Xiang Chu's doing right? Including what happened that night." Well he already knew the answer but what is better than showing their shocked expression, as expected they stop for a moment.

Yang Kai had already planned to settle this at some point, so he didn't mind their silence and nodded carelessly a cold light flashed across Yang Kai's eyes as a malicious laughter leaked from his lips, "The price for offending me, you have to pay with your blood!"

As soon as his words finished, his suppressed his cultivation to that of a Divine Movement Realm and he used what he wanted to use for a long time.

Soon his hands turn into claw his head grew two horns his body became golden with scale became to appear his eyes turn red his body was giving a scent that can make any woman scream. Soon it changed from 10 zhang..20..30..40..100..110..120..200 zhang

With this rapid change, the Heavens and Earth roiled; at this moment, Yang Kai seemed to have transformed into a different person.

[Incubus Dragon Transformation]

Sending out a deafening roar like the advent of a dragon.

A golden halo visible to the nȧkėd eye spread to the entire surrounding area, instantly engulfing all the young disciples and causing them to grab their heads and cry out in pain.

A huge phantom had emerged above Yang Kai, appearing akin to a living entity, atop its head were two dragon horns and it exuded a chilly aura, and its basin sized eyes mercilessly stared down towards the two Immortal Ascension Boundary from the sky.

When this pair of eyes fell upon them, the Elders from Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court immediately smelled the breath of death.

The two Immortal Ascension Elders eyes bulged when they saw this, never having dreamed that Yang Kai could transform into a dragon, catching them off guard and completely negating their efforts to stop it.

It was as if someone had thrown a stone into a calm lake, causing a continuous burst of ripples.

Before anyone could react, four or five halos had already spread out.

A number of the young disciples who were swept up in this attack soon after ceased crying out as blood spilled from their eyes and noses, dying the ground around them a dark shade of red.

In an instant, eight people had died!

They couldn't believe they just had offended a mythical creature. They feel despaired.

"Senior! Have mercy!" The two old masters from Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court burst into cry and flew out to defend against Yang Kai.

Laughing wildly, Yang Kai shot forward and flew into the Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court disciple's ranks.

It was like a tiger descending upon a flock of sheep; this group of young disciples was completely unable to cope with Yang Kai's onslaught. His strength was so fierce that every strike he sent out would collapse someone's ċhėst or crush someone's limb, and there was almost no one who could withstand a single blow.

The hearts of the two Immortal Ascension Elders were nearly bleeding with guilt. Today, the two of them had led their juniors to find the trouble with Yang Kai, ȧssuming they could settle things with a wave of their hands, but the battle had bȧrėly even begun and already a dozen of their disciples had died while their target, on the contrary, was completely unharmed.

"Stand back!" The Soaring Rainbow Court's Elder snarled.

Hearing this command, all of the remaining juniors wore ugly yet relieved expressions as they retreated several tens of meters from the fight, and they trembled in fear as they gazed back upon the battle.

Without having to worry about injuring their juniors, the two Immortal Ascension Boundary masters began concentrating on the fight. Attacking together, they launched a flurry of fierce strikes, Their True Qi flashed about like lightning and enveloped Yang Kai in an inescapable torrent.

Xie Rong paled as he watched, suddenly realizing that on that night, Yang Kai had been holding back against them. It wasn't that they were negligent or caught by surprise, it was that from the start they were powerless to resist.

Even just now, though they had fully defended themselves, they hadn't been able to escape Yang Kai's attack.

"What kind of monster is he, why; why I have to provoke this person?" Xie Rong muttered incoherently with a look a pure disbelief plastered all over his face.

The two elders were shocked and horrified, and their faces became pale as ugly expressions appeared on their faces, as both of them did their best to avoid a head on confrontation with him

"Trying to dodge?" Yang Kai laughed.

"I said that you can't afford the price of offending me!" Yang Kai coldly snorted. His eyes were filled with a frigid indifference.

"Run, run, dodge all you want! Killing your disciples is just as good!" Yang Kai shouted ruthlessly.

Hearing this shout, those surviving disciples suddenly awoke from their stupor, and an icy chill shot up their spines.

"Shameless bastard!" The Elders from Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court both cursed, their rage soaring to unimaginable heights.

