
Already wet

*Already wet*

"No, it's too early and the maids might walk in to get me dressed" she complained, a wide smile appeared on his handsome face, he had initially thought she pushed him away because she didn't want him but it was because this dashing princess was shy

"No darling, they won't come because Xavier won't let them" he said and grabbed her two hands with one hand, placing them above her head

"I want you" he said hoarsely and as though he's voice was an Aphrodite, Elaine moaned and moved her body closer to him, feeling his hardness on her tigh, a slight shade of red appeared on her cheeks and ears

Alexander felt his body burned at the contact, he pressed his lips on her's and the two engaged in a sweet slow kiss. Elaine's body yearned for more but he did something unbelievable. Alexander pulled away and got up from bed fully naked. It took all of Elaine not to look at his raging manhood.

"Its okay, I promise you that I won't touch you until you let me" he said 

"I'll go take a hot bath" he said calmly and left

'ill make you love me and give your all to me volunteerily Elaine' he thought and went into the washroom

Elaine stayed in that dazed position not understanding how she felt at the moment. Her body yearned for his touches that she subconsciously touched her sex under the duvet , she felt her moist and slipped her hand off raising it to her viewing.

A white thick wet substance had stained her fingers. She knew what it was, she learned about it in her bridal training though she didn't want to she did it all to please her father

The sound of the doors woke her up from her trail of thoughts. 

Elaine swallowed at the delightful meal in front of her. The man her body was yearning for. His touch his kisses his caresses, her body felt like she was on fire but a pleasurable fire

Alexander saw the lust in her eyes as he stepped out of the washroom with a white towel around his waist, a slight smirk of satisfaction flashed his gorgeous face hypnotising Elaine

Elaine let her eyes trail his wet skin and only the gods know when she stood up but she was close, so close to the perfect creature in front of her. Elaine pressed her hands on his chest earning a grunt from Alexander

Her touch. The feel of her hands, her warm hands pressed on his chest was so rilling that he could only groan at the contact. Elaine let her hands trail his body as she looked at the beads of water slowly moving down

She used her fore finger to trail along a water. Alexander couldn't take it anymore when she touched the hem of the towel and pressed her back lightly on the bed. He positioned himself in between her legs and she instinctively straddled him

"Al-" he pressed his lips against hers and they shared a hot passionate kiss. Elaine's fingers intertwined with his soft Raven hair as she felt him roam his hands on her breast, moulding her softly.

."Al-" he pressed his lips against hers and they shared a hot passionate kiss. Elaine's fingers intertwined with his soft Raven hair as she felt him roam his hands on her breast, moulding her softly. Alexander pinched on her already erected nipple and she bucked up her hips while clutching on his hair not understanding if she wanted to push him away or closer

Elaine released his hair from her clutches and trailed her hands over his biceps, Alexander in a hasty but swift move grabbed her hands and intertwined them with his above her head. 

"If I let you continue with that, I'd forget my promise and make love to you right now" he said hoarsely, Elaine moaned in arousal slightly regretting the promise he made. All she knew at that moment was she wanted the pleasure he gave her the night before, nothing else matters now

"Al-... husband" she called in a pleading voice, Alexander grabbed the Hem of her dress and touched her sex without any thin clothing in his way when suddenly he stilled frozen. Elaine who was ecstatic at the contact on her sex region almost yelled out in disapproval when he stilled. He  brought his finger to his viewing in his still shocked state

"You are already so wet wife" he said, Elaine watched her juices on his finger and blushed in embarrassment

"Yes so please" she begged and a devilish smirk appeared on his handsome face making Elaine's insides quiver in pleasure

Alexander brought his finger which was filled with her juices and clamped his mouth over it. Elaine watched him suck on his finger  until it was clean

"Husband" she called and grind her self on him seeking release from the thing bubbling up in her stomach

Alexander shifted her undergarment to physically touch her sex but it was still in the way so he grabbed unto the thin clothing and yanked it off her

Alexander pinched on her already erected nipple and she bucked up her hips while clutching on his hair not understanding if she wanted to push him away or closer

Elaine released his hair from her clutches and trailed her hands over his biceps, Alexander in a hasty but swift move grabbed her hands and intertwined them with his above her head. 

"If I let you continue with that, I'd forget my promise and make love to you right now" he said hoarsely, Elaine moaned in arousal slightly regretting the promise he made. All she knew at that moment was she wanted the pleasure he gave her the night before, nothing else matters now