
Married to The Duke Twice

Bree watches her husband, Duke Radford of Marseilles, choose to sleep with another woman on their first night. The marriage was an arranged one, but Bree still feels hurt and humiliated. After that it got worse. Bree was falsely accused of murdering her own father,, accused of having an affair with the Prince—Benjamin, and implicated in a plot to assassinate the King, for which Bree was sentenced to death. But Bree didn't die when her head rolling. Bree is thrown back in time, replaying the day she married Radford. Stupidity will not be repeated, Bree is determined to change fate, avoid accusations, and not fall in love with Radford who is too charming. But the choice of different paths certainly results in different ends of fate. Bree may hope to change fate, but what if the path she chooses leads to an increasingly dark fate? Fate made him meet things that have been considered fairy tales from the dark.

Aisakurachan · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Those Smell

Bree walked without looking left or right, heading straight to Radford's workspace.

If in the castle, there were only two places Rad could be. If not in his room, he must be in the workspace. As it was still not late in the day, the likelihood was that he was in the workspace.

Bree headed towards the workspace in the southern part of the castle and opened the door without permission. Her second mistake of the day was being too hasty.

The room did not contain a half-naked muscular man but rather elderly men who were Rad's subordinates. They were giving reports.

There were five people there, including Rad, and Bree once again became the center of attention. Especially from Rad, who seemed dissatisfied with the interruption.

"I want to talk," Bree retorted before Rad could utter a word.

"In case you don't know, introduce yourself. This is Duchess Valois," Rad introduced with a flat expression. Everyone in the room stood up and bowed, showing respect with a formal bow.

Bree bent her knees slightly in response, her head still held high, showing indifference.

"I think we can conclude this meeting here. I gave clear orders earlier. I hope you execute them. If there are any issues or questions, send a letter."

Rad concluded the meeting, and his four subordinates bid farewell one by one, also to Bree, who was now standing by the door to not obstruct their exit.

Rad waited until they all left, then stared at Bree. "What are you discussing that you felt compelled to interrupt my work in this manner?"

Rad placed his hands on the table, while Bree approached and stopped right in front of the working desk, filled with yellowish papers.

"Why did you forbid me from practicing swordplay with Edmond?" Bree was direct and to the point.

"Did you just talk to Edmond?" Rad countered.

"Is that important? I'm asking why you forbid Edmond to train me!"

"Your body smells like Edmond again!" Rad pulled away, disturbed by any scent that Bree's body brought.

Bree frowned. This was the second time Rad brought up something irrelevant like this.

"What are you talking about?" Bree sniffed her arm, which, of course, had a regular scent of her dress perfume. She detected no strange scent there. Besides, it was impossible for Edmond's scent to stick to her, as they had stood at least a wide step apart.

During their horse riding practice, Edmond was closer, but he had already bathed that night. Also, it was impossible for Rad to smell Edmond's scent. Rad's statement was strange.

"It's impossible for Edmond's body scent to stick to me! I never hugged him! Unlike you, who are very cheap and hug other women! Your body should be the one smelling bad, not mine."Bree retorted sharply.

However, Bree regretted it. She spoke too much to him. She felt she showed too much jealousy. She shouldn't mention anything about other women again.

Rad's pale face looked even more menacing. His eyebrows now met, but he remained silent. Rad clasped his hands, his jaw tense. Clearly, there were many things he wanted to say but held back.

Bree didn't mind if Rad got angry. She preferred a debate to wondering what was on Rad's mind. However, Rad chose silence. It wasn't surprising to Bree. Rad rarely engaged in arguments. If he got angry, he usually just left.

For a few moments, they just stared at each other, until Rad's face returned to being expressionless.

"Yesterday, you wanted to practice horseback riding, and now you want to learn swordplay. What's going on? What do you want to do?" Rad poses the question with a flat tone.

"It's none of your business what I want to do! And why does it matter if I want to learn about swordplay? Is it wrong? I don't want to owe my life to someone else, especially if that person ends up mentioning that favor and feels like they can control me just because of it." Bree retorted sharply, with a slight sardonic smile.

But then again, Bree regretted it. She spoke too much again. Bree felt she showed too much emotion. She shouldn't mention anything about other women again.

Finally, Rad sported the same sardonic smile that he wore when provoked.

"Your reasons don't make sense. You want to practice swordplay with Edmond even before you feel indebted to me. I had to remind you of the life debt before you asked Edmond to teach you swordplay, even before we discussed the matter. Your reason for learning swordplay can't be just to avoid owing your life to me! This reason isn't right."

Bree blinked rapidly, not expecting Rad to 'attack' with such a long sentence.

Bree forgot one thing again. Rad was not easy to deceive; he was smart. In four months of being together, Bree had concluded that Rad had a sharp mind. If she wanted to argue with him, Bree had to provide a better reason.

"I..." Bree spun her mind, busy choosing an answer in her head.

"I just want to be able to protect myself because of the near-death experience." Bree slightly altered the existing reason.

"Meaning this intention arises because you were scared when attacked yesterday?" Bree nodded.

"I doubt it." Although her face didn't show doubt, Rad was still suspicious.

"It's not my concern, whether you believe it or not! That's my reason. Now tell Edmond to allow me to train with him!"

"No!" The rejection came quickly, and Rad's hand lifted as Bree looked like she wanted to protest.

"I will allow you to practice swordplay, but it won't be Edmond who trains you."

"Oh?" Bree was surprised by this approval, unable to speak for a moment. She didn't expect Rad to agree so quickly.

"But why not Edmond? He's a knight with the best swordplay among all the knights!" Bree protested. Rad's permission was not complete. Bree wanted Edmond to be her trainer.

Rad's eyes squinted again. "How do you know that? How do you know Edmond is the best swordsman among the knights?" he asked.

"That..." Bree fell silent. She knew this from Rad in the previous timeline. Bree had asked why Rad always brought Edmond, and the answer was as mentioned earlier.

The problem was that they hadn't, and probably wouldn't have, had that conversation in the current timeline.

"From Edmond. He told me when we were practicing horseback riding."

Edmond claimed that his swordplay led to his recruitment, but he did not assert that it was the best. Bree's reason was very weak. If Rad asked Edmond, it would be over.

Rad remained suspicious, continuously gazing at Bree, until she felt the need to ask him to stop looking.

Bree couldn't argue against him if Rad kept 'tempting' her with those eyes. Hazel's eyes might be Rad's most captivating facial feature.

Those eyes often seemed emotionless, but according to Bree, they were beautiful. So clear and even more beautiful when filled with emotions. It was rare, but Bree had always waited for those moments to happen. And right now, it's not the time to recall all of Rad's charm.

"I want Edmond!" Bree managed to return to her senses.

"No!" Those hazel eyes were filled with anger.

"But why? I have to..."

"If you choose Edmond because his swordplay is the best among all the knights, the person who will train you has better swordplay than him."

Bree was stunned once more by yet another surprise.

"Who is it? Who is better than Edmond?" Bree remembered that Rad never mentioned anyone great other than Edmond.


This short answer was more shocking than all of Rad's statements so far.

"You? You'll train me?" Bree clearly didn't believe it.

"Yes, at least this way your body won't smell like Edmond."

Rad stood up and walked out, not waiting for Bree to recover and get angry again.

Bree herself didn't remember being angry about the discussion of Edmond's scent. She was too surprised by the fact that Rad would train her in swordplay.