Feeling the power coursing through his body was very enjoyable, but Yang Kai knew not to allow himself to drown in it either

As he was indulging in playing he sensed the other group was coming, he immediately undo his transformation unsealed his cultivation base then just one stroke heaven and earth tremble all died! Leaving only some fortunate disciplines.

Two figures rapidly approached.

Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er!

The two beautiful sisters' faces were both filled with anxiety, but after seeing that Yang Kai was unscathed, they couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief. In the next instant when they saw the destruction, anger quickly welled up inside them.

Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er also hurriedly arrived at Yang Kai's side and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

Yang Kai shook his head slowly, his eyes gazing forward.

After slaughtering so many cultivators from Thunder Light Sect and the Soaring Rainbow Court he had already achieved his purpose to check out the dragon transformation but the fight was never a fight.

Right now, Yang Kai was truly fearless.

Along his line of sight, Yang Kai carefully observed Xiang Chu as he approached the camp. Even with such a chaotic situation before him, this Young Master Xiang displayed a calm demeanor befitting the son of a great noble family.

However, while looking at the bloodied and broken bodies scattered across the ground, Xiang Chu's eyes showed clear traces of surprise and discomfort.

*Shua Shua Shua…*

A large group of people emerged behind Xiang Chu soon after, the disciples from Blood Battle Gang and Storm Hall all anxiously looking around before their eyes quickly landed on Yang Kai.

Guan Chi Le's old eyes narrowed as his heart shuddered. After seeing the two dead bodies of the Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court Elders, he couldn't stop himself from trembling lightly.

Right now, clear lines had been drawn.

Except for the members of Blood Battle Gang and Storm Hall who sided with Yang Kai, everyone else was clearly stood with Xiang Chu.

After looking around for a moment longer, Xiang Chu solemnly asked, "What happened here?"

One if the discipline recounted the things but he can't remember anything about the dragon transformation because yang kai used power geass to replacing their memories with the transformation of his into a demon.

"Cheng Ming is dead?" Xiang Chu's expression revealed a look of surprise.


"What about the Immortal Ascension Elder from Thunder Light Sect?" Xiang Chu asked.

"Dead before we arrived."

Xiang Chu involuntarily trembled.

He thought he had overestimated Yang Kai's combat ability as much as possible, but he never expected that his 'overestimation' still far, far underestimated Yang Kai's strength.

Two Immortal Ascension Boundary First Stage Elders had actually been killed by him. Just how strong was he in the end?

"Young Master, that young man has already stepped into the Devil's Practices, unable to recognize his friends of family any longer. This old master asks the Young Master's permission to seek justice for our fallen comrades by executing him!" One of his guards grunted.

(Fang Lao=1st guard, 2nd guard= Xu Lao)

Xiang Chu frowned, seeming to hesitate.

Hearing this request, Hu Jiao Er hurriedly interrupted, "Old bastard, who exactly has fallen to the Devil's Practices?"

Hu Jiao Er had always been stronger willed than her sister however, at this moment, seeing him actually wanting to kill Yang Kai, she couldn't help but curse him as an old bastard.

Hu Jiao Er simply sneered, "If he'd already fallen into the Devil's Practices, do you think we could still stand safely beside him? Are you blind?"

"Also, you only saw him kill Cheng Ming, have you ever once stopped to think about what the old dog did to him?" Hu Jiao Er's tone became more intense.

Fang Lao moved his mouth to retort only to freeze up the next instant, and he remained silent for a few moments before saying, "This old master only believes what he has seen."

Hu Jiao Er's sneer became even deeper, "Two weeks ago, these people from Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court suffered a big loss at his hands. Today they abandoned their duties at the front lines and came back here in secret. For what purpose? I'm sure you can guess! Even if Yang Kai really killed them, it can only be considered self-defence. All the dead here brought this on themselves; what does it have to do with him? When an elder wants to kill you, do you have to stretch out your neck and let them cut off your head? If someone else attacks you, are you not allowed to resist?"

Guan Chi Le nodded firmly, "The First Young Lady is right! The people from Thunder Light Sect and Soaring Rainbow Court not only took action behind our backs but also deserted the battlefield in order to kill one of our own! The Young Lord must uphold justice!"