
Chapter 2 - Bethrothed

 "Where is who?" Michael asked, but Colton stood up and went towards the sea. He was about to dive in again but was caught in time by Michael.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to go to her! Colton yelled, struggling to go inside the Sea.

"Who are you talking about?" Charlotte queried as she rushed towards them too.

Colton glared at her and she immediately closed her mouth. He forced his hand off Michael's hand and he was about to jump in again, but Micheal hauled him out. 

"Where are you going Col?"

"I want to go to her!"

"Go to who?" Michael held both his shoulders, hoping to shake some sense into him. 

"I want to go, Just leave me!" Colton struggled to free himself from his father, but Micheal didn't let him go. He held him tightly, and with the help of Mr. Benson, they took him home and called the doctor over.

"What happened to him?" Michael asked as the doctor stepped out of Colton's room. 

"Mr. Chapman, his emotions are in disarray."

"How so? Michael furrowed his brow at the doctor's report.

"He still hasn't gotten over the death of his mother."

"But that has been ages ago. Doctor, What can I do to help him forget?"

"Make him happy." 

"I have never ceased doing that."

"Well, I'll suggest you increase the dose of happiness you serve to him."

"Okay Doctor," Charlotte added before Micheal could speak further.

 She was aware of the fact that Micheal had done all he could to bring a smile back to Colton's face but it was all to no avail.

"I don't know what to do Char." Michael lamented, sadly placing his head on Charlotte's shoulder. He sighed with dejection as he thought of his only Son.

"We'll keep trying. He'll probably forgive us someday." Charlotte rubbed his back with love. 

"He holds me responsible for Cynthia's death," Micheal let out another sigh.

"It's okay Micheal, he'll come around soon." 

"I hope he does," Micheal croaked "I can't stand seeing him this way."

Michael Colton is a man that loves and cares for his family. He married Cynthia (Colton's Mom) due to pressure from his family. Their company was going through a crisis at the time and they needed to collaborate with some other company to revive it. His father made the arrangements and he had no choice but to concede, since it was for the good of everyone. 

Michael slowly started falling in love with Cynthia after two years of their marriage. She was everything he wanted in a woman. She was Calm, Sweet, Intelligent, Caring, and Beautiful. 

 However, he hadn't gotten to tell her how he felt about her when he met his ex at a party and they both got drunk and had a one-night stand. 

Michael felt guilty and would always think of a way to tell Cynthia about his fling with Charlotte but the chance never presented itself.

The problem began when Charlotte called him to tell him she was pregnant and Cynthia happened to be the one that answered the call. 

Micheal shook his head and inserted his hand in his pockets "He won't even let me explain myself." 

"Micheal, you should know that he is too young to understand all this. He will give you a chance when he gets older."

"I hope that happens soon." Micheal raised his head from Charlotte's Shoulder. His melancholic gaze stayed on Colton for a while before he traipsed out, with Charlotte trudging behind him.

"Dad, how is Col?" Natasha hurried toward her parents as soon as they arrived back in the living room.

"He is better." 

Charlotte got some cold drinks and served everyone, since the party was left halfway. 

She sat beside Micheal who didn't even take note of her presence beside him. His thoughts were on Colton and what he could do to pull him out of the abyss he has fallen into.

"Excuse me." Micheal stood up abruptly and sauntered to his study to think of what to do.

"What's up with Colton?" With his back still on the door, Mr. Benson asked as he entered the study following Michael.

"I don't know what to do to help him."

"What has happened now?"

"It's still the same old, but I think he is getting worse."

"What did his counselor say?" 

"She thinks I should get him someone of his age, who he can talk to, so he can reduce the pain in his heart by telling it out." 

"Oh," Mr. Benson gave a heavy nod. "Then, get him someone."

"Do you think I haven't tried?" Micheal turned and took a seat. He pointed to a chair for Mr. Benson to also sit on. 

"You didn't get anyone even after trying?

"No one wants to be with a deranged person, no matter how old he is." 

"But Colton isn't deranged."

"You and I know this because we're close to him, Others don't."

"I understand." Mr. Benson crossed his legs and tapped his feet on the ground as he thought about an idea that just struck him.

"Hey Mikey, how about Ava?


"I mean, how about we make Ava the girl you're looking for?" 

Micheal immediately turned to Mr. Benson, his gaze filled with surprise and gratitude. "You mean, you'll allow your daughter to be around Colton? Even though you know how aggressive he can get sometimes?

"Of Course Micheal, Colton is also like a son to me."

"Goodness Ben! I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that."

"Well, I've always wanted our friendship to last for generations."

"Wow," Micheal muttered gratefully. He could understand what Mr. Benson was asking for.

"She can stay with him and slowly make him loosen up to her and then he can tell her things he Couldn't tell you."

"I don't know how to pay you back for this, Ben."

Mr. Benson chuckled with pride. "You can start by announcing their betrothal." 

"Oh Ben, Thank You so much."

"I'm always here for You Micheal."