
Mr. Stalker

Alex paced his hands in his pockets and left her ,to solve her madness .

"Hey!Mr. Stalker,you can't leave without giving me an explanation,you owe me one right now,come here right now!Hey you!"she yelled and pointed her index finger at the silhouette going.

Everyone present was looking at her like a mad person.she bowed her and covered her face with her hair and went into the elevator,pressed the upper button which will send her to the interview block. She reached the block in a twinkle of an eye,sat down and counted the number if females who want the job.

"I hope I get this job,so that I can be his girlfriend and satisfy him in his cozy bed "said a young female having a curly hair.

Avery just rolled his eyes when she heard the words coming out from the girl's mouth.Avery's top priority is to get the job and live a comfortable life.She just remembered an image she wish she never remember "Alexander's figure".

"Son of a stalker"she mouthed to her self.

Candidates can seated were called one after the other for the interview and finally Avery heard her name.

"Avery Robertson"shouted man

Avery raised her right hand and said "present "before following the man into a room,she smiled sweetly towards the man.

Aish! the man blushed. When she entered the room,she chocked on her own saliva and coughed profusely,the male standing behind her gave her a glass of water to drink ,she took it and gulped it in a go.

Alex expression darkened when his assistant fave Avery a glass of water.He glared at his assistant before looking at Avery.Alex had a mischievous smile on when he looked at Avery.He leaned back on his chair then raised one of his eyebrows

"Have a seat".he told Avery

Avery took in a deep breath and sat infront of him and scoffed before saying

"You're gonna interview me?"she asked

Alex replied with a smile on his face.

"Do you see anybody here apart from me?"Alex asked her

"Yes!I can see someone behind me, who is shivering as if you're gonna pounce on him."she replied easily

"You're late and I hate lateness".he changed the topic.

"So?are you gonna sack me?"she asked rolling her eyes .

The assistant behind Avery loosen his tie and coughed and mouthed

"she's first"

"Let get back to the interview."Alex jeered

"Correction we didn't start anything you just asked me a question and I answered you ; period"

Time went on and Alex asked Avery the necessary questions,Avery gave him straight forward answered without beating around the bush finally the last question came in.

"Can I see your files?" Alex asked

Avery opened her bag and swore

"Holy Shit!I forgot my files at home"

"Don't swear in my office"he snapped