
Chapter 1 - Where Is She?

"Come cut the cake, Col." Michael took Colton's hand and led him to the others. 

They had made the party strictly for the family because of Colton's introverted nature and the only guests invited were the Bensons. 

Mr. and Mrs. Benson along with their three kids. Sebastian, Ava, and Ariella were the only guests invited to the party.

Mr. Benson and Micheal were schoolmates and Best of friends from their school days until they both got married to their spouses and started their own family.

"Hey Col," Ariella rushed towards them as Colton approached with Michael. She wanted to hug him but then she remembered how he lashed out at her the last time she did that.

Colton barely talks but when he does, it's always like the earthquake.

"Happy birthday Col," Ava also added but Colton just passed by all of them and he went to cut the cake.

As soon as he was done with that, he turned to leave but Micheal called him back and tried to feed him some cake.

Colton took the piece of cake from him and walked away. He went back to the spot he was seated before and he resumed watching the waves.

"Dad, look, Colton is gone again," Natasha complained. 

"Let him be, dear." 

"But, we want to celebrate with him," Ava added sadly.

"It's okay dear, Col will celebrate with us when he is ready."

"Happy Birthday to us Mom," Colton whispered, looking at the cake he was holding. 

"I miss you so much, Mom." He muttered as he threw the cake into the sea.

Suddenly he noticed a head pop out from the middle of the sea. He caught sight of the beautiful and long raven black hair that the head holds. 

"Mom," Colton muttered but before he could catch a good glimpse of the face, it disappeared in a flash.

"Mom," Colton called and he rushed after the figure. He jumped inti the sea, following after her. 

He swam after her but as soon as he got to the middle, the salty water gushed into his nostrils, choking him up and he couldn't breathe anymore.

Marissa looked behind her and she noticed that the boy following her was drowning. 

"He can't swim?" She hissed and she swam back to him. She held him but he was too heavy to be pulled by her. She kissed him to help him breathe and she held him close to her as she swam back to the surface.

Marissa did chest compression on him and she continuously patted his cheek. "Wake up."

Colton didn't wake up even after the constant tapping on his cheek, so she had no choice but to perform Mouth to Mouth CPR on him. 

He coughed up some water as she did this but still didn't open his eyes. 



Marissa looked in the direction where the voices were coming from and she could see that they all seemed to be looking for someone.

"Must be his family," She muttered. "They seem to be looking for him." She stood up and threw a stone in their direction to get their attention, but only Natasha turned.

"Over there!" Natasha shouted as she noticed Colton lying on the floor. Everyone Immediately rushed to him.

"What happened to him?" 

Everyone wondered but Colton sat up immediately and his eyes searched the people around, he looked for her but didn't see anything like her.

"Where is she?"