
CEO's Secretary

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Chu Yi entered the CEO's office, feeling a little nervous, and said, "President, these are all the materials you wanted."

In fact, she had already spent several hours sorting through the information. Each department of the Song Corporation had a clearly defined role, and although the materials submitted were diverse, as long as she paid close attention, the work wasn't overly difficult. It was just somewhat tedious, and she had to remember the marks she had made.

As Song Ting looked at the materials and the colorful paper clips, he realized that each color represented a department's data, and each large folder contained all the documents about a particular category. Even Wang Lin gave Chu Yi a look of approval.

In turn, Chu Yi was looking at Song Ting's face. His gold-rimmed eyes failed to conceal his somewhat cold gaze. His facial features were firm, and his thin lips were tightly pursed. He looked a little distant. Perhaps it was his demeanor that created an impression of aloofness.

The more Chu Yi looked at him, the more she felt she recognized him, but she still couldn't recall where they had met before.

"Are there electronic versions of the PowerPoint and summary records?" Song Ting lifted his gaze to look at Chu Yi, who was staring at him.

"Yes, president," Chu Yi replied, quickly pulling a small rabbit-shaped USB from her keychain and handing it to Wang Lin.

"All the materials you requested in electronic form are in the second folder, and I've already marked all the contents," Chu Yi said and breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she had prepared the electronic versions in advance.

During her presentation, Chu Yi also prepared a brief note. While she explained, she peeked at the note from time to time, but she didn't make any mistakes.

Watching Chu Yi leave after finishing her presentation, Song Ting pondered for a moment before saying, "Go and get her file."

Wang Lin was surprised when she saw Chu Yi's file. She had only been in the CEO's office for a day and her transfer procedures had been completed just a few hours ago.

Song Ting, upon seeing the name "Chu Yi," felt that the name was familiar. When he thought of her fair and clean face, he had a vague impression of her, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

Song Ting's finger tapped on Chu Yi's file, and he finally said, "Choose her then."

Chu Yi was also startled when she received the notice from Lin Zuo. She had received two "surprises" in one day.

Entering the CEO's office was already considered one, but now she was being notified to become the CEO's secretary.

Her colleagues, who thought she was going to leave soon, began to whisper among themselves. After all, everything was too unbelievable.

Chu Yi had initially taken over an intern position, and now the CEO had directly appointed her as the CEO's secretary. This was too strange.

Chu Yi was also a little confused. She had no idea why she had become the CEO's secretary.

"Chu Yi, congratulations. I'll have to ask you to take care of me in the future!" Sun Lian was quite generous.

In fact, she had been preparing for a long time to compete for the position of CEO's secretary. However, she felt that she was not the best in terms of qualifications or ability, so even if she was not selected, Sun Lian was not too disappointed.

However, at this moment, Liu Sheng was already a little angry. Ever since he found out that Wang Lin was going to resign, he had already started preparing to be a secretary. He did not expect that someone else would take the position of CEO's secretary.

Liu Sheng spoke in a sarcastic tone, "That's right, in the future, we will have to rely on Miss Chu. I wonder what methods she used to charm CEO Song. She went to the CEO's office once and became his secretary. It's unbelievable. Being beautiful is really convenient, maybe she'll even become the CEO's wife in the future!"

The other colleagues nodded in agreement with Liu Sheng's words. No matter how they thought about it, Chu Yi becoming the CEO's secretary was a little unbelievable.

Hearing this, Chu Yi was furious and said, "Liu Sheng, you have to take responsibility for what you said. The CEO of Song Corporation is not someone you can slander!"

Although Chu Yi's voice was not loud, the office instantly fell silent.

She gave Liu Sheng a deep look, and Liu Sheng seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, his expression turning sour.

At that moment, Lin Zuo came out of the office and spoke sternly, "Are you done with work? How dare you say such things about the president? Do you all want to quit?"

Seeing that his colleagues had lowered their heads and pretended to be busy with work, Lin Zuo turned to Chu Yi and said, "Secretary Wang wants you to go to the office to do the handover. You can go over now."

Chu Yi nodded and quickly took her laptop to Wang Lin's office.