
Cum for me

*cum for me*

Elaine heard the ripping sounds of her underwear and couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips

"Elaine you sound so good, I really want to taste you right now" Alexander said hoarsely while stroking her bud slowly and she moaned in reply

Please just do anything this is getting unbearable she thought while gritting her teeth as his unbearable slow rythm

"Tell me Elaine" he drawled and spoke hoarsely into her ears

"Can I?...can I ravish you as the delicious meal you are?" he said hoarsely, Elaine nodded shamelessly

"Tell me wife can I make you feel extremely good?, can I taste you?, can I adore your body in the most pleasurable way possi-" he couldn't finish his words as Elaine moved him away from her ears and look straight into his eyes

"Yes!.... please just do anything you want okay. Am so wet it's unbearable right now" she yelled and immediately clamped her mouth shut immediately realizing the shameful thing she just spouted

Alexander was in a shocked state after hearing her words. Who would've thought this wife of mine could actually loose control and be this vulnerable in bed Alexander thought.

Elaine felt Alexander pull away and she let out a pained grunt. She truly felt she could loose her mind until she felt something wet and slick on her womanly area giving her intense pleasure. Elaine grabbed the duvet below her and forced herself up to see Alexander looking straight into her eyes and his tongue gliding into her sex

Elaine blushed hard in embarrassment and in the next second Alexander gave her a long hard lick earning a loud groan from Elaine as she felt herself reaching the heights of pleasure again. Alexander kept stabbing her sex with his tongue like a starved animal while moulding her plump breasts. He had already ripped off her dress so he could get full access to her beautiful mounds. The pinkish color of her erected nipple turned him on the more. Elaine had felt the ecstatic release she yearned for twice now but he didn't stop he loved her taste and her womanly scent

Elaine was too drowned in pleasure to think straight, she grabbed onto his hand that was on her breasts, Tears had already leaked off her eyes due to the extreme pleasure and she kept moving uncontrollably on the bed, she felt her next ecstatic cum getting closer.She could feel how pleasurable it'd be as she rocked her hips to his torturous mouth

Alexander knew she was coming again and increased his speed wanting to taste her again.

"Cum for me wife"he said greedily sucking on her bud and she finally gave it. The sweet pleasure burst out in series of squirts. Her eyes rolled to her skull as she squeezed her eyes shut tight enjoying the pleasure.

Alexander came above her slowly patting her disheelved hair. "That was so damn sexy of you wife" he said and Elaine with clouded eyes looked at his face, she saw her squirts had stained him causing her face to burn with shame and guilt

She palmed her face looking dejected. Alexander looked at her confused while removing her palm from her face. "What's wrong wife?" he asked seriously

"Am sorry" she said in a low voice causing him to pull his brows together in a tight knot

"I-i did that-t all over your face" she stuttered earning a chuckle from Alexander

"Wife, I really love that, I love your responses and your so sweet I just want to do that again and again" he complained. Elaine instinctively closed her legs tight

Alexander chuckled at her cute behavior. "Come on" he said calmly and lifted her princess style

"W-what are you doing" she retorted

"Getting you bathed and dressed so you could eat, am sure our vigorous activities has made you hungry" he said and winked at her

Am not hungry, is what she wanted to say but her tummy beat her to it. Alexander heard the low growl of her tummy and smiled at her in a way that says 'i told you so' 

He got her into the bathroom and put her down gently. Her clothes were already ripped off by him so her gown had slipped off her on its own. Alexander looked at his dashingly beautiful wife. His greedy eyes burned the image of her sexy curves, her plump ass and breast and her v-

Alexander almost lost it looking at her body but he still held onto some restraint due to the loud growl coming from her stomach. He got her into the tub, Elaine's face and ears redder than a tomato

Alexander carefully bathed her like she was some egg that could easily break." A-lex.. I mean husband, I don't think you should be doing this" Elaine complained

"But I want to, my wife deserves this special treatment" he said calmly. He massaged her body slowly and carefully while she enjoyed his pampering. He poured liquid soap in his hands and massaged her scalp. She turned to her husband and grabbed his hand lovingly

"What is it?!" He asked

"Your turn" she said and he smiled cutely before he stood up and released his towel. Elaine saw his rock hard manhood standing in complete attention causing her to gulp hard, this was the first time she looked at it

"Forget about that okay" he said and got into the tub with her slowly.