

"OK ,first of all I don't know whether I'm employed or not?"she said looking at Alex with a sneer

"You are!"Alex jeered

But-?"she couldn't finish her sentence ,cause Alex interrupted .

"Don't talk amore or else!"

"Or else what?"Avery asked with her arms folded

"Avery don't test my patient,I said you are employed and that's final!"Avery said through his teeth.

"Fine , whatever"She shrugged her shoulders last him before rolling her eyes.

Alex looked at everyone seated in front of him , everyone had a confused looked on,while some were praying to God to shut Avery's mouth.

"Everyone dismiss ,except Avery "Alex angrily said.

Avery groaned at Alex's command.Everyone left with mixed up facial expressions on.

Alex stood up from his chair ,moved forward and said

"Don't try my patient, Avery . When I say something it's final, don't talk back".As he was talking,his hands were in his pockets,he continued and moved forward,Avery held the documents in her hands firmly,forgot that there was a wall behind her, her back hit the wall,Alex removed his hands from his pockets and tropes her in between his hands.

"Don't try me girl "he whispered in her ear .

Avery closed her eyes tightly and turned pale ,she turned red all over when she heard Alex's enchanting voice .

Alex found her reaction cute ,he removed his hands and fixed Avery's messing her, placed a hair behind her shoulder,Avery opened her eyes to only see Alex gentle look,she looked at him dumbfound .

Alex came back to earth when he heard Avery stomach growled she closed her eyes.

"Oops!she said in a cute voice.

Alex felt his heart melt like an ice cream,when he heard her voice.

He chuckled before asking

"You're hungry?"

Avery nodded her head with her eyes closed .

"What do you wanna eat?"Alex asked sweetly.

Avery opened her eyes widely,because this was the same person she was quarrelling with.

"I don't know?" she answered.

Alex made her go to his office and ordered food for her.


Months working with Alex ,Avery felt she was in hell, it was more than a nightmare, ups and downs started happening and that made Avery upset .Alex could tease her ,make fun of her and change like a chameleon,lie a few days ago ,he called her into his office fave her pile of documents and said

"Correct all the mistakes in each one of them"

Avery was at the urge of breaking down,cause it was past working time.

"Asshole "!she muttered under her breath.