

Elaine was first to attack and he defended swiftly, the once silent training grounds was now filled with sounds of clashing swords and grunts, they had been at it for just a few minutes and Elaine was already breathing heavily, she was having a hard time but didn't let him stop, he tried to reduce his strengths but she would often order him not to, she was now sweating, strands of her hair stuck on her face and she started to feel weak. Alexander placed his sword at her neck

"I win" he asked with an arched brow and she just nodded carefully. Alexander helped her get up and she looked at him feeling extremely embarrassed

"I guess I can't beat you yet" she said sighing

"But one day, I'll make sure I get stronger than you and win" she said confidently lifting her chin. Alexander laughed and patted her hair

"Don't worry, you are already so good at it, and you're almost one par as me, your strength is higher than Xavier which surprises me" he said grinning from ear to ear

They both walked hand in hand and suddenly bumped into the crown Prince who was obviously on his way to their chambers

"Hello there Elaine " Kevin greeted with a soothing voice, his smile as bright as ever

"Good day crown Prince" she greeted back

"I told you already sily girl, call me Kevin, no need to be so formal" he said with a breathtaking smile

"Okay, Kevin" Elaine replied smiling at him.

"Crown Prince" Alexander was starting to feel suffocated by the looks Kevin was giving his wife and decided to intervene

"Brother" Kevin finally greeted him sarcastically

"I was on my way to see you" he started

"Obviously" Alexander countered sarcastically

"I heard you both performed the deed last night and I came to formally congratulate you on becoming an actual couple" he said while searching Elaine's eyes for any confused expression but he instead got an embarrassing blush and he instantly knew that the rumors were true, they had gotten intimate

"Well, thank you Crown Prince, with just how beautiful my wife is, it shouldn't be a surprise that I couldn't wait for long before tasting her" Alexander said while facing Elaine and pinching her chin, making her face glow all shades of red

'ridiculous and shameless' she scolded him in her head

'i could punch that smirk off your face' she thought

"Uh um" Kevin started to feel uncomfortable there watching them like that

"I think I should take my leave n-" he couldn't complete his sentence because he noticed the kiss mark on Elaine's neck which was another proof of their intimacy, the shirt had covered it but a little sign of it showed and Kevin was an expert in detecting kiss marks so he knew one when he sees it

Raged burned inside of him and he turned around and left without waiting for their response. Once Elaine felt that Kevin was gone, she quickly Pulled away from Alexander and hit him hard on the chest

"Pervert!" She scolded then walked her on way, Alexander caught up to her and held her hand close, she smiled at him girlishly and squeezed his hand tighter

"I've got another question" she suddenly said

"Ask" he calmly responded

"Why do people call you a monster?" She asked, that question had been bothering her since the day they got married but she felt uneasy to ask

Sigh!" He sighed calmly and replied after an awkward silence

"Because I am a monster" he simply said

"Why would you call yourself a monster?"

"I can't tell you right now, but I will tell you about everything someday soon, when I fully understand who I am, but for now all you need to know is that I am a monster and you should always be on guard whenever you're with me and whenever I don't seen right to you... " he drawled and faced her

"Run" he said seriously leaning extremely close


"When I start to act strange or different, don't try to figure things out or understand anything, all you need to do is run far away from me okay " he said looking deeply into her eyes to show her how serious he is and she just nodded understandingly . Alexander backed off and walked on further, Elaine joined him shortly after regaining her senses

"Your highness, my lady" Xavier greeted after approaching them. He walked closer to Alexander and was about to whisper to him when Alexander stopped him

"Whatever you want to say to me, you can say it in the presence of my wife" Alexander said calmly but with an authoritative tone which most people may see as pride

"Your highness, Crown Prince Kevin has organized a ball to officially welcome the princess into the Royal family" Xavier replied calmly

"Wow! That's so nice of the crown Prince " Elaine exclaimed

"The ball is tonight" Xavier addressed and Alexander just gave him a little nodded and he understood that he wasn't needed there anymore

"You seems to like the Crown Prince?" Alexander suddenly said behind her

"Well he's a nice friend" she said calmly with a sweet smile, her smile ever so enchanting that he found himself pulling closer and press his lips on her but pulled away almost immediately. Elaine stood there immobile for a few seconds still in shock by the sudden attack

"Sorry, your smile is so enticing that I couldn't help but steal a quick kiss" he explained but within him he wasn't sorry, infact he would do it over and over again. Elaine face shown all shades of red

"What's wrong?"


"You look overheated, and your cheeks are really hot" he said while caressing here cheeks which made it even redder

"No, I think it's the exposure to sunlight" she made an excuse then hurried back to her room purposely leaving Alexander behind. He got to their sleeping chambers shortly after and saw Elaine with a book again.