
Deja Vu

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Wang Lin still admired Chu Yi a lot. From the way she prepared the materials earlier, she could tell that Chu Yi was a meticulous person, and such a person was indeed well-suited to work alongside Song Ting.

However, Wang Lin also warned her, "Now that you've been chosen, it doesn't mean you will be able to stay. Working beside CEO Song can certainly develop your skills, but there are also many temptations. Don't think you can have a meteoric rise."

Chu Yi didn't show any embarrassment. Instead, she thanked Wang Lin sincerely and said, "Don't worry, I will be careful and do my best for this job."

Wang Lin's eyes showed a hint of approval. Chu Yi was confident without being arrogant, and she was a good potential candidate.

However, Chu Yi's smile faded as Wang Lin continued to distribute more and more documents, she explained, "These are the work contents of S City. This is the list of cooperation in R Country for the past three years. These are the internal matters of the company that have to be handled for the past week. This is..."

Chu Yi swallowed her saliva as she watched the materials pile up on the table.

After the documents covered the table, Wang Lin didn't seem to be finished yet. "For now, you should familiarize yourself with these work contents. You must remember all of them," she said seriously.

Chu Yi couldn't believe what she was hearing. "For now?" she asked.

"What else do you expect? Do you think being the CEO's secretary is an easy job?" Wang Lin asked, then took out her phone. "Add me as a friend. I've compiled a list of CEO Song's habits and preferences into an e-book, which you can read on your phone. It's best if you can memorize it within a day or two."

Just as Chu Yi was looking at the tens of thousands of pages of the e-book in shock, Wang Lin added, "Bring a high-capacity power bank and make sure your phone must be turned on 24 hours a day."

Chu Yi remained in a frantic state of studying until the end of her shift.

It was only when Wang Lin knocked on her desk that Chu Yi finally looked up.

"I still have a business meeting with CEO Song later. You can leave on time today, but you won't be able to leave on time tomorrow. Go home and rest." Wang Lin waved her hand, signaling that Chu Yi could leave work.

By the time Chu Yi got home, she was completely exhausted. Other than when she was in school, she had never been so tired after work.

Apart from working at Song Corporation, Chu Yi also had her own comic studio, which she had established with her good friends, Xu Yin and Tian Peng.

The three of them had decided to live together, and with Tian Peng around, they could take care of each other.

Chu Yi had hoped that working two jobs would allow her to earn more money, but she never imagined that her workload would double once she became the CEO's secretary.

"Chu Yi, what happened to you?" Xu Yin asked, twisting her neck, which was sore from drawing.

Tian Peng was also curious. "Didn't you say you were transferred to the CEO's office today? Is the work there really that demanding?"

Looking at her two good friends, Chu Yi felt weak and said, "I'm really tired. Plus, I'll be the CEO's secretary from now on."

"What?" Tian Peng and Xu Yin screamed at the same time.

"The CEO who hasn't been back to the country for a year? Why did he choose you as his secretary?" Tian Peng asked.

Xu Yin's eyes darted around before she said in a sly tone, "Could it be that he has taken a fancy to your beauty? He fell in love with you at first sight and swore to keep you by his side, and then..."

Chu Yi quickly covered her mouth. "If the CEO's wife hears this, I'll be in trouble."

Xu Yin struggled a few times. "Are you kidding me? Married? I remember he's the top single man in S City. A person who usually doesn't show his face in the media. Oh right, is he handsome? Tall? Does he have a good figure?"

Tian Peng rolled his eyes while Chu Yi thought seriously.

"He's over 185cm in height, and his figure is indeed good. He's also incredibly handsome. If he were to become a celebrity, he'd be popular. However..." Chu Yi thought of Song Ting's face and felt a sense of familiarity.

"But what? Is he gay? Does he have a flaw?" Xu Yin's words became increasingly absurd.

Chu Yi was a little speechless and said, "Ah, that's not it. I feel like I've seen him before, but I can't remember."

"Maybe you've seen him during your company's publicity or some event, but you don't have any impression of him. After all, he's the CEO of a company, so it's normal for him to be in this situation." Tian Peng didn't mind.

Chu Yi also nodded. Perhaps that was the case.

The three best friends quarreled until late at night, and Chu Yi finally fell asleep.

However, another man appeared in her dream. He had the same broad shoulders and narrow waist. His lips were moving, but Chu Yi couldn't hear what he was saying. This man seemed familiar.