
Married to my worst nightmare

Hey, you don’t go! Please wait and read this… Calla and Davis attended the same high school, while Calla was shy and kept to herself, Davis was popular amongst the students. Someone discovered Davis’s secret while in school, For his secret to be kept, Davis had to make Calla’s life miserable. Because of the way she was treated and humiliated by Davis, Calla swore to exact revenge on him no matter the cost. Six years after high school graduation, Calla and Davis got into an arranged marriage. Calla was no longer who she was back in high school, she was now the most feared and respected killer in the underworld, and she was ruthless, She killed without remorse, and she made sure to use the most torturous way possible! Calla could have objected to the marriage but she opted to marry him, she saw that as an opportunity to get revenge on him. Davis on the other hand secretly arranged the marriage between them so he could make it up to her for the way he had treated her in high school. He kept asking for her forgiveness but she told him the reason she had married him was simply to get revenge on him. A few days into their marriage, Calla was given a task by her boss, the grandmaster which was to make Davis fall in love with her within ninety days and get some files from him that would ruin his life and that of his family forever, Calla loved the idea because that way, she could get her revenge and also accomplish her task. According to Calla, what keeps her going is her desire for revenge… What do you think would happen to these two enemies? Find out by adding the novel to your collection. Disclaimer: The book cover is not mine, if the original owner wants it taken down, it would be taken down.

Perfect_praize · Urban
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53 Chs

Master’s Love Life

'Why does he smell so good, oh my gosh I love his scent.' Calla said to herself.

She loved guys with great scents. She inhaled his scent, even more, and a smile appeared at the corner of her lips.

"You like my scent?." Davis asked with a smirk on his face.

She buried her face deeper into his chest at his question.

'Jerk, must you ask that. Isn't it obvious I like your scent.' She cursed him in her heart.

Davis widened his smirk as he saw her reaction. It was obvious she loved his scent.

"Should I carry you more often?." He asked in a teasing tone.

She pouted her lips at his words. "I don't like your scent, and I don't like you carrying me." With her lips pouted, Davis thought she looked more beautiful. "Drop me, I can walk." She complained, trying to get down from him, but he held her tight.

She struggled to get down but it was useless, he was really strong.

Calla had no choice but to stay put, she was mad at him and mostly at herself. With all the strength she had, she still couldn't get free from his hold. She had to intensify her training, just in case she had to fight against someone who had similar strength to Davis.

Garcia's jaw dropped as he saw his boss carrying his wife in Princess style, towards him, since when did his boss start carrying women?

His boss must truly care about his wife, what else could have made him carry her?

Davis eyed Garcia. "Should we keep waiting for you?." He asked in a loud voice.

Garcia jolted, he was lost in thoughts that he didn't notice Davis was already standing in front of him.

"Sorry, boss." He apologized while he hurriedly opened the door to the back seat for the couple.

Davis shook his head. "If you are tired of the job, I could send you over to work for my Dad and bring someone else to take your place." His voice had a warning tone to it.

Garcia's face turned sour, working for Davis was far better than working for Master Finley Williams, he was too much of a headache to his current assistant, and Sean always complained to him about his master's attitude.

He was getting older and he needed special attention, Garcia was not ready to leave his master, especially now that he was married. He wanted to see what the master's love life was, he would learn from his master so that when he got married it won't be hard for him.

Inside the car...

Davis carefully placed Calla down on the seat as if she were an egg that would break if not taken care of properly, he sat down beside her.

She didn't say a word to him after they entered the car, she was too hungry to speak.

She didn't want to tell Davis about her hunger, she didn't want him thinking she was a glutton who loved eating.

Unfortunately, her stomach betrayed her by grumbling loudly.

The sound surprised both Davis and Garcia who was driving.

"Woah! Was that an earthquake?." He said in a teasing tone.

He had remembered Trevor's advice of not putting on his cold expression in front of her, he was trying to make a joke out of it.

She glared at him, she was already embarrassed by her stomach's betrayal and here he was, making fun of her.

He laughed at the expression on her face. Most girls were ugly when angry but his wife's face looked more beautiful when she was angry.

She pouted her lips. "What is so funny?."

He tried to control himself. "You look so cute with that expression on your face." He said and poked her nose.

Calla: "..."

Garcia: "..."

'He thinks his wife's angry face is cute?. This definitely isn't my boss, he must have been possessed by some evil spirit.' Garcia said to himself when he heard Davis's words.

Calla fell silent she didn't know what to say. 'This jerk actually considers my angry expression as cute. He even poked my nose, Remind me to wake up from this dream later." She said to herself.

Davis was also in shock at his action. 'What is happening to me, I even poked her nose. Maybe this Trevor's idea wasn't a good one after all." He shook his head.

Awkward silence reigned in the car after what Davis said, no one seemed to want to say anything even when everyone wanted to say something.

He suddenly remembered her stomach grumbled as a result of hunger. He took his suitcase and opened it.

'Is this man a workaholic? He is always doing one of two things related to work. Even I don't work this much.' She said to herself and decided to peep at what was inside the suitcase.

She froze, before she could peep inside the suitcase, he brought out a candy bar from the suitcase and handed it to her.

"Eat it, it will sustain you until we get home." He said in a neutral tone.

She was touched by his actions, she had thought he didn't care about the fact that she was hungry even though he was the one who kept her until this time because if the show.

She slowly took the candy bar from him calm the while maintaining eye contact with him.

"Thank you." She said, appreciation was evident in her eyes.

She looked at the candy bar.

"Milk chocolate bar!." She exclaimed excitedly like a little child.

Davis looked at her with a raised eye brow. "You like it?." He asked with a smile at the corner of his lips.

She responded happily. "I love it so much. Thank you so much, Davis." She instinctively hugged him.

His body stilled, this girl just hugged him. Her mortal enemy because of candy bar, he smiled, he had to buy all of it from the mall soon.

Garcia on the other hand looked at the couple with a smile on his face. The boss's wife finally showed some signs of love.

Calla immediately let go of Davis as soon as she realized what she just did. He was her sworn enemy for goodness sake, how in Earth could she voluntarily hug him?.

'I always hugged mom and dad whenever they bought me candy bars as a child, so it was only natural for my body to react the same towards Davis as he gave me one, yes that must be it.'

She tried to justify herself, but in Davis's mind, she was already falling for him.



Dear readers thanks for coming on this journey with me to discover "Married to my worst nightmare."

From enemies to lovers, I hope you all won't leave Calla and Davis halfway as they try to sort out their differences.

Please support me with your power stones, golden tickets, and gifts.

I love you all so much.