
Why I can't get her out of my head

Then Guan yin lifted her one hand and softly grabbed HongYi's hand which were placed on the table " Mr. li about that female lead role of your upcoming drama, The longing star? I think I'd be the perfect fit! even my acting coach says I have a great screen presence".

Then he frees his hand from hers and said" okay! leave your contact to secretary Jun, and I'll see what can I do for you" he just said to him while moving his fingers on his phone

"oh I'm sure you can help a lot for me, you're the li HongYi after all, as Zhi enterprise is everywhere" she felt like saying that is not enough she must do something to get the role as it was only her last chance or else she won't make up

" But the question is, what can I do for you in return?" she stood up and move a little closer to his ears and said " my room is just upstairs".

"maybe another night" but HongYi didn't give her a Little importance not to her and to her words cause the only thing in his mind was xiaozia and the moment when he hold her in his arms under water.

Then he quickly stood up and fix his shirt and grabbed his coat from other hand and came out from that place and ordered secretary Jun to bring the car who was standing at a distance of 10 feet's from him.

secretary Jun quickly did what he is asked to and open the door for him than they both sat in the car and left.

On the way secretary Jun asked " leaving so early? not even staying for any drink? what wrong with our Yi?" and laughed a little

"hey stop! laughing I'm not in mood of anything" at that for a minute he got irritated like a child and then closed his eyes and fold his hand back around his head and secretary Jun didn't dare to spoke a word

For few minutes they don't spoke a single word but suddenly in a blink he moved his body forward to driving seat Suddenly asked him" did you manage to find anything about her?"

secretary Jun who was driving carefully and calmly before done with a rush driving for a moment and then continue driving smoothly as he was scared the way Yi approach him.

" hey! quickly tell me did you find anything about her?" he again asked him

" yes! sir, but you should not give me like this while driving, something bad could also happen" he wants to say more but he can't do that as he also has to keep his job.

" okay! but tell me who is she"

"she was Tang xiaozia daughter of Tang huangzhi, owner of TX artiste agency, her father suffered from a stroke a year ago when his investment went horribly wrong, and she took over it immediately after she graduated from her college and..."

" and what? finish yourself"

" She is 23 years old and single"

He didn't ask anything further just sat comfortably and keep thinking ' if she was an agent why she was with the photographer by the pool.

It was just a split second, but it felt like time had stopped when I held her in my arms. it felt so familiar.

Those gleaming eyes had claimed me once. But where? why I can't remember and why the hell I can't get her out of my head. it's freaking crazy '.