
Married to The Duke Twice

Bree watches her husband, Duke Radford of Marseilles, choose to sleep with another woman on their first night. The marriage was an arranged one, but Bree still feels hurt and humiliated. After that it got worse. Bree was falsely accused of murdering her own father,, accused of having an affair with the Prince—Benjamin, and implicated in a plot to assassinate the King, for which Bree was sentenced to death. But Bree didn't die when her head rolling. Bree is thrown back in time, replaying the day she married Radford. Stupidity will not be repeated, Bree is determined to change fate, avoid accusations, and not fall in love with Radford who is too charming. But the choice of different paths certainly results in different ends of fate. Bree may hope to change fate, but what if the path she chooses leads to an increasingly dark fate? Fate made him meet things that have been considered fairy tales from the dark.

Aisakurachan · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Almost Enemy

This morning, Bree walked towards the side yard with a heart full of uncertainty. She was weighing the pros and cons of the unexpected situation she found herself in yesterday. A situation that was beyond her imagination.

The fact that Rad, who trained her in swordplay, was involved was never something Bree had considered. He was one of the reasons Bree wanted to learn swordplay in the first place. The man was among those Bree sought revenge against.

In addition to seeking revenge for the betrayal and neglect she faced when accused, there was a slight possibility that Rad was involved in her father's murder. It was a small chance, but not non-existent.

With Bree sentenced to death, Rad would benefit, and he could freely marry Amber. However, this advantage seemed trivial compared to the loss of her father's life. If that were the case, Rad or Amber could simply kill her father themselves.

Bree understood that there was a larger conspiracy behind her father's murder, especially with evidence pointing towards a coup against King Bourbon. Her father's death went beyond a love rivalry for Rad.

Bree walked, murmuring to herself, repeating the political map of Frankia in her mind to avoid drawing hasty conclusions.

Bourbon, Donovan, and Valois all descended from a common ancestor. Currently, Bourbon, as the eldest son, holds the throne. Donovan and Valois each governed a region as dukes.

However, each family had a path to the throne if something happened to Bourbon. There had been no civil war in Frankia for almost a hundred years because the three families had maintained peace. Donovan and Valois acknowledged Bourbon's position.

In this generation, Donovan, Bree's father, had the weakest position because he had no heir to succeed as the next Duke Donovan. His two children were daughters.

The arranged marriage between Donovan and Valois was a blow to Bourbon, as it united two rival families. However, Bree knew her father had accepted the marriage and not conspired with Rad against Bourbon. The reason was the economic benefit for Le Mans.

Le Mans relied on agriculture and mining for wealth, while Marseille gained its prosperity from fishing and trade. In recent years, Le Mans has faced challenges, from crop diseases to the depletion of an iron ore mine, severely affecting production. Le Mans' economy was shaky, prompting her father to accept Valois' offer. This was the mystery.

Bree didn't know Rad's motives for proposing the marriage. However, she found it hard to imagine Rad attempting a coup, given his close friendship with Benjamin.

On the other hand, if her father died under suspicious circumstances with signs of a coup, Rad would be the prime suspect. When both Bourbon and Donovan failed to ascend to the throne, Rad was the sole guaranteed successor.

This conclusion made Bree feel ironic. It meant she would train with someone who might be her 'enemy.'

But perhaps this was the moment for Bree to use the existing enemy to her advantage. Bree smiled slowly at the thought.

Bree didn't know how her sword skills would turn out, but at least she was learning from the right person. Regarding whether Rad was her enemy or not, Bree could consider it later. For now, she would focus on strengthening herself.

Moreover, even if Rad wasn't an enemy, Bree still wanted to get back at him for the pain he caused her. She just hadn't found an effective way yet.

"Duchess?" Bree stopped abruptly as Aima called, holding her arm.

"The Duke is in the yard," Aima said, pointing at Rad.


Lost in the intricate political thoughts, Bree had missed her destination, the side yard where Rad instructed their training yesterday.

Rad stood under the shade of a tree, his eyes fixed on Bree.

Bree didn't say anything upon approaching. Despite knowing she was at fault for being lost in thought, causing her journey to be slightly longer and making Rad wait, she refused to apologize to him. In Bree's mind, her mistake was just a speck compared to Rad's grave mistake against her.

"One of the requirements for training and learning any skill is discipline. If you're already late like this on the first day, your future in mastering the sword doesn't look promising."

Rad reprimanded, unimpressed with Bree's careless attitude. Bree, in turn, wasn't impressed with Rad's attitude, so she snorted.

"If I'm late, then let's start the lesson right away instead of wasting time talking."

"Your personality is quite delightful, isn't it? I'm sure you have many friends who admire your good manners." A sarcastic remark intentionally spoken by Rad.

"If I have friends or not, is none of your business? Right now, you're wasting time!" Bree reminded him that they hadn't started their training yet.

Rad let out a heavy sigh, then pointed to a basket under the tree.

"Get your sword," Rad said.

He drew his sword from the ground near his feet.

Bree complied and took the sword from the basket. However, she frowned and looked at the sword in Rad's hand.

"Why are you giving me a small sword while yours is big?"

The sword in Bree's hand was sharp and pointed, but it was significantly smaller compared to Rad's. Perhaps two or three times smaller.

Rad closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and then handed his sword to Bree.

"Fine, if you want a bigger sword, let's trade. Take this one!"

Bree received the offered sword.


Upon receiving the sword, Bree exclaimed and her body was pulled forward, causing the sword to slip from her grip. The weight of the sword turned out to be too heavy.

Bree now understands why all the soldiers in the barracks yesterday had well-built bodies. Swinging such a heavy sword every day would eventually shape their muscles perfectly.

"Why don't you accept it? Don't you want it anymore?" Rad taunted Bree, forcing her to tightly seal her lips once more.

Bree accepted the embarrassing defeat. Who would have thought that the weight difference between Rad's and her sword would be so significant?

"The sword you're using is for children. Typically used by aspiring knights who have been trained since childhood by their families. They make small and light swords specifically for beginners. Afterward, the sword's weight will match your skill development," Rad explained.

"Does this mean I'll be able to have a sword like that someday?" Bree pointed at Rad's sword.

Rad revealed another side of himself that was rarely seen in response to the question.

Rad couldn't maintain his poker face and grinned, making Bree do a double-take because she couldn't believe Rad was smiling genuinely.

A smile that stemmed from something amusing.