
Married to my worst nightmare

Hey, you don’t go! Please wait and read this… Calla and Davis attended the same high school, while Calla was shy and kept to herself, Davis was popular amongst the students. Someone discovered Davis’s secret while in school, For his secret to be kept, Davis had to make Calla’s life miserable. Because of the way she was treated and humiliated by Davis, Calla swore to exact revenge on him no matter the cost. Six years after high school graduation, Calla and Davis got into an arranged marriage. Calla was no longer who she was back in high school, she was now the most feared and respected killer in the underworld, and she was ruthless, She killed without remorse, and she made sure to use the most torturous way possible! Calla could have objected to the marriage but she opted to marry him, she saw that as an opportunity to get revenge on him. Davis on the other hand secretly arranged the marriage between them so he could make it up to her for the way he had treated her in high school. He kept asking for her forgiveness but she told him the reason she had married him was simply to get revenge on him. A few days into their marriage, Calla was given a task by her boss, the grandmaster which was to make Davis fall in love with her within ninety days and get some files from him that would ruin his life and that of his family forever, Calla loved the idea because that way, she could get her revenge and also accomplish her task. According to Calla, what keeps her going is her desire for revenge… What do you think would happen to these two enemies? Find out by adding the novel to your collection. Disclaimer: The book cover is not mine, if the original owner wants it taken down, it would be taken down.

Perfect_praize · Urban
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53 Chs

Candy Bars

Calla unwrapped the candy bar and bite it, it tasted so good, and she savored the flavor with a happy expression.

Davis kept smiling at her sheepishly, he loved seeing her happy.

'I want to dedicate my life to making you happy, Calla.' He said to himself.

Yes, he had to do just that.

She caught him staring at her. 'Why is he looking at me like that, does he want me to share my delicious candy bar with him?.' She thought to herself. 'Well, that's okay, he didn't eat lunch so he must be hungry.'

Then a thought crossed her mind. 'Did he keep the candy bar in his suitcase to eat when he got hungry?.' She covered her mouth in shock. He must have been hungry but he decided to give it to her.

Her heart melted at the thought.

'What is this, why do I feel touched by his actions? No, I shouldn't be touched, after all, he took a lot of candy bars from me back then in high school, I am just collecting back what he took from me.' She didn't want to feel this way toward him, he was the enemy.

But why did she suddenly split the candy bar into two and gave him the other half?

Davis stared at her hand, as she motioned for him to collect the candy from her. Wasn't she hungry and loved milk chocolate bars, so why was she sharing it with him, her mortal enemy? He wondered.

"Come on, take it, you must be hungry too. My conscience wouldn't be cleared if I ate the candy alone when you are hungry." She said, urging him to receive the bar from her before she changed her mind.

Davis smiled at her. "I don't eat candy bars."

Calla: "..."

'So what was one doing in your suitcase and why did you collect all those candy bars from me if you didn't eat them.' She frowned at the realization that he might have thrown all those candy bars that he had forcefully collected from her. Her precious candy bars.

Seeing the frown on her face, Davis knew what was going on in her mind.

What did he do with the candy bars that he had collected from her back in high school?.

"I didn't throw them back then." He said in a serious tone.

Calla: "..."

He didn't throw them? How ridiculous for him to say that.

Didn't he just say he didn't eat candy bars, and as far as Calla knew, he didn't have a younger sibling so what did he do with all those candy bars?

Give it to his mom? She didn't think so.

As if reading her thoughts, he added. "I didn't give it to my mom, either."

Calla was surprised, was this a man reader or something? How could he figure out what she was thinking?

She took a deep breath, then she asked in a calm voice, she was trying not to show her emotions. "What did you do with the candy bars you took from me?."

He let out a sigh, he didn't know if he should tell her or not.

"I will tell you once we get home." He didn't sound like he was lying, so she decided to believe him.

"Okay." She responded. 'You better have a good explanation, if not I will increase your punishment.' She added inwardly.

They drove the rest of the way in silence, everyone was deep in thoughts.

Soon the boss's wife fell at asleep inside the car, Davis smiled, he had an idea.

Garcia was trying to figure out what the couple were talking about. 'The boss usually took candy bars from Mrs. Williams back in high school, was that the reason she was always indifferent toward him.' He wondered but didn't dare to say a word in other not to anger his boss. If it was something that he should know, the boss would have told him.

He didn't know much about Davis's life back in high school since he hadn't started working for him at that time.

Soon, the car parked in front of the massive mansion.

Garcia immediately rushed and opened the door for Davis. He was about to open Calla's door too and carry her since she was fast asleep but the glare he got from Davis said four unspoken words. "Touch her and die."

He gulped, he had forgotten his boss had warned him to stay far from his wife.

Davis walked past him to where Calla was sleeping comfortably in the car, he scooped her and carried her princess-style into the mansion.

The maids and butler were in shock at what they saw. The boss was carrying a woman in princess style, this was a sight that none of them had even dared to imagine.

The maids blushed on Calla who was sleeping behalf, they all thought it was so romantic.

They kept smiling until Davis disappeared out of their sight as he reached their bedroom.

He laid her on the bed with precise steps, he didn't want her to wake up or else his plan would be ruined.

He went to the bathroom, he was glad that Lola had already prepared the hot bath for Calla.

He returned to the room.

He carefully picked her up and began undressing her slowly.

He gulped at the sight that welcomed him when he had taken off her dress. The only piece of clothing that was left on her was her black bra and black underwear. The color of the piece of clothing left on her made her skin look very beautiful and attractive.

He battled with himself on whether to take the remaining piece of clothing off her or not, he finally decided not to, because that would make her mad if she woke up during the bath.

He gently carried her from the bed and took her to the bathroom, he placed her gently into the bathtub that was filled with warm water and petals.

Her body tensed up at the sudden exposure to warm water, he subconsciously held his breath, but thankfully she continued sleeping.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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