
Spar with you

Kevin had heard that he's brother and Elaine had been in doors all morning and sent his personal guard to investigate, he was shocked to find out that they were being intimate with each other since last night. He's skin burned with rage and he felt a menacing aura envelope him, he wanted to kill Alexander right that moment but there was nothing he could do.

Bam! He hit his palms fiercely on the table and gnashed his teeth in anger. "No worries Alexander. I'll let you play husband for now" he said with an evil grin

Meanwhile, Alexander and Elaine washed up and dressed into simple training outfit, Alexander had ordered the maids to bring training clothes for them while Elaine was still washing off in the washroom, they wore matching white shirts and black pants, Halsey helped Elaine style her hair into a ponytail while Alexander just parked his carelessly, a few strands of hair were left to fall on his face making him look as seducing as ever, they both set out to eat first in the gazebo outside their courtyard. Elaine ate her meal silently with a wide smile and Alexander couldn't take his eyes off her. She felt his gaze on her and felt uncomfortable

"C- can you stop staring at me like that" she finally spoke. Alexander drew closer to her and held her hand, stopping her from putting a bacon in her mouth

"Let me feed you" he commanded and Elaine let go of the fork in her hand. Alexander fed her slowly, silently burning the image of her into his brain as if he couldn't get enough of her. Her delicious lips were moving rhythmically, her cheeks tinted red with embarrassment and blush and her dazzling ruby eyes were moving from left to right

"Alexander am full" she complained while rejecting the steak he was about to feed her

"What was that?" He asked with an arched brow


"What did u call me" he asked with an arched brow

"Sigh!..... Husband am full" she sighed weakly and said

"That's better, come on let's go" he said and she stopped him just when he was about to leave

"What is it?"

"You didn't eat anything" she complained realizing that she had been so gluttonous and didn't even let him eat

"It's fine, I already ate" he simply said

"Really? When?" She asked confused

"I had a delicious dinner and breakfast in bed and right now I am filled up, but...if you insist on feeding me again, we could go back to bed and you can feed me for as long as you want" he said seductively making her insides quiver in an unexplainable pleasure. It seemed like he was saying normal words but the sound of his voice made it alluring to the burning need inside of her.

"Well, seems you don't want to" he said purposely and walked away, Elaine followed him and they had a long walk in the garden

"You can ask whatever you want to ask?" He said calmly

"How do you know I wanted to ask about something?" She asked

"I just do" he replied calmly

"How did you know I wanted to spar with you?"

"I just do, like I told you earlier, I know everything about you" he said as if saying "The sun will rise in the morning"

"I also want to know why you came to Dystrya for a marriage proposal "

"Because I was interested in you" he answered straightforwardly

"So you knew the king would choose me to be your wife?"

"No" he said calmly and Elaine squinted her brows in confusion

"I went to Dystrya to propose a marriage to you"

"But I thought my dad choosed me to be your wife" she countered

"No he didn't, I did"

"May I ask why?" She inquired

"Like I said, I'm interested in you"

They reached the training grounds where their swords had been prepared. Elaine thought back and remembered her sword which she had left behind in Umar, it had golden dragon carvings on it and it's silver blade always gave her strength and power to attack during battle, without her sword she didn't know if she would be able to beat Alexander, she felt so dependent on the sword that the thought of loosing it drove her mad.

Alexander picked two swords, that were both still in their sheaths, one was a pure blackish colour and the other was golden, Alexander dropped the black sword and unsheathed the golden one letting sunlight bounce off it and onto Elaine's face. Elaine looked at the golden sword carefully and recognized it all too well, it was her golden sword! But how was that even possible?!

Elaine approached Alexander and he handed it to her, the feel of her sword on her hands again felt surreal to her and she felt a sudden surge of emotions within her. I found this sword not too long ago and I thought you would like it, it's not heavy, it is in fact very light and perfect for you. Elaine moved back from him and took her perfect stance and he did the same

"Any rules?" He inquired

"Don't hold back" she said commandingly and unsheathed her sword

Holding onto her sword like her life depended on it she felt a sudden power surge within her and she could see the same thing in Alexander, he no longer had his caring and calm eyes, he looked cold and dark. He oozed out an aura that cannot be overlooked, his gaze looked just the same as it did on the battle ground but this time, he wasn't wearing his mask. It was the exact same for Elaine, they both looked at each other as the generals of Umar and Alvania and not as couples, the maids and servants nearby stood there to watch and gossip about them