
Japanese food

Samuel said saving Alex from his own trap

"I don't know but lemme think about it"Avery said

Hearing this Samuel made puppy eyes and poured his lips.

"Aww , you look cute"Avery commented

"Does that mean you'll come?"Samuel asked

"Can I bring my friend, she wanted to meet you?"Avery asked

Alex grimaced at the conversation between the two people who forgot about him.

"I'll join"he voluntarily said

"I don't remember asking you?"Avery said

Samuel giggled silently on what Avery said

"I have to come and know your friend and also get to know you".Alex said without thinking about it

"You and I are just boss and employee and if you want to know me more investigate about me , not coming with me"

"You do know I pay you right not vice versa."

Alex said

Avery shrugged her shoulders before saying

"if you want to join no one will stop you"Avery said

Alex moved his office chair backwards and stoop up, he moved towards Avery

"Let's go."

Avery made a wait gesture and brought out her phone.

"Hello baby" . she said to the other person on the phone which was Suzzy

"She's not a baby call her by her name".Alex jeered

Avery turned and looked at Alex , she brought out her tongue to make fun of Alex

"Yeah? Avery baby, what happened , did that boss of yours torture you or made anything uncomfortable remember STI alert, avoid any intimate relationship with him no office romance"Suzzy advised

"Yea, but that's not the reason I called , just called to inform you , my boss' friend , the handsome one there one I don't even know his name, invited you ,no I mean us to lunch."

Suzzy squeaked as loud as she could which made Avery remove the phone from her ear.

"Chill girl , it's not like we're going to Paradise, it lunch not heaven."Avery said to her.

She mouthed to Samuel asking the place they are going to have lunch, Samuel nodded his head walked towards Alex's table wrote something down, he handed it to Avery . Avery nodded her head and inform Suzzy the place and time. Avery hung up , she looked at Samuel happily.

"Come down beautiful"Samuel said to her

"She's not called beautiful her name is Avery"

Alex snapped

Avery looked at Alex and frowned

"I decide the name I give to people and the name people should call me with."Avery protested

Alex closed his eyes and took in a deep breath

"Why are you so stubborn Avery?Alex asked

" You know you ain't my father right? Then why do you always act like my father , I appreciate your concern in the names people give me, but please enough is enough."Avery angrily said

Avery looked at Samuel and told him , they should go. They all moved out from Alex's office and headed to the elevator.avery was between the two men

"Beautiful , do you like Japanese foods?"Samuel asked.

"I don't really know about that, because I haven't tasted before bit I love their culture." Avery answered

Samuel turned and smirked at Alex whose hands were in his pockets he glared at Samuel he didn't like the fact where Samuel kept calling Avery beautiful, if looks could kill Samuel would be dead by now. Samuel and Avery chatted happily, they almost forgot about Alex's presence, if his phone didn't ring they would have forgotten about him