
Who did you help?

The woman shook her head before saying

"Since you didn't steal from me ,then I can count you as a good person on my list."

Avery raised her eyebrow and said

"So you literally thought I was a bad person and I'll steal from you?"

"Not really ,but I just didn't trust you at first and I still don't ,but let the past be forgotten"

"You really hate strangers don't you?".Avery asked

"Not really ,but some ,and I'm starting to like you"

"Mm ! whatever!"Avery sneer

"Helena,the name is Helena"The woman introduced herself

"Avery "

She said shaking the woman's hand.

"Nice name"Helena complimented

They exchanged numbers and Avery went back to the mall, unexpectedly Suzzy ran to her.

"YAY! where have you been, I've been looking for you everywhere,i called you several times"Suzzy scolded

Avery brought out her phone to see several missed calls from her friend

"My bad!"She apologized making a cute face.

"I'm sorry baby girl,my phone was on airplane mode, that's why I couldn't answer your call plus I was helping someone."

Avery explained

"Who did you help?"Suzzy asked

"A woman who was waiting for her lost bodyguards"Avery answered

"Tell me in details"Suzzy insisted

"Let's go home first then I'll explain everything to you"

"Fine ,but first of all remove the airplane mode anyone can call unexpectedly"

Removing the airplane mode an incoming call just came in ,Avery just rolled her eyeballs

"Great ,just great!"

Suzzy liked at Avery's expression and glaced at the unanswered call, she collected the phone from her and answered the call.

"Avery!"That was the name Suzzy heard when she answered the call.

"Point of correction,this isn't Avery and please when you are mentioning my baby's name be more poliet !" Suzzy said angrily

"Baby?"Alex asked being confuse

"Avery, she's my baby any problem?"

"Hold on aren't you a female?"Alex asked

"Of course l am!"

"Then Avery is not your baby ,she can't date a female".

"You can't decide for her!"

"Listen whoever you are I'm not in the mood to argue with you please give the phone to Avery ."

Suzzy removed the phone from her ear and handed it to Avery.

"Have it "

Avery collected the phone from her and placed it near her ear before saying

"How can I help you?"

"Avery?!"Alex asked to verify

"Yeah its me"

Alex was relieved to hear her voice

"That friend of yours, don't mingle yourself with her "Alex said

"What do you want boss?"Avery asked ,she wasn't in the mood to listen to his words

"Come to the office within an hour or two "Alex commanded

"This is my resting day ,so please don't boss me around "She complain

"You know you're my secretary right?"

Alex reminded her

"Yeah I know"Avery answered

"Then be here within an hour !"Alex commanded again

"I thought you said an hour or two"Avery answered

"Changed my mind ,keep wasting time and I'll make you get here within 30 minutes darling"Alex firmly said

"Don't 'darling' me Mr."Avery said before disconnecting the call, she turned towards Suzzy and